1. The tactical model for the reconstruction of the Local Church is, in the final analysis, an abstract model. As concrete and practical as it is, it is of necessity built on the theoretics arising out of years of practical experience in the renewal of the Church. The galactic auxiliary unit responsible for the reconstruction of four Local Churches in a given galaxy is faced with myriad decisions having to do with the particularities of the local situation. The kind of detail manifest in the abstract tactical model demands that a method be provided which orders the tactics by a rational priority scheme which will give, across the continent, a common model for proceding with and evaluating the tactical process of reconstruction. The priorities are the final link between the abstract, tactical system and the scene of Local Church reconstruction.
1. THE PURPOSE OF PRIORITIES 2. The priorities rationale is based on certain basic principles which bring objectivity to the process of arranging priorities within the tactics. It is necessary to thouroughly understand the purpose and function on priorities in the reconstructive process and it is also important to understand the theory which guided the development of the priorities of the tactics. The priorities are a greatsymbol of the concrete possibility for the reconstruction of the Local Church and are a crucial tool in the hands of the auxiliary unit. | |
PRIORITIES CONTEXT | 3. The foundation of the tactical system is mirrored in the contextual chart which, in elemental fashion, lays out the beginnings of a priority system based on years of practical experience in Local Church renewal. The charting of detailed priorities is based in the wisdom of the contextual chart and forms the keystone for the entire tactical system. Without priorities the tactical system remains an untested theory. The priorities serve as a bridge between the abstract, theoretical tactical system and the concrete action to be taken in the particular Local Church. The priorities are the pathway to building the inclusive time design that will serve as the guideline for the local auxiliary in forging the concrete timeline for specific tactical action. The priorities are based on a fundamental revolutionary concept in which one sees that in taking a certain, strategic tactical step, one does, in fact, accomplish the total objective or the entire tactical system. Only by the ordering of priorities can such strategic steps be determined. |
PRlNCIPLES | 4. Although the tactical system will be completely implemented in one year, all 36 tactics having been initiated, the entire system will be symbolically initiated in the first week. This symbolic, firstweek initiation is possible because of the ordering of priorities and the use of a tertiarylevel electric grid. The entire task of reconstructing the Local Church must be seen as symbolically accomplished in the first week of the experiment in order for the auxiliary to see that actual completion is indeed possible. The priorities are also based on the missional principle which sees the parish as the focus for the tactical action that takes place in the congregation and cadre. The electric grid holds this principle during the phases of the experiment as it progresses through the congregation and cadre toward the parish. This means, in effect, that doing the congregational and cadre tactics in the first year will actually accomplish many of the parish tactics. Finally, in establishing a priorities timeline in the local galactic situation it is of basic importance to discover what tactics are actually happening in each congregation. In addition to raising the morale of the auxiliary, this analysis will serve as a concrete point from which tactical action can be continued and initiated. |
PRIQRITIES FUNCTION | 5. The priorities of the tactical system serve as a basic guideline for the auxiliary in building the actual timeline for the experiment in a local galaxy. It is important that the experiment in the reconstrucion of the Local Church be seen as a common, continual experiment and the priorities are the continental link that bring this commonality. Every congregation in the experiment will progress along the same relative timeline using the same priority rationale. Of course, adaptations must be made on the local scene to deal with existing conditions and needs, but the common rationale will hold the continental image of the experiment. The priorities bring objectivity to the tactical task thus enabling a constant evaluation process to take place within the Regulation Centrum. Without a common priority scheme there would be no way of measuring the progress of theexperiment in a sufficiently widetested basis. The priority scheme enables the auxiliary to initiate the kind of action which will be most appropriate to the final completion of the tactical system. |
SYMBOLIC POWER | 6. The priorities scheme is a great symbol of the possibility of completing the tactical reconstruction of the Local Church. All the galaxies throughout the continent will begin the experiment on January 1, 1971, wherein the first week they will begin common planning on the initiation of the tactical system. This will lead to the concrete steps each will take as the whole system is set in motion. As a symbol of hope the priorities design serves as a significant morale factor among those who are assuming leadership for the experiment in the Local Church by showing what strategic steps must be taken in what relative sequence in order to accomplish the goal. The ordering of the tertiary steps to be taken rules out any possibility of failure and promises success for the experiment in the reconstruction of the Local Church. 7. The priorities system is a crucial element in the tactical reconstruction of the Local Church which must be taken utterly seriously as the glue which holds the power of a continental experiment. While it is not to be taken as an iron model from which there can be no deviation, nevertheless it is understood that the priorities arise out of years and countless manhours of tactical experience in Local Church renewal. The priority scheme is the bond which holds theory and tactical action in tension as the revolutionary task is undertaken. |
II. THE PRIORITIES FORMULA 8. The priorities scheme for the tactical system has been de·eloped by means of a formula which takes into account the power of the total tactical system weighted with the power of the single, local tactic carried on in the local situation. It is important that this formula be understood in order to enable the local auxiliary to create a meaningful timeline for tactical action, making the necessary adaptations from the common scheme. It is the creation and use of the priorities formula which brings objectivity to the priority rationale. | |
PRESUPPOSITIONS | 9. Fifty years of development in church renewal, 16 years of concentrated research on the part of the Movemental Church and four years of practical testing in selected Local Church situations have resulted in the collection of certain wisdom concerning what is effective in accomplishing the reconstruction of the Local Church. This wisdom enabled the building of the contextual chart for the tactical system which gives varied valences to each of the 36 tactics. In deciding what value or weight to give each of these factors in the developing priorities formula a certain amount of arbitrary judgment was made. This, of course, is also true in terms of the decisions made in developing the electric grids for each of the 36 tactics and for the entire system. In order to bring as much concrete objectivity as possible to the priorities scheme the lowest practical level of tactical action was used as a focus, namely, the tertiary tactic. The focus of timeline development in the Local Church will be at the tertiary level, though a general ordering might also be given to the secondary tactics. Priorities have been developed for primary, secondary and tertiary tactics within the system as a whole and also the priorities within the congregation, cadre and parish tactical systems separately. |
TOTAL SYSTEM | 10. A formula has been developed which computes a priority value for each of the 576 tertiary tactics. The formula is made up of two parts: the total system relationships and the local tactic relationships. The total system side of the formula deals with the relationship of the primary and secondary tactic to the entire system while the local tactic side deals with the relationship of the tertiary tactic to the particular tactic and its subtactics. Both the total system and local tactic segments are further subdivided to take into account valence and influence. The total system, because it represents the major thrust is more.important in power than the local tactic. Consequently it was given a weight twice that of the local tactic. On the total system side of the formula the valence factor is comprised of the effectiveness of the primary tactic in relationship to the total system plus its sequential value based on an evaluation of past experience in terms of what must come first in tactical church renewal. Effectiveness + Sequence = the Valence of the primary tactic. Influence value is determined by the total system secondary electric grid. The value equals the number of tertairies which the given secondary of that primary actuates. Valence + Influence = the Total System Value. |
TACTIC | 11. Each of the 576 tertiaries was evaluated on the basis of its effectiveness in accomplishing the primary tactic, the ease with which it can be applied in the average local situation, and the time and energy required to accomplish it. Effectiveness is given a weight twice that of the other two factors. Thus, 2 Effectiveness ~ Ease ~ Time = Valence of the tertiary. The influence value is based on the electric grid for that primary tactic and is computed by the number of subtactics that the given tertiary actuates within its primary. Thus, on the local tactic side of the formula, Valence t Influence = the Local Tactic Value. |
COMPUTATION | 12. In order to give the total system and local tactic the proper weight the simple formula for arriving at the tertiary tactic value is Master Priorities = 2 Total System ~ 1 Local Tactic. The master priority formula then takes this form: 2 Total System (Valence ~ Influence) + 1 Local System (Valence + Influence). Keep in mind that in the Local Tactic, Valence is 2 Effectiveness plus Applicability plus Time. However still another relational value has to be taken into account. In the Total System the Valence has twice as much weight as the influence of the electric grid wheras in the Local Tactic this is reversed and the Influence value is twice that of the valence. Thus the formula becomes Master Priority = 2 Total System (2 Total System Valence ~ 1 Total System Influence) ~ (1 Local Tactic Valence t 2 Local Tactic Influence). It is this formula that is used to arrive at the master priorities for the tertiaries and the sum of the four tertiaries gives the priorities for a secondary, the sum of four secondaries gives you the priority for a primary tactic. However still another consideration has to be taken into account. In order to equalize the mathematical scales used in securing the data for the formula the data were multiplied or divided by the necessary factors. This meant dividing the influence value in the total system by four and the valence by tw.o in the local system. The formula then becomes Master Priorities= 2 Total System (2 Total System Valence ~ Total System Influence . by 4) + 1 Local Tactic Valence by 2 ~ 2 Local Tactic Influence. In order that one series of calculations were necessary the following formula was used: Master Priorities = (4 X Total System Valence) ~ (Total System Influence . 2) + (Local Tactic Valence . 2) t (2 X Local Tactic Influence). The data in the tables and charts of this document may be checked with the use of this formula. The computation of the priorities formula affirms the importance and power of the tertiary tactic within the tactical system. |
13. The priorities ordering, based on the formula applied to the tertiaries, is done for the sake of enabling the Local Church experiment to be one rather that a series of independent projects. There is, obviously, a degree of the arbitrary in arriving at the formula, but the resultant priorities provide an objective guideline for the complex planning and action of the auxiliary unit. It is on the local, galactic level that the actual priorities will be placed on concrete timelines to create the future of the Local Church. | |
III. THE PRACTICS OF PRIORITIES 14. The master priorities scheme for the continental experiment is an abstract rationale which must be put to practical use in the local situation. The priorities system is finally to be used as a resource for developing a timeline for actuating the tertiary tactics during the first year of Local Church reconstruction. Certain basic principles will enable the effective creation of timelines as the auxiliary understands the practice of the use of the priorities system. | |
CONTEXTUAL PLANNING | 15. In order that the auxiliary can actuate the entire tactical system in the first week his planning must proceed on the principle that one begins with the broadest context and narrows the tactical planning in stages to the particular task to be done. Thus, in developing a timeline of tertiary priorities it is well to start from the broad context of the year's plan, then proceed to the quarterly plan, the monthly plan and finally, on the basis of the contextual data, develop the weekly tertiary timeline. In order to do this the auxiliary must be wellgrounded in the details of the master priorities' scheme for the continent before he proceeds to the development of the local priorities timeline. As he examines the tertiaries for timeline planning, the auxiliary must also have the entire tactical system as a context for the selection of primary tactics to be accomplished, and he holds the primary tactic in view as he selects particular tertiaries. This continual broad contextualizing is vital to the maintenance of a common experiment in Local Church reconstruction. |
TACTIC SELECTION | 16. The initial step in creating the weekly priorities timeline is to select the tertiary tactics to be completed that week. The Inclusive Timeline for the continental experiment has already listed the common model for each week of the year. The task of the local auxiliary is to determine, on the basis of the local situation, whether the model is to be followed exactly or whether some adaptation is to be made. In making this decision the auxiliary will proceed to examine first the primary tactic to which the tertiary is related, then the secondary, tertiary, subtactic and supplementary level tactics. The material available in the 36 tactic books provides the background necessary for a briefing on the tactic being examined for the timelining process. The contextual principle of proceeding from the primary tactic to lower tactical levels is important in the study and planning for tertiary tactic selection and placement on the weekly timeline. |
TACTICAL DATA | 17. The 36 tactical books provide a wealth of material for study that will inform the decisions regarding tactical timelining. In addition, the individual tactic electric grids and the master electric grid provide valuable background data. The influence factors for each tertiary can be checked on the master and single electric grids to evaluate the effectiveness of the tertiary being studied. In addition to electric grid study the auxiliary should study the prose material concerning the primary tactic in the tactic book, as well as the procedures for the secondaries and the sentences which describe the tertiaries and subtactics. The sentences actually include material on the supplementaries as well which is valuable grist for the tertiary tactical decision. Study of all available data concerning the various tactical levels related to the tertiary being selected is crucial to a revolutionary decision. |
TIMELINE CREATION | 18. The priorities rationale has been developed only so that an effective, common timeline could be used throughout the experiment, adapted where necessary to local conditions. The creation of the timeline must proceed form the broad to the particular beginning with the yearly design, through quarterly, monthly and weekly plans. The Inclusive Timeline for the experiment blocks the tactics into the four time designs so that each quarter 9 primary tactics are completed, each month 12 secondary tactics are completed and in each week 12 tertiary tactics have been done. The focus of timeline planning is, of course, on the tertiary level, but the abstract Inclusive Timeline gives a priorities design that makes the task appear possible as the auxiliary approaches each week. The auxiliary must design time blocks for each level of tactical action based on the needs of the local situation he is working with. |
19. The auxiliary must continually make use of the broadest context possible in making his priorities decisions. Without the common context and priorities scheme the auxiliary would soon become enmeshed in ineffective and unmeasurable tactical steps. Certain practical steps must be taken to familiarize oneself with the tertiary in order that a local priority can be established. The practical steps in doing this must now be spelled out. | |
IV. THE TIMELINES FOR PRIORITIES 20. The Practics for Priorities have listed the basic principles which guide the preparation for timeline planning. There are certain proven steps which can be taken by the auxiliary as he prepares to make his decision which will enable the most appropriate decision for his situation. These concretions and guidelines are suggested in the paragraphs which follow. | |
TIMELINE GUIDELINES | 21. The auxiliary who approaches the timelining task must see the Inclusive Timeline for the continental experiment as a guideline for his decisionmaking and, while trusting its wisdom, using it in conjunction with his own intuitions regarding the situation at hand. While holding the pole of the comprehensive task to be completed, the auxiliary must also strive to create realistic, achievable timelines. Once the decision has been made concerning the weekly timeline then that decision must be rendered up to the Lord and actuated on the local scene. Weeks and months of tactical planning and action will sharpen the intuitions and skills of the auxiliary model builder. |
ADJ USTMENTS | 22. There are certain adjustments in the common continental priorities model which must, of necessity, be made from time to time in the Local Church situation. Where a particular situation makes obvious a need for change in tactical sequence this must, of course, be done. Certain unique situations in the congregation, cadre or parish may necessitate a shift in priorities or emphases. In certain situations the availability of the required forces to complete the task may not be sufficient and an alternate tactical plan will have to be developed. While the Master Priorities Chart takes into account the time and energy required to do the tactical job, the local situation may indicate that the time required will be much more or much less and a proper adjustment can be made in the weekly time design. The auxiliary must constantly evaluate the number of adjustments made to check their necessity over against the need for holding the commonality of the experiment for testing purposes. |
TACTIC STUDY | 23. The study in preparation for the selection of a given tertiary for the weekly timeline must proceed along certain basic steps. First the tertiary tactic to be studied for possible placement on the timeline must be selected. The auxiliary should then read through the prose description for the primary tactic of that tertiary as well as the prose material for the particular tertiary and its subtactics. There are 16 supplementaries for each subtactic which must be studied in light of the sentences in the tactic book. It is important that the study include an analysis of what is presently going on in the church on the supplementary level in order that local priorities can be selected. This tactic study will prepare the auxiliary for building a concrete battle plan for his week's work. |
TACTICAL TIMELINE | 24. The auxiliary is now prepared to proceed into the final, concrete details of timeline planning. First he must select one or more of the 16 supplementaries to activate which will effect the subtactic and tertiary tactic. The next step is to study the procedures in the tactic book for the whole tactic and those related to the particular secondary and tertiary. The procedures provide an image that will enable the auxiliary to establish his own procedural steps in activating the supplementaries. The auxiliary is now ready to create the plan for activating the supplementaries needed to actuate the tertiary. He must select the necessary procedures and the mini or local tactics which are the concretions on the local scene of the abstract supplementary suggested. Next the focus required and available to carry out the selected steps must be evaluated and finally the necessary instruments must be gathered based on an analysis of the instrument charts in the back of the tactic book. The auxiliary must take these specific steps in deciding on each tertiary to be placed on his weekly priorities timeline in the local church. 25. The procedure for preparing the timeline is a methodical process which can become wooden unless the auxiliary constantly holds the comprehensive vision of reconstruction and continually measures the results of his tactical action. The auxiliary will profit from an almost mechanical use of the procedural steps for several months in his timeline planning in order that the procedure may become second nature to him. |
CONCLUSION 26. The preparation of the priorities scheme is perhaps the most mechanical of the abstract planning for the project in reconstruction, but, in the final analysis, is an exciting breakthrough in providing the possibility for a common, continental experiment. The priorities are witness to the wisdom that the revolutionary churchman very concretely selects the place and time of his expenditure of life. The vast and complex tactical system is useless without the priorities scheme which brings the most minute supplementary step into focus on a weekly time design. The lives of countless churchmen living and dead are contained in the storehouse of wisdom which brought the priorities system into being. The auxiliary stands as the link between past and future as he embodies the decision of the Movemental Church to reconstruct the Local Church on behalf of the Historical Church and for the sake of a new hope for humanness for all men. |