The Prisal Co~unit, Conault tor Querter III, 1974­5 ia the firat ainoe launohing the Experieent on a global besia, January 1. Aa auch, it ia a unique event in the hiatory of the Moveaent. In it, Pariah Cadrea will asnae tbemaelvea to belong to a band of ~uoh groupa around the earth and ~t~nd with colleaguea in a venture on wbiah the aun never aeta.

The apirit rubric a deal with the apirit edge of a~nk~nd, "Hope Wbere There Ia No Hope" Xe' to the Conault it la dealt wilb in the Friday evening apin and re n ectiona, tbe Breakteat Sarlpture /Newa convorastion, and tho lunah oonveroation. The Co~mon Meal providoa the high oolobration at tho close of & turdag afternoon.

Tho work of the Conault deala with tho Global Plan tor b"ilding Primal Coamunitg and tho local isauea relative to effec~ ive participation, Tho Fridag evoning re nectiona and the workahopa are dealgned to allow moving boyond tho "wlah dreama" and

Globe1 Ro~ Conte_ / ~P~ COM~WIT! ~N!

Chi ~q ~Con~ult Manual


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Global Research Centrum

Chicago )'



Consult Manua

Quarter III, 1974­1

~ ~­ ~ ­ ­ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


AIM: To reveal and clearly state the areas of unclarity, paralysis and immediacy that block the Experiment. To state the issues and give permission to bracket or die pose of all s _ what must be resolved to release the­missi~aal thrust of the Parish Cadre.

NOTE: The style is serious and permission­giving. Have a scribe take notes.

_ _

and 2. To get out a corporate, objective picture. Use a cas~al, conversational

­ style but nonetheless get concrete, specific answers. Distribute copiea to all who are present. Complete one Checklist for ea~h Parish. Caution: Avoid discus sing issues relative to the items. The following workshop deals with them.


1. What were some of the miracles that happened ? planned ? unplanned ? 2. What were some of the glorious "goofs" ? (failures) 3.~What were the insights or gifts that came to you ?

MOVEMENT I ­ Brainstorm Questions (20 minutes)

1. Ask each person to list 5 questions, concerns or glitches that block the

\ar­ish Cadre­in doing the Experiment.

2. Ask each person to give one. Open the workshop for additional ones.

3. hi~' these on the board as they are given.

MUV~MbN r 11 ­ cluster gestalt t25 m m uses)

­ 1. Cluster the items under the major categories of the Checklist.

?. Group item6 that don't fit and give them a title.

3. Gestalt the items under each title into related groups.

MOVEMENT III ­ Issue Statements (30 minutes)

1. Look at the clusters of blocks and push the group to intuitively discern the issue or issues behind the data.

2. Do this for each cluster. `­ ~~:

3. Reflect on how these issues stand in the way of this phase of the Experiment which is Catalyzing Troopa. ­

4. Write the ~ssue on the board with a statement of how it blocks the Cadre.

~ ~ ~

MOVEMENT IV ­ Issue Valence 20 minutes)

1. Rehearse the insights from the Eriday night reflections on the missional task

and primal community story.

2. Valence the issues as to:

­ Cruciality in unblocking missional activity now (catalyzing troops).

­ Possibility of being dealt with by this group (some unclarities we have to live with).

­ Present Urgency ­ bracket those that can be dealt with at a later time.

3. Have the group consense on the 3 ­ 4 major issues to be dealt with in the

afternoon workshop,

_ . . . . . . _

CONCLUSION (15 minutes)

. .

_Reflect on ­ Methods used

­ New insights gained relative to the PCE and Parish Cadre

­ Missional Engagement

­ Corporateness, Motivity and Tactical Thinking

Song and Sendout for Lunch


. ~}~ ~ 3. ~L­ ~Consult Manual

Chlcago / T _ Quarter III, 1974­75

~ ~ _ _n _

AIM: To enable the group to creatively construct a viable implementation plan that

deals with the issues they have decided are blocking them.

NOTE: The ntyle of the session~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~g ~ ~= ~ t~ ~ _ ~ _ ~ ~ _

equipped to build practical constructs dealing with local issues in light of

the global implications. Have a scribe take notes to return to Research Centrum.

CONTEXT: (10 minutes)

Rehearse the story of the Experiment, adding additional insights from the morning

Rehearse the present phase objective in light of the issues from the workshop.

MOVEMENT I ­ Issue Manifestations (20 minutes) ~ _

1. Discuss the practical manifestations of each issue with examples of how it blocks the Cadre's mission.

2. If necessary, re­state the issue to tighten and focus it.

MOVEMENT II ­ Issue Resolutions (30 minutes)

1. Where it is helpful, divide the group and assi`,n the issues to them, then do the following ­

2. Fcr each issue, brainstorm 10 resolutions that will deal with it.

3. 'i'Snake­eye" the resolutions and select or create the most effective one.

4, Wri~e a statement for each resolution that holds its purpose and effect.

.. . _

MOVEMENT III ­ Implementary Steps (30 minutes)

1. Rehearse each resolution statement and brainstorm the practical steps to be taken to actualization this quarter.

2. Gestalt the list to 5 practical "how to's."

3. State the 5 procedural steps necessary to enact the resolution.

4. Return to the main group and be prepared to report with the following form on the board or butcher paper:

Issue: Practicatl Stepa

Resolution Purpose 2

: ~ Resolution Effect 3

5. _ _

MOVEMENT IV ­ Battleplan Implications (15 minutes)

1. Have each subgroup report on its work.

2. How do the resolution plans illuminate our existing battleplan ?

3. How does the battleplan illuminate the resolution plans ?

4. How do we concretely actualize the resolutions ? (Push hard here.)

5. When does it get done ? (Put on actual timeline.)

CONCLUSION ­ Reflections (45 minutes)

1. What have been the highlights of this first Global Consult ?

­2. What insights have­broken loose this weekend ? about being a Parish Cadre ? ­ new data relative to primal community ? ­ the global significance of what we have done ?

3. How is primal community the sign of "Hope where there is no hope" ?

Make necessary assignments relative to preparing for the Common Meal and dismiss the group with "The Lord be with you."

.._ P. 12


Contactual "AcoGuntabililv/Absolution

Rites "In tho beginning was the Word..­''


~HAL ca MON=r EL~

Con~ult Manual

Quarter III, 1974/S

In following up on our refloctiona laet night atont Hopc, whst kinds of thinga have you tound yourael! thinkine about' or. ~h.t do vou aasociate with the oatecor' of Hone,

2. Rohearae the categorisa of the Dbrk Night and Long March. What ara tho categorlea of Hope? Xasantsakla talka about Hope aa the last teeptatlon, and whon that Hope la crushod, ~hat do you axperionce? For inat~noo, aa in tho DN/ LM oategorioa, do we not need to do tbo ~ame with the Hope agalnat Hopa?Haybe the, would be Disappoint~ent. Fear, Cowarlice. ani Loatno~

3. Do th~eso aeee right? What do y°u aee in lifo that illu~t~ t.~ th Hopo aasinat HoDe?

4. What do yol~ aee going on in aociot' that illu~lnatea Hone for ust

5. What havo you been r acing that pointa to HoPe?

6. What haa tho Hopa ~hero there q8 no Hope to do with Sooial B*~onatration1

?. Wh~t haa Hope to do with Interoesaory Pragert

Dioalaaal "Tho Lord Bb With Ta. ~

~ ­


D ~


~ ~ _ ~Conault Manui1

Chicago ~ ~ Y Quarter III, 1974­75

FRIDAY NIGHT CONVERSATION "Rofleotiona on Primal Community'

AIM' To rehearae the Primal Coamunlty Experimont atory by' ;.

1, Detining the indicative aituation of Primal Community

2. Dia¢orning the broad lasuea ficing Primal Co~munity

3. Articulating the reaponao the PCE ia called to make to th,~e iaSues

NOTE' The atile of thia aesaion ia relaxed, reflective and casu~l. The apin ia

designed to elicit a colorful verbal picture of the task and dentinal atrugglo

that la the atory of tho Primal Communlty Experiment. ­It~lli be helpful i!

aomaone keepa note a a~ reference points for the & turda, morning workahop.

The convoreation foIlows the arttorm methodology.

CONTEXT' (5 mlnutea)

1. The human aettlament haa alwaya boen primal community.

2. Detine primal co~munity ln teaginel tarma, uaing tho Social Procoas.

­­3. divo a broad hiatorical aweap ­ ~r , Civillcation, Poat­civiliat'


1. Wh~t a~cata ~n your ¢ommunity beat hold the brackdown Or primal com~unity in the 60'8 and 70~8 t

2. Go through tho 9 Pre~aure Pointa aa a moana of getting out axamplaa.


1. What ware the queations or i~auea that got revealed by thaso breakdowns in tho araaa of community wtodom, atylo, aymbol, welfare, Justico and diatrlbutton ?

2. Got 3 or 4 isauea atatad clearlg. III. INTERPRETIVE RESPONSE (15 minutes)

1. Whoro have you aeon a reaponae to thaso isanas ?

2. What dgna have gou asen that thia ia the needed roaponao ­ that the clisata ia right for the reaponse ­ that aamething now ia boing birthed ?

3. What do the so reveal about the nacesaary reaponse that ia called for it the new h~m~n coamunity i8 to omorgo ? N. THEOLOGICAL Q0ESTION (10 minutoa)

1. How would you articulate to a child tho atory of primal community ? ­ ita rolo in tho Journoy of humannesa ? ­ how it illuminatea aociality ? ­­­ita focus on man'a deatinal atrugglo t (Procaduro' Havo one peraon ~tart ­ othera pick it up.)

2. Have one peraon ~ummarizo and ropoat the atory.

3. What dose this tall you about what prim~l com~unity ia ? CONCLUSION' Briefly lay out the contort of tomorrow' a aeasiona and tho relationship t5 ainutes) o! tonight ta connereation to the isauea wa will addreea tonorrow. ~ ·nd S­ndout

­ ­



I Won't Live A Day Without You)~~

To care for all I seek to know what history Has ca'led for me, to bring to be.

The Mystery Consumes my vision constantly Yet finally, no end I see.

When there's no getting over that rainbow When my smallest of dreams won't come true I can take all the madness the world has to give But I won't last a day without you.

For All in All I strive to serve with miracles Which freedom gives, for men to live.

Though passion dies And loneliness is never filled Creation cries, compassion give.


Burdened with All

I am a man who suffers so

Beloved still, a sign that calls,

For others who With ceaseless love for this whole world Would bend their will, to care for all.

Chorus: (repeat twice)
