PROCEDURES FOR A PROBLEM SOLVING UNIT 1. State the problem. 2. Get a diverse group of people committed to work on it for a definite time (3 44 hours). 3. Look at what has been done in the past on this problem. 4. Describe the product you want at the end of this definite time. 5. Write procedures to get that product. They may include brainstorming, gestalting, small group work, plenary sessions, making charts, interviews, corporate writing, spinning, wild imaginings and role plays. |
breaks open a new arena or moves toward solving persistent problems. |
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The key to creating effective PSU proposals rests primarily
in the ability to brood through a session, -- much as one would brood through
a session of RS1 anticipating the basic Steps, transitions. contexts
and short courses required. This preparation consists methodologically
in 4 basic steps.
1. CONTEXT Write a paragraph which clearly articulates the problem to be AND TASK dealt with, sets that problem in a missional context and lays the concrete demand for resolving the problem now. Concretion and simple clarity are the key here, as this paragraph provides the basic focus of the PSU.
2. FORMAT Next sketch in 35 word phrases the flow of problem solving across the 5 sessions of the weekend. This includes the orientation of the group, evaluation, typing, printing, collating of the product and distributing of the PSU product and report at the end of the Week II.
3. MATERIALS Next list the necessary materials and supplies (in specific quantities) which will be needed for the PSU. Remember that we can't afford anything, and therefore encourage those assigned to use their own personal copies of materials.
4. PRODUCT Next list as specifically as possible the end
product of the PSU in terms or charts, documents models. Describe these
concretely in terms of form t4 x 4), (3 x 3), length (# of paragraphs,
etc.) By being specific here, the PSU will be released to focus on the
research task rather than the form for presenting their work
The PSU proposal should be printed in sufficient quantity
to pass out to everyone at the opening plenary plus again as many to be
printed with the one page PSU accomplishments form as the one page report
to be passed out at the closing PSU plenary on Sunday with extra copies
to be distributed as indicated at the end of this manual.
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KEY: The next task in PSU preparation is working through
the procedures outline. These procedures are a prose commentary on the
weekend They must contain the specific steps, necessary
checks and values to be held and releasing contexts to be given in the
PSU. PSU procedures are the Key Tool in effective creative corporate research.
Step 1: The first step in this is to outline in 58
word phrases the 4 movements in each of the 5 sessions of the PSU and then
break each of the 4 movements into 4 steps. The aim of this outlining process
is to sketch out the basic flow of the PSU so as to avoid snarls and bramble
Step 2: The next step is to hold this outline overagainst
a time flow to anticipate concretely the amount of time available for each
step. Revise the steps to allow for the time allotment.
Step 3: Then transpose these procedures into prose adding
appropriate contexts time indications, workshop conversation questions.
Be sure to include specific time references as a guide to the PSU Leader.
Step 4: Then have the PSU procedures typed
with titles down the left hand side and including whatever charts are necessary.
Print the procedures in sufficient quantity for each person
in the PSU plus give 15 copies to the scribe to be turned in to the Society
Office for Files.
Completed PSU procedures should be turned in by Thursday
at 5:00 p.m. to the society post.
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Week 2 1973
Page 11
LEADERS 1. Consult manual concerning the singing and spirit
2. Lead the spirit conversations.
3. Follow the PSU procedures.
4. See to it that the scribe, printer, and hostess are
aware of their duties.
5. All reports and documents should be printed and collated
for the closing plenary.
SCRIBE 1. Make careful notes at the opening and closing
2. Take careful notes on all spirit conversations.
3. Immediately after the closing plenary, hand in to the PSU COORDINATION OFFICE (Society Post):
a. 70 copies of reports and documents (for files, religious house priors and general distribution)
b. 15 copies of procedures
c. plenary and spirit conversation notes
d. all backup materials and all extra copies
4. Immediately after the closing plenary, place a copy
of the reports and documents in the mail boxes of the Panjayat and session
(about 30).
HOSTESS 1. Consult manual concerning "general symbolic
2. Set up room with decor and altar.
3. Coordinate Meal/Snack Enablement.
4. See that PSU area is left clean and reordered
5. Set out song books.
PRINTER 1. Check all originals to see that proper formats are used and that all
material is clearly typed.
2. PRINT 200 copies of the documents.
3. Print 200 of the onepage report on the back of
previously printed paragraphs.
4. Each page of the document should be numbered.
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