Journal Writing Global Research Assembly

Lab Mosaic Summer '74



In its primary dimension, to live is to be myself, the "I" which is each one of us, in the environment which surrounds us, and with no choice but to cope with it. But this imposes on life a second dimension, consisting of the need to find out what the environment is. In its first dimension, what we have in living is pure problem. In its second dimension we have an intent or an effort to resolve the problem. We think about our environment, and this thinking creates for us an idea, a map, an architectural design of the pure problem, of the chaos which in the first instance our surroundings appear to be. This architectural design which thought lays over our surroundings, interpreting them, we call world or universe. This is not given to us, nor is it simply there; it is created by our convictions.

Ortega y Gassett

The exercise of building a montage involves me in self­consciously creating my map for "walking among things and realizing my life." Through it, the myriad of visual images and experiences of that which is "verily not me" are called up, ordered, and embraced as my life, my world, my universe.


1. What situations of care are present in my world?

2. Where recently have I experienced care for the world?

3. What categories come to mind?

4. What sociological forms demonstrate care and the need for care?

5. What are my primary concerns at this time?

6. What visual images and/or classical symbols point to the Mt. of Care?

Journal Writing Global Research Assembly

Lab Mosaic Summer '74



7. What visual flow would order (hold) my understandings

i.e., diagonally from corner to corner

to the center, from the center

in a swirl

an explosion from one corner

8. What tensions need to be held?

i.e., serenity­­­busyness large­­­small

dark­­­light vertical­­­horizontal

curved­­­angular progression­­­inset

9. What use of color would be appropriate?

i.e., shades of one color (light to dark) the whole range of a primary color (pale yellow to dark, dark, red) two complementary colors (yellow, green) black and white with color accent


I choose my pictures ­ using multiples of 1 inch for determining

size and shape.

I decide the general arrangement.

I check measurements to be sure picture edges fall on inch lines.

I glue pictures to grid. (Add or subtract.)

I place white tape at 1" intervals, leaving outside edges till last.