On the Teams:

"We have become geniuses at teamwork that gets things done. We can now go out and accomplish miracles. Now we need to think of the ontological essentiality of the team and push ourselves towards experience of that reality. Maybe we should watch some movies again, like 'Battle of Algiers' or 'The Guns of Navarrone'. That last one had a scene in it where one of the team was wounded. The leader came up and said, "We have a choice: we can leave you behind and make it through, or we can take you along and probably fail; now what would you do?' His answer, of course, was to leave him behind. But that was the team dynamic. And maybe there are some movies that don't use the war theme. . . ."

Any 6 can make a decision affecting the destiny of us all. Teams keep competition, creative tension. The center table is for commonness. It is run from the little tables toward the center. In the team CONSTRUCT, you cut across centrums. In congregations you would be a team 24 hours of the day. You take care of each other by caring about the task.

The ONTOLOGICAL MEANING: When that happens you discover you find everything you have ever wanted: acceptance, etc. In pioneer days the family was a team. They had to survive and natural relationships came; people did not worry whether someone liked them or not. In a revolution you end up riding someone and you are lost. A revolutionary can only afford to care for every man.

FUNCTION A team cannot know itself unless it has intentional relationship under that which subsumes itself. Primal community is prior to the family


The team is the transocial, as the model is transrational. No one cares about our order. The day after tomorrow the team will play a crucial role in post modern world, What celibacy was to the former world. At one time you were expected to do one thing; that is no longer true. We have grasped the ontological dimension. The Roman Catholics tried to communicate that a nun was the bride of Christ.

At first I thought a team anybody could do. But it is a state of being. If I were to teach again there would be no individual grades. A team would get A or F - To get them to discover this consciousness. It would enhance their singularity and they would live in astonishment of themselves which is the richness of life. You would be a community. Life is a team; effectivity is a team; a team is life.

Think through history. When families were teams. There was authenticity in the team. The teams hold the tension. We cannot operate architectonically. The team avoids lackeyism.

Primal Community, like Ada is the prior value. You cannot have teams without the center table or the primal community. In teaching school you would mix brights and dulls, variety of personalities. You would not compartmentalize them according to subject matters although they would be necessary at firs. You would have four people just work together on an assignment.

Teams and contradictions go together. We need to read sociality rather than come up with an idea. Teams and direct action go together. Team up when there is something to attack. You would seek the Holy Grail alone. They are not permanent.

Team has nothing to do with people. Time is a factor but not a crucial factor. That doesn't mean that when the contradiction is gone, the team dissolves, although they could . It is dynamical. They are related to the total. The center table remained in the center. The team acts in a programmatic action, rather than tactics. In the Senate and House, the members are assigned to various committees.

DISCIPLINE. The quality is unbelievable. The team cannot exist without corporateness or discipline. You cannot have 1 goof off. There is a quality of the brutal in it; you dont give a damn about each other, though you care for each other. Now we care for ourselves. Tomorrow we will care for each other. Now tomorrow we will care for each other in a team in order to care for the world; you get your job done. Then appreciation and acceptance would be squared. Getting out of bed and getting to worship is a team's job; because in essence that is what a team is. Because you are a team it happens. The ESSENTIAL QUALITY of a team is that.

Platonicaly we can't superimpose the contradictions on each team. We could assign a team to one task, next week another team. The team is prior to the contradiction. The team would run the groups. Clustering is the key. You don't have to have people around to have a team. Wherever you are if you are a team there is a team. You are doing team work if a long length of time expires. Band, and it is done. We have to way what it means to be done. You carry the action to its consummation.


1. Twelve on a team­six on a unit

2. Make the team/unit the crucial dynamic

3. Operate 2 by 2 in terms of effective operation

4. The 4 cares: spirit, mind, physical, vocational

5. Preset and on time (accountability)

6. Crack troops: corporate discipline

B. Common journey

8. Wednesday nite meeting

9. Celebration

10. Futuric mission by teams (family

11. Team assignment by families

12. Send a team to Mexico

13. Team battleplan

1. work structure

2. crack troop discipline

3. members recruited to Order

4. Funds raised

5. Collegium participation

6. Celebration, fellowhood

7. Care structures

14. Toward local autonomy

15. In and out unite.


The Washington situation forced us to work as a team. You experienced yourself as a squad. It intensified experience as solitariness. It could be sent anywhere.


basic enablement structure values

relationship of team to temple, congr., eccle
journey thru quarter

team battle-plan

team meeting time design, format





solitary journal

prayer assignment
study -

corporate and


pedagogy training




local autonomy
sacred space




1. Less on care and accountability

2. Obedience

3. St. John

  1. Study
  2. Day II
  3. Sanctification. Sing

The team provides the practical context that enables each individual to act out his own decision to be interiorly discipline for the sake of the future. The individual's decision to be at daily office is held accountable within the team; his decision to engage in creative research is focused in the team. The enablement of the corporate body through the one day wonder is focused through the team at the unit level. Solitary brooding is enabled by the team. The external form of the team is designed to enable, not replace, the internal discipline of the movement.

Corporate work by teams and units dramatizes the dependency of the whole body of it on each of its basic troop divisions. What does it mean for a whole team to assume responsibility for a given practical area of life and do it along with all else they do, to symbolize there is no thing in life that is insignificant. No thing that we are not striving to transform into the art form of humanness.

Team is CARE, EDUCATION, MISSIONAL unit. When I am on a team I pull out of you what I need. Others look brilliant to me. It makes overt effectivity, power.

When someone is on your team, you end up loving them all. You honor them

There is a new kind of corporateness emerging.

1. buddies in a common war

  1. profounding of decision for life. Because you are forced to care for yourself you are invisibly providing care for the other. I am sustained by your presence. It will be the most visible invisibility. We will have a sense of being carried, and carrying flowery beds. It gives each other courage.
  2. Internalization of team dynamic. It is inside. It is trust.

The dimensions of the task is care for group of people and get them released into history. It is turned out ness. You find yourself empowered. There is ease in doing what you have to do

When someone is in trouble you counsel them before the fact, from afar. It is done objectively. Keep the reality of the dark nite of the soul and the voice of God wring in their ears. You tell your troubles in a group. In that way to tell your troubles to yourself, to God.

The transrational if the model; the transocial is the team. The team is an ontological phenomenon. It is a SOCIAL DYNAMIC. Training is transocial as well as transrational. It is education. In Austin we did corporateness in the midst of engagement (University work). The center table does not run it. The smaller ones do.

Any 6 can make a decision affecting the destiny of us all.

Teams keep competition, creative tension. The center table is for commonness. It is run from the little tables toward the center in the team CONSTRUCT, you cut across centrums.

In congregations you would be a team 24 hours of the day.

You take care of each other by caring about the task.

The ONTOLOGICAL MEANING: When that happens you discover you find everything you have ever wanted: acceptance, etc. In pioneer days the family was a team. They had to survive and natural relationships came; people did not worry whether someone liked them or not. In a revolution you end up riding someone and you are lost. A revolutionary can only afford to care for every man.

FUNCTION A team cannot know itself unless it has intentional relationship under that which subsumes itself. Primal community is prior to the family.