A. Setting: Middle of model building
Middle of philosophizing about the work, or a happening during the work
Middle of symbolic life of the sodality, such as
birthdays, song writing, etc.
B. Relationships: Group of people together. Guru
established as the one in charge. Objective of conversation comes
from situation not one imposed. Style is free; not highly structured.
C. Timing: Decide on time beforehand, or break in when appropriate.
Can be first thing
Middle of work
Lunch hour
At the end of a day
after some particular work you could pull scripture
A. Decide on reading style; whether read by group
at home as an assignment or read by guru aloud.
If read by guru aloud:
1. Analyze beforehand. Know background of passage.
Know related information about characters.
2. Give asides
3. Stop and make comments
4. Ask questions such as "I wonder how he figured
that out?"
B. Cover one episode, or two or three. Not necessary
to cover one chapter each day or to complete each chapter. Ordinarily
cover more than one so person doesn't sit and interpret. We're
after the journey or flow, not an isolated incident. Not an art
form conversation. We're after reflection.
A. Ask questions that relate to your interior response
relative to passage. Look for new words that describe that goingonness.
B. Ask poetic questions relative to spirit journey,
such as sheet of paper that turned brown with candle behind: turns
yellow, brown, flame, hole appears.
C. Discuss the dynamics that went on and the characters
themselves according to the passage.
D. Avoid interpretations. Look for spirit journey
E. Define terms that release participants from particular
postures, such as moralism, psychologism.
F. Define terms that get at heart of matter: ontology,
center, self-conscioueness.
G. Develop method to get away from the details of
the story in order to enliven the encounter.
H. Scripture is out for journey of man. Out to elicit
awareness of our own journey.
A. Garrulous. Almost over talkative. Spin subject.
B. Arrive at heart tangentially. Use wisdom from
lecture method. Walk around it in tangents, then pounce on it.
Then give pearl of great price - statement of fact.
C. Keep distance. Not there to have people like you.
You are there so the Word happens; not an illustration of how
to do things.
D. They can develop into gurus. Shocked at their
own insights.
E. Only goal is his transparency.