I. Get the context set for yourself.
1. Indicate why the documentation is necessary
2. Indicate what documentation is called for
3. Indicate the time frame called for.
4. Determine the time line of the documentation process
5. Indicate whom the documentation is for.
6. Indicate who will be necessary to do the documentation
II Expand and explore the possibilities.
1. Look at previous reports on the project.
2. Use the Consult Document as your basic tool.
3. Look at other reports that might be used as models
4. Interview key people in person, if possible. If not, phone them.
5. Think through where to go for documentation.
6. Think through the possible arenas of documentation.
1. Get clear on the audience and the questions they are asking. Get behind the reasons for their questions. Get a hold of their mindset
2. Get clear on the real status of the HDP.
3. Start asking hard questions. (Why did you do that? Why wasn't that done?)
4. Get snake eyes on the possible targets by checking on the stunning documentable data
5. Each write down five projected targets on separate pieces of paper. Cluster them on butcher paper. Refine the clusters.
6. Name the targets
(Allow the process to inform the future so that the process is an
ongoing dynamic, with an opportunity to continue learning).
IV. Invent the form.
V. Create the procedures .
1. Look at each arena. List the most stunning documentation possibilities. Don't overlook third party evaluations and statements.
2. Ask how it had been achieved.
3. Examine again the audience's questions.
4. Weave through each arena the underlying haunting address to the audience.
5. Make relevant the methods, philosophy and learning behind each target so their questions are answered.
6. Look again to see if you have missed any jewels for documenting.
VI.. Creating the Product A. Do all of the above procedures B. Type up your raw products C. Look over all of the products, present rationale, flow, appearance. Think about the imaginal .impact of what you have been able to document charts versus prose versus pictures, etc. D. Review the audience's basic questions and standpoint E. You will have things that were not planned in the procedures, and some of what was planned will have proven undocumentable. In the light of what you actually have and your review of the impact and audience, rearrange the pieces to create an imaginally impactful final product. F. Final type; table of contents; camera ready charts page numbers; cover etc.