Symbolic Centrum June, 1973


The Spring Quarter of 1973 was designated to be a period of experimental yet final testing for the new LENS course. It was decided that this was the time for initial penetration into the business and professional communities across the globe. Some 24 courses were conducted across the world --10 in North America and 14 on other continents: 2 in Europe, 2 in southern Asia, 4 in east Asia, 4 in northeast Asia, and 2 in the Pacific Islands.

The spring "Global Shakedown Cruise" consisted of 24 courses, plus a signal pedagogy course for the Guardians of the Movement. Nine courses were held in the USA, one in Canada, three in the Philippines, two in Europe (one in England and one on the Continent), two in Japan and one each in the Marshall Islands, Hong Kong, Taipei, the Pacific Islands, Malaysia and Korea. Over 1300 people attended these experimental courses, including local citizens and members of the International communities.

We have discovered in this quarter that people in every part of the world who have been scarred by having their dreams destroyed many times, dared to believe the hope and possibility they encountered in LENS. Participants found that they experienced a new outburst of energy and spirit.

In the Minneapolis course a man who is director of a community action program in Wisconsin, remarked, "I have been in over 100 methods­training courses in the past five years ­ some of which I've helped design and teach. This is the best I've had!" A Philadelphia woman commented, "I have been given permission to be my age; I switched from phase II to phase III in this weekend." In Manila a major in the constabulary police force who attended the course wrote, "The Guild's deep concern for the human race is a new frontier in global social action and presages a world of peace and understanding where men will be brothers and be one another's keepers, in line with the concept that the earth is for everybody..

Symbolic Centrum June, 1973, page 2


Based on reports from the global teaching teams and the enthusiastic response from participants, it is evident that people are ready and waiting for LENS. Even though our focus in recruitment had been on the American International Business Community, the majority of the participants overseas were local citizens. This turned out to be a great gift as we discovered the kind of impact LENS has on local man throughout the world and developed inroads into business, educational and governmental circles in every country visited.

Next fall it is anticipated that 64 LENS courses will be taught, 32 internationally and 32 on the North American continent. Included in the latter are courses for businesses, social organizations, institutions, community groups, movement colleagues, and special categories. In the interim common models for follow-up and secular recruitment will be polished.

The Shakedown Cruise is completed, the data is being gathered and reviewed. Fall, 1973, the LENS fleet will embark on a global tour.

(Tables accompanying Archived article are available upon request.)