The first model we operated with, which I remind
the Presbyterians who gave us the money to forge $ 2000 the only
reason I say that too many smug Methodists around here.
(We never give away any money!) You have now. You have given us
$10,000 in two hunks out of the National Board and we hope
that will be continued (and increased). The Presbyterians will
get red faced .
I'll not go into detail an 5th City model but we
had to forge first of all, what you might call, infiltration model.
And you probably remember that in terms of the Mobile Cadre, in
terms of the Imaginal Education construct, in terms of the community
services pattern, and in terms of the forging stakes and the creating
of guilds.
In the first two years of operation we moved with
that model and we feel that it was practically useful and it's
pretty clear .
Golly I appreciate what old Baggett did up here.
I thought Baggett's talk was tremendous. I had never been able
to get the repentance as clearly as it was in which you give up
your illusions, your victim image, your floating, etc. and then
you build models. It's unequivitable. You're a model builder.
You create the future and that figure of how the future is, the
future is coming. And then your model, in a way, determines the
crux of that, or to put it in another way, it is always at hand,
which I thought was rather fantastic. Any way that model is that
without which we would not have anything called 5th City today.
But that was just the beginning model. Now we have
brought together the model as action. Which of course, is highly
complicated, and I give the conclusion of what I want to say at
the beginning that this is exactly what has to happen in
every single parish across the face of the globe, if, and when,
the church is renewed in the 20th century. Now I do not mean this.
This is simply an illustration for anyone else this is
an abstract model of what they have to accomplish (in building,
if they will be) the concretion of in their particular local parish.
m is also has to be done by the church on the world's local level,
exactly this way, and it tas to be done on a regional national
level, etc.
Now perhaps I had better give you sort of
what I might say the outline of what, if it were not for
you, would be a lecture here. Because I think your kind, now,
across this country has possibly been giving this kind of a lecture.
And as far as I am concerned this is where the spirit edge is
this kind of a lecture, in principle, declares to the World,
the scope of it), for me is not yet clear and I am quite sure
that you may have more clarity about it than I do. And at the
moment, the structure is not going to be the popular form of that,
but this will be the depths of the popular form of it.
I think in the introduction that when you begin with
this kind of a model that you have, at least, there different
Jobs to do. And that is to spel1 out the inclusive city of our
time and this looks a little bit like this, for me.
The city began as a shrine city, then become the
strong hold or political city, and then became the city of the
merchants or the economic city, which is the one which we have
Just passed through and learned to hate so much. Now the mutation
in the urban revolution (Who wrote that up here? Look at that/)
That the radical mutation in human settlement put in sociological
categories rather than individualistic or mind set categories
- is that all of these have come together in a gestalt as never
before in history. I mean a self consciousness gestalt
And that means that this I could get behind that blackboard
and stick my first through that circle them you would get what
I mean by the radical mutation, or the metamorphosis is human
settlement that the urban revolution is.
I'm going to mention now, precisely, because everyone
in this room has exploded into a kind of synthesis and the interesting
thing to me is that the shrine aspect of it the cultural
to use other language is at the very heart of it.
Now, it seems to me, if we are going to build a parish
plan that have got to get the broad sociological context and it
will be something like that.
Then, I think, that you have to spell out, if you
are going to grasp this kind of a model, the priority of the cultural.
We are pretty clear, and we are going to come back to that, in
a little bit, that the world understands today as never before
that in order to change society you are going to begin with symbols.
This is what I have oft times said to many of you that I think
Adair meant when he said that there is always an evangelical awakening
before a social reformulation. William Temple also said that very
same thing. And if you get it out of the damned reductionistic
Christian terms, you see, this is the way a human being operates.
And now that you see that, you say, "Hell yes, that's what
self consciousness is. Or somebody said that that word is so reducible
that you ' You got to create another one. I would like to call
(that's, what) it consciousness of consciousness means. God is
conscious, let's say. We are conscious of being conscious. And
here is the basis of humanness. Therefore, the political and the
economic aspect of human existence can take care of itself
to make an over statement for the sake of a point' If you are
able to create living, breathing, powerful symbols of significance
for mankind which means that while we have been sitting around
thinking of ourselves a nothing as clergymen or churchmen; my
God, the universe, in potential, is in our hands. Therefore we
ought to make ourselves aware, you see, of any kind of a victim
image, or have Baggett get up and call us to repentance again,
particularly at that point. And when you see this you see that
it was always so. Back in philosophy the priority by Marx was
given to the economic, but hell in actuality he gave people a
new image and that's what enabled in 7 years for communism, in
terms of its hold to literally cover the globe. I think that its
crucial that we see that where er are dealing with model building
in this area.
An then, it seems to me, that you have to spell out,
or at least I have to get clear, the role of your parish, whether
it happens to be inner city this one happens to be inner
city whether it be suburban, in relationship to this broad
goingonness in out time. If you are living in suburban you have
get to understand its role. If you're in the inner city, or if
you are out in the Exurbia then you have got to grasp this. And
in this area, I'll not go into it, it has to do with the power
of the inner city men as you create the new image of humanness
in our day. And it has to do with the fact that the inner city
man to the degree it raises his inner cityhood is a mirror,
a necessary mirror for the suburban man, necessary for suburban
man a mirror to him. And lastly, your inner city, in a conscious
unconscious fashion, has the key to the new architectural
form of the city itself, in the sense that you certainly are going
to see a city in which this spread of deterioration of the inner
city that goes out. Where does it end? In Paduca, Ky? When that
is stopped, you see, and the whole thing is turned around in this
kind of a direction. Anyway, where ever your parish is, if you
are to grasp your model, something like that has to be clear in
your own mind.
Then I want to deal a moment with the basic operating
principles, or the model philosophy, lf you please, or the functional
presuppositions, and then I want to deal with the abstract behind
the model, and then I want to take one area of it and illustrate
that and then where ever I do it, I wand to deal with the methodology
a little bit in how we build a model such as this, and if I run
out of time I'll stop and later on we can do it. But I think that
perhaps we need to look at that model a little bit together.
Now, the master construct you don't have. You have
the five parts of the model. The master construct is something
like this that holds together the economic, the cultural, and
the political. You don't have that yet, but you've got the five
parts You have the economic, and you've got the symbolic; you've
got the educational; you've got the postural' and you've the politick1
in it.
Now, one thing that this model gives away immediately
is the emphasis upon the symbolic. There are five parts to the
model. And a unit of one is given to the political and a piece
of one is given to the economic and three pieces are given to
the cultural. And this is the symbolic, and in many ways this
belongs in the centerthough we didn't have our model set
up that way and I'll show you why in a moment. It has to do with
the symbolic, the educational, the postural or the stylistic.
And the reason why in all models because of the uniqueness of
our situation which is Just utter lack of education that we really
give one beat here and one beat here and one beat here and three
beats here, if you see. In another situation it might be different
is sometimes I think that because of the radical upheaval in world
view that ordinarily we've got an educational job to do anywhere.
That's got to take just a tremendous amount of our effort, but
that does not take away from this or the fact that it is the cultural
that finally upheavals the whole culture of civilization.
You have five sheets of paper, You've got the economic;
you've got the style; and this and this and this. And each one
is a construct) in itself built upon the same abstract model
and now I want to deal with just the high abstraction in that
There are actually five points to it. You remember
that in dealing with practical revolution area we use the third
prime number. We deal with the number five here whereas in our
theoretical models we deal with the second prime number which
is three. So you're whole thing is built this way 1,2,3,4,5 and
then down this way 1,2,3,4,5. Now you can begin to get a part
of the method of model building of this type by seeing that.
This is your first area and perhaps you remember
that in our model building in terms of the world we begin with
a grid and then we move to a sociopolitical analytical chart
in order to get at the problem construct of a particular area.
Now the grid here is already assumed because you are dealing with
a parish and in this case it is 5th City. But there has to be
a grid that finally reaches to the world fcr 5th City makes no
sense whatsoever rationally. So this is your first one. And this
is your abstract picture of the social going on ness that is a
part of humanness and a crucial part. Now, then, the second
thing in this chart is the problems. I do not mean in necessary
order. But you will find the problems in these, 1,2,3, 4 boxes
the side plus another one which is at the top which is category
number one. That is to say, that in our analysis of 5th City,
the fundamental problem in each one of these were in adequate
communal structures to even begin to deal with the problem. Now
in some places this is not true. That you have got all kinds of
communal structures that are there that are not operating properly.
In 5th City almost nothing, almost nothing in this area. Anyway
that is problem number one/. And that goes throughout the same
problem here. And you'll notice that down underneath that is your
format of the kind of structures that have got to come to be
which I'll come back to it a moment. If those four problems around
the edge are meant together to be utterly inclusive absolutely,
completely, finally inclusive in intentionality relative
to the area that they are dealing with the economic, the
symbolic, etc. Maybe as an illustration, if you take the second
one, that's the LUA and look at that for Just one moment, in our
opinion after the fact that there are no symbolic structures in
5th City or relatively none.
The first problem has to do with human dignity and
this is really you eschatological problem of the fundamental victim
image for the negro and this is a symbolic matter or a spirit
matter. The second one ever here is the problem of American negritude.
That is they have been brain washed to believe by us that they
are not negroes but are human beings and this is destroying them
right down into the very bottom of nothing itself. And something
has to be done there. This, by the way, is what it meant by Black
Power if we really understood it as the great creative thing that
it is. m e third problem area has to do with the inner city itself,
For instance, they do not understand that the inner city is that
without which the new world corning to be cannot be the new world.
You understand that. That the very deprivation in terms of poverty,
their political emasculation is the gift that is & ing to
change the world. And this is simply crucial that they understand
that to live any place else rather than in the inner city in our
day is to be out of it. Is to be utterly out of it. That goes
for me, for you, or for anybody else. Now after you say that you
have got a hell of a lot more to say and you don't have to move
into the inner city to be the inner city. I want to get that clear.
And then, the last problem is this global community.
This is not well put. The problem is they have got to damn we11
leap frog themselves over the reductionism, the bourgoisism, to
be the utter global man in the postmodern world in the call.
And this is going to be an extremely difficult thing to symbolize.
But these are what the problems are as we analyze them. I guess
that I need not point out that where that is on that chart that's
the way it is. It's not that we need a little more edifice here,
or you've got enough experts, you see, or opinion here, or that
you can't be so dogmatic, see. I mean this the way it is. That
is to say, 5th City is not something out there. Now the only reality
you can point to with 5th city is looking through this out there.
Do you understand that? That's what model building is. m en if
you've heard him the same thing was done with all of these and
I'll not [eke time to got go through these, but just to give you
the operating principle.
And then I think I want to come to the structure.
And these are the basic institutions of correct that word structures
that have to be created to get at these problems. Now, there is
a basic organization in each one. In the economic it is the Urban
Services Exchange; in the symbolic it is the Lyceum of Urban Arts;
in the educational it is the College of Urban Education; in the
postural it is the Foundation for Urban Living; and in the political
and I don't like this too much we're a little afraid
of the party and don't want to put down same of the things we
want and also the syndicate a little bit so we put down
the Urban Enablement Organization.
Each one of these is a entity in itself. It provides,
that is composed of four constructs, each one standing on its
own bottom but a part of the whole complex. And they are in these
squares around here. You notice that they are numbered 2, 3, 4,
5. The number one should have been there with the LUA even though
in one sense that is empty. That's the most powerful. That's the
symbol of the whole thing. But you have these different ones here.
In your economic one, the one on economics, we might look at this
one very quickly. You've got your Employment Security bureau and
fundamentally we mean that's going to be an automated skilled
job construct. That is it cannot be what we've meant in the past
by an employment agency.
And then the Citizen's Redevelopment corporation.
Each one of these has complex of tasks. In principle each one
has to have spelled out the five functions that it is going to
perform always in relationship to these problems. I should have
put it this way: Each one was created to deal with a problem area.
And then you have a Family Health Clinic and the Fifth City Cooperative
Markets, which is going to be a complex of co-operative enterprises
that attempts to beat the rap of the horrifying exploitation of
the ghetto person relative to marketing, or to retail benging
to put it in other language. And you'll notice that there is a
complex for each one of those The next category, maybe I'll turn
to what we call the instruments. Now we are aware of an irrationality
here. not in terms of the major construct but in terms
of just sharpening each one of these. Perhaps the easiest one
to get a hold of there would be the one that's under POL.
Under POL we have four basic, primary community instruments.
Now this part is not thinking of the community in its segmented
aspects such as housing, employment j and this kind of area, but
just the community as an organic thereness in the civilizing process
like I am a thereness, or the Ecumenical Institute is a thereness,
or your local congregation is a thereness. And now you're talking
about an urban construct, a social construct as a thereness in
history. And you're dealing with just the basic leverage tool
to move then into this kind of awareness of being a community.
And if you look at the style, one of these things
is a node. There is no node in 5th City save the Ecumenical Institute
and we are right now a powerful node. And as we move in 5th City
we want to shift not like damn romantics who come here
and say you've got a fence around this place. I want to say horse
manure to this. They are never revolutionaries. They are sentimentalist.
We want to shift the nodal aspect of fifth city from right here
to a particular point, and we've got three points where we can
shift it. But nark you you're playing with fire when you do that.
Your thing can collapse like a balloon over night if you don't
move with fantastic speed.
In the past churches were nodes. They can not be
now, certainly. Other times schools were nodes. They cannot be
now. But what is going to be a node is what a group of people
decide is going to be a node. And this I think we've got to watch
very carefully. We've got to have nodes or these cannot be an
urban community.
And then the second one, we've got to have arteries, Now these can be all sorts of things. Our stakes in a way may very well be arteries. And then we've got to set up a travel bureau. We sent a fantastic group of young people to Detroit. Right after Christmas we're sending a group of the iron men in Fifth City to Washington, and to New York (I wish you were set up there, Arthur) Just the power of the interchange.. But you understand that this people have got to get out of the Ghetto, missionally, or there isn't going to be any community back here. Add then lastly, there has got to be a life style.
Now when you come to things like this, you see finally
that these things are inseparable. That the style cannot be separated
from the image in education and it certainly cannot be separated
from the symbols. It is just interlocked, like that. And finally
you cannot separate these. In other words socially, social political
existence is a common cadre. It's a whole block. In style you
begin to see this.
Already this style is way down the road. First of
all the people in 5th City know they are Fifth Citizens. This
is amazing that in this short of time that could be created. Also
in 5th City there is a cadre of iron men that has penetrated.
You begin to build your style this way. There is no doubt but
that the insignia itself those of you who were here this
summer had those buttons our insignia is beginning to develop
life style. Perhaps I ought to point out it has to do with ethics,
with morality, with social construct relations, relational to
relation constructs, fundamentally. To use it in the old language
individualistically it has to do with character building or character
patterns. Though philosophy is really the category, put over in
a contextual 20th century sense, this is the recovery of an authentic
morality within the urban situation.
Everybody is very excited about this and our model
tells us that if you come back three years from now you're going
to have a surprising character walking around 5th city out here.
Just because somebody built a model. Just because somebody built
a model. I wish that there were some astro-scientists here who
could say, "Well, we thought you damned sociologists would
never wake up." Anyway, in each case we have this. One of
the tools you'll notice in the education is a bookery. Another
one, I think they used the term "Voice" there, but I've
got a private one the old English way of spelling "pamphlet".
We're out to create a pamphlet movement within 5th city where
everything that a group of people needs to know is put in simple,
simple statement in big letters, hopefully, and precise. They
need to understand the history of their place, They need to understand
what human rights are, in a condensed way. And so on and so on.
Also ac we went to see Dick Gregory, some time since, and we have
been thinking of a newspaper for 5th city. And he approved just
amazingly. He says the Black, in his opinion, people of the Ghetto
need somebody who would take the N.Y. Times news weekly summary
and reduce it into captions or Just brief sentence statements
and that every week this would be. And they would read this. They
wouldn't understand in depth but he said that and this moment
they don't need to understand in depth but that they need a broad
picture. They need to know when a rebels begin whos is in Congo
again. They need to know today, not tomorrow what's happening
in Rodhesia. Well any way that is a part of the pamphlet move.
Then the last one are the forces. And this is exciting.
What one shall I do? The political one is the hardest. I mean
because you've got the machine looking over your shoulder. Our
state senator is a Jewish man who lives up on the Gold Coast.
Does that tell you a whole story? Up on the gold coast. Our Ward
is so gerrymandered that so long as it remains gerrymandered you
haven't got the slightest opportunity of being actually represented.
Or as we put it here, there is theoretical suffrage in 5th city
but there is no actual suffrage. Do you understand that? And this
is true of the Ghetto across the country.
We are out to get the people needed here. There's
a young man who has been in the State's Attorney's office as a
lawyer who is a party man, a machine man to the core, but he's
a man of faith. This is what we need. To hell with experts, the
hell with expertise. We need men of faith who can use what they
know for the sake of mankind. That's what the world is in need
of. And we in the church need to know that. As it said in the
scripture in our capital verse yesterday. If you are a man of
faith you have insight into the meaning of everything. If you
are a man of faith you know everything. Well we have to learn
Now your forces, and I call then here, in the broad,
Neighborhood Reformulation catalytic forces. Here is one of them
which is now the catalytic which will turn into the leadership
construct in 5th City and that's the one at the top and this is
Local Action guilds. (Buss points out Paul speaking of ascending
into 5th heaven). That's tremendous, just simply tremendous. This
is the realm of the angels. Well it is. This is the Spirit realm.
This the new supernaturalism, to use a word from Richard Niebuhr.
This is the new translation, this the new spirit domain. This
is Heaven.
Now, I think you have to understand just a little
about this. We have, and I won't go into that in detail because
it doesn't have anything to do with the action part, but it has
to do with the building of the gathered church that finally has
to execute this we have the place divided up into five
sectors, that's fifth city. And there will be two stakes, an A
and a B stake, in each one. That gives you 10 stakes or house
churches or revolutionary cadres. And there are going to be 20
in each one. That gives you 200. The none of this group is the
Fifth City's 200 Iron men. Now we are way down the read on this,
in building this. But we are out to get 200 iron men who wear
the badge, whatever that badge is that symbolizes that their life
is laid down for the sake of reformulation 5th city in relationship
to the whole globe. Now they will meet in their groups of 20 every
other week and every other week the, are going to be the board
of directors to LUA, CUC, etc. Or they are going to be the action
cadre the local action cadre responsible to doing the Job in education,
in economics, and in political, etc. Now that's the first.
The second one of the forces are what we call the
re entry forces. Now everyone of these has a local and everyone
has a re entry. m ere is going to be no reformulation of the inner
city until the re entry cadres. But there are also, and remember
this well, there is going to be no reformulation in suburbia until
you build the same damn thing. That is, the people that are awake,
finally you've got to be assigned to move in that horrible place
called Evanston up here, and live to do it. To awaken the forces
and to completely re do it while they build this. Now the re entry
force could be what we call our mobile cadre, our teachers cadres,
our college cadre, etc. And then, we feel the necessity of following
external forces who have other missions, primarily, but are auxiliaries
to this particular mission. And we are interested mostly here
to get the rest of Chicago behind us. We're say in getting the
LUA, the one of the Lyceum of Urban Arts, of having a Chicago
Patrons auxiliary and be try to pull in the suburbans here. In
the one in the political, it is very obvious what is there is
the civil rights movement in which no longer does the civil right
take, for instance, work in the West Side according to their plans.
They work here according to this model. Do you understand that?
You use them, see. And this, of course, has been their problem.
And them this has to be related in however it is to be done to
the total white church. And of course, we have a built in image
here that's easy. But it's not, it would be no more difficult
for any body else if we start this exchange business. You see
this could be done over the country. You get a group of people
sent here and hell we'll take care of them for two or three days.
We send a group of people there and hell you take care of them.
Anyway we call this the summer workshop, work camp, teacher seminar,
etc. Now these are the basic forces.
Behind this is the church behind the church. But
it's on the other side of the board blasting that out. And of
course that's the Ecumenical Institute which is the same kind
of thing that you're doing in your region. You have to be the
undercover BANG that gets these forces circulating. Without this
it is not going to happen. It has to be there. This is why your
regions and the cadre on that level is simply crucial. Remembering
always that the only thing that's important is this: you and I
are nothing. We are catalysts. We're catalysts add we are going
to live our lives and die our death as catalysts. And to put that
in the broad picture, the people of God are nothing. I mean when
you stick your fingers in them, hell you don't get anything. They
have nothing to do with civilization. They are simply the power
behind that keeps civilization or develops it which would probably
be better. This is another way to say we are the ones who are
already dead, who have given our lives, or who are men of the
Now, I'll stop in Just a minute.
The method of model building I won't go through except
to remind us of maybe one thing, unless you have questions, of
Aristotle used this kind of a figure in which he
said that a man begins with empirical data, and them moves up,
and this was his world view, to the rational abstractions which
drives him back to the empirical data which forces him up into
the rational abstractions. This is the abstract of a model and
when you build a model and I need not tell you how damned
hard and horribly difficult and frustrating it is, for it demands
your rational reflection as you and I are usually not used to
using the mind that God has given to us. It begins in what is
the empirical data that you have, and you need all that you can
get, you see, but you do not wait until you can get all you can
get before you do this. And I am not talking about the way things
ought to be. I'm talking about the way things are.
This is the way our mind actually functions. You
begin with this and this, I don't have a copy here, was made out
by our living here and by our being utterly sensitive to this
community as rarely any community has had anybody be sensitive
to it and forging all kinds of sub models that draw together our
kind of data, plus we have picked the minds of the people in this
community, I mean at least 20 or 30 times together and then had
them organize their data into their own charts, if you please.
Anyway we had an amazing amount of empirical data, plus the head
or kind of research that was there. Then our fundamental abstract
model that we began with, without which this would have meant
nothing. This was that society was made up of the economic, the
political, and the x~1 cultural aspects. This is the importance
of that socioanalytical chart. We began with than and then
we seesawed this back and forth, back and forth, back and
forth. And this means that you build, of course, a great many
models before you get your model. And the one you build is, by
definition, never right. It is never finished. You Just decade
one day to put a period to it, you see, to put a period to it.
But when you do you know that the operating principles of inclusiveness,
internal consistency, and I would almost want to add to that ancient
dictum, relevance, or possible effectiveness within the model
Now to give you my conclusion that I gave you earlier.
It's got nothing to do with circles and this kind of thing; although
mark you, its this chart that's going to change Fifth City. And
mostly I mean these circles and arches and crosses and boxes,
etc. rather than the content in it. And its the chart and not
the deeds that's going to change Fifth City. This has to be remembered.
So you don't underestimate the final picture, graphic picture,
that you're going to come up with. But ever' parish in the United
States? every parish in the world has got to build their parish
battleplan. And, from where we stand, it has to do with an understanding
of society; it has to do with a rational grasp of the problems;
it has to do with providing the kinds of structure necessary to
solve these problems' it has to do with the instruments whereby
you get the leverage to build those structures; and it has to
do with the forces that are necessary to carry it out. With that.
I'll stop.