The Global Penetration Design is the Movement's basic Remotivation Design for the Church. Its component forms enable the theological awakening of churchmen.

The world has always had schemes of penetration, that is, schemes which bring to the self­consciousness of a group the revitalized picture of who they are. A penetration design is exemplified by the action of a core group of educators who, being aware of the needs of people, re­awaken teachers to the humanizing effect of individualized instruction. One of the philosophical presuppositions underlying the Movement's Penetration Design relative to the world is that every man has a story out of which he lives. He needs to sense his own significance relative to final meaning; then his context can be expanded. Finally, every man can be an awakened churchman.

The fact that the church has always had penetration schemes is illustrated by Vatican II, the result of which was an attempt to articulate to local churchmen the new images of church that were birthed. The social philosophy of Movement Penetration Design relative to the church is upon the following presuppositions: man lives out of a set of symbols that define who he is, every age and role can contribute to the mission of the church, there is power in the corporateness of the church, the renewed church is key to renewing the individual and the world.

The Movemental dynamic of the church has always had penetration designs. For example, the Jesuit order established in the 16th Century saw as one of its tasks the re­articulation of the Word to re­awaken churchmen to the universality of the Church. The first presupposition of the social philosophy of the Penetration Design relative to the Movement is that every man operates out of images. Another is that local man is key to bringing off a global movement. Thirdly, every man can play any role, and finally, intentional structures are essential to a corporate movement.

The Penetration Design is the breakloose design for the renewal of the local church in that it focuses on the task of reawakening churchmen. It is the front runner of the external designs of the Movement.





The Global Penetration Design operates in the general social arena of the church. The historical contradiction which the Global Penetration Design impacts is seen by examining the church's inability through a lack or comprehensive context to pick up its role as mission to history.

One historical contradiction in the world which the Global Penetration design attacks is that everyman experiences economic tyranny, thus reducing his image of humanness. Man stifles his own possibility by individualistic overemphasis. People are increasingly aware of their own interior deeps, but have no way of articulating them. Man's reduced images limit him to unintentional engagement.

The firs' of the historical contradictions in relation to the church is that churchmen are not grounded in the symbolic life of the church, and thus they are not released from their despair about life. The church does not use comprehensive life methodologies for grassroots theological education. The church has become so overwhelmed by its task mat it has lost sight of itself as a missional, futuric, disciplined body of people. Man has not been given a comprehensive context for making a self­conscious decision about missional engagement.

The Global Penetration Design also impacts historical contradictions within the movement. The movement is unable to keep up with the demands for trained movemental personnel as seen by the continuing demand for pedagogy training exceeding the availability of first teachers. On the other hand, the movement is victimized by the "too few troops" story. Finally, the dependence on immediacy tactics weakens the authenticity of the movement's comprehensive and futuric image.

Therefore, the principal historical contradiction over against which this design operates is that men do not experience spirit release through adequate symbols which call them to be serious awakened global churchmen.






The Global Penetration Design is created to effect the radical transformation within the church by awakening churchmen.

One of the Strategic Objectives of the Penetration Design is the demonstration of educational methods to the world. Another strategic objective is to awaken every man to a vision of his vocation in a global context. The Penetration Design also re­empowers man's significant story and possibility for humanness. Finally, this design is created to exemplify the power of corporateness.

In relation to the church, one of the Strategic Objectives of the Penetration Design is to re­articulate to churchmen the Word of possibility in contemporary idiom. Enabling the church to reappropriate her symbols, story, and image as mission to history is another objective. Also, this design demonstrates to the church a radical corporate secular/religious style. The fourth objective is the demonstration to the church of the use of comprehensive life methods for 21st Century theological education.

In relation to the Movement, one of the Strategic Objectives of the Penetration Design is gathering and using of wisdom and gifts of every culture. The design makes use of graduates in enabling and recruiting courses, providing them with nurture and in­service training. A third Strategic Objective is freeing people to be the movement in history. It is out to provide the basis for the common memory of the global Spirit Movement.

The overall Strategic Objective, therefore, of the Global Penetration Design is to provide spirit remotivation by confronting man with his possibility. This will be the catalyst for the metamorphosis of the People of God.







The Theologica1 awakening Complex is composed of these forms: Religious Studies I (RS­I), Parish Leadership Colloquy (PLC), and Penetration Institutes. R8­T proclaims the Word and enables life decision, the PLC provides a framework for new vocational decisions for church leadership, and Penetration Institutes break open target areas through extended programs. The Theological Awakening Complex operates in the general social arena of contextual education. The Historical Contradiction which the Theological Awakening Complex impacts is seen by examining its relationship to imaginal education and relevant social models. The Theological Awakening Complex is designed to create theologically aware churchmen across the globe.

The articulation of the Word in Jesus Christ to the world can best be achieved by the renewal of the church. Every man shares a basic common humanness and his stance in life is grounded in his perception of the way life is. Life's purpose is self­consciously held by man's created symbols which sustain his missional life's thrust. Man have lost the awareness of their own significance and that of their primal community. RS­I's penetration awakens men to be the church as they live out of the Word in Jesus Christ.

In a day when men assume that there is no common basis of humanness which can transcend cultural and economic divisions, and when men live out of reduced secular symbols and myths, and the church has been displaced by secular groupings, R.S.-I is designed to enable men to hear and live out of the authentic life Word of Jesus the Christ.

RS­I will enable theological awakening to occur within the church. The course will compel man to stand self­consciously before the Mystery he encounters in all or life. The RS­I dynamic will demand a revitalization of the historical symbols or Christianity in such a way that they become grounded in human experience. The participants will be challenged by a new image of missional community, and their vocational decisions will be shoved up against the demand to be globally responsible.

The PLC is a penetration design which recognized that parish leaders can make new vocational decisions. The historical church is the keeper of the depth symbols of humanness which hold the story of man's relationship to God. Clergy and lay leadership hold the critical dynamic within the church that occasions the renewal process. Theological and sociological clarity are the means by which this leadership effects church renewal in the complexities of the Post­modern world.

The PLC is designed to overcome four major contradictions that block the church from viewing itself as global mission. First, the superficial use of the church's symbols does not meet the needs of technological society. In addition, the symbolic life of the church has become a fragmented collection of mythologies that fail to provide common ground. Further, the overemphasis of "one­to-one" care training has produced an individualistic context of mission. Finally, the image of lay participation has been reduced to Sunday morning attendance and financial support.

The strategic objectives of the PLC will: awaken clergy to the secular and theological revolutions of the 20th Century; enable the church leadership to recover a vision of global mission, introduce to church leadership new training, constructs, and methodologies; and demonstrate through intentional pedagogical style the possibilities of engagement in Christian community.


The social philosophy of Penetration Institutes presumes that penetration courses provide common symbols which enable local churchmen to exert a common missional thrust. Theological awakening through contextual re­education is a continual requirement of the church. It is enhanced by the employment of global models and forces. Local leadership is critical to a new theological awakening throughout the church. Global interdenominational penetration contacts release man from his parochial image of his situation an_ enable an ecumenical view of the church.

Penetration Institutes are designed to unblock the basic contradiction of entrenched parochialism in the local church. Local man is determining the Church's image of its mission out of particular local demands. Clergy and Church leaders are educated for limited engagement within the church's total task. In the face of the church's global need, the local churchman excuses himself in reduced self­sustenance or token missionary funding.

The strategic objectives of the Penetration Institutes will provide a global network of regularly scheduled penetration courses. This network will insure the reawakening of key leadership in new areas and will create a vision of indigenous global faculty through strategic teaching assignments. Finally, it will point out concretely the possibility of localized effective theological awakening on a global scale.

The basic social philosophy behind the Theological Awakening Complex is that all men can make a new vocational decision in the context of a global vision. The principle historical contradiction over against which the theological awakening complex operates is that of parochial images and methodologies. The strategic objective of the Theological Awakening Complex is the radical reawakening of local churchmen in theological contextualization and 20th Century social methodology.


The RS­I consists of three component groupings: Inclusive Teaching Faculty, Support Squads, and Regional Liaison Group. The first component grouping, Inclusive Teaching Faculty teaches closely from the RS­I model; the Support Squads enable all physical needs of the participants; the Regional Liaison Group provides the participants with a bridge to the global movement in their local situation.






The Inclusive Teaching Faculty consists of three sub­components: On­stage Faculty 5 Participant Observers, and the Worship Team. The On­Stage Faculty teaches the course content and leads discussion; the Participant Observers learn teaching mechanics and encourage group participation; the Worship Team enables participants to experiment with new forms of liturgical rehearsal. The Inclusive Teaching Faculty, then provides the overall context out of which participants can make an authentic vocational decision.

The Inclusive Teaching Faculty operates as a unified dynamic out of the following common guidelines: It is understood that everything the faculty does is a means to demonstrate movement style. The faculty is prepared to take any role at any time, as faculty assignments and course emphasis are based on the needs of the group. It is understood that the first teacher is in charge of the total course and its structure. It is a firmly held dictum that the basic course format is followed explicitly because the impact of the course is held within the format.

The Support Squads consist of the Registration Team, Childcare Team, Set­up and Take­down Squads, and Kitchen Crew. The registration team keeps data on participant attendance and course payment. The child­care team frees parents to attend the RS­I by providing child care which could be children's RS­I or baby­sitting. The set­up and take­down squads prepare the facilities prior to the course and make sure the building is properly cleaned after the participants leave. The kitchen crew provides six meals, beginning with dinner Friday through lunch Sunday, and snacks for each seminar session. The support squad remains "behind the scenes" and takes care of all Practics.

The Support Squads are responsible for creating the physical context that insures course effectiveness. They operate corporately out of the following principles: The support squads are invisible; that is, their activity is the behind­the­scenes staging that enables other roles to be acted out. The support squads respond at the direction of the first teacher knowing that the course dynamic determines their activity. The visible sign of their effort is itself a demonstration of movement style. Fundamental to smooth operation is the support squads' knowing their assigned tasks.







The Regional Liaison Group consists of the Regional Representative, Host Team and Evaluation Team. The Regional Representative presents the regional course schedule and informs the participants of local activity. The Host Team assumes responsibility for participant information for the region. The Regional Liaison Group is the visible demonstration of possibilities for future movement engagement.

The Regional Liaison Group operates out of an understanding of itself as the people that take responsibility for the course participants further movement activity. They operate out of the following principles for their participation within the course structure. The presence of the Regional Liaison group demonstrates the intentionality of the course as well as embodies the local movement dynamic. It is understood that all the faculty's wisdom concerning participants belongs to the region. The Regional Liaison Group insures follow­up nurture by obtaining the necessary information from the faculty and by observation. Finally, the Regiona1 Liaison coordinates and manages all ennoblement structures.

RS­I operates in these five ways: It is adjustable to any group in any local situation; the basic course outline is followed explicitly; the first teacher is in charge of the total course, both faculty and enablement forces assume any role necessary for the success of the course; and participants are directed towards movement engagement so that RS­I can be the structured means of theologically awakening local churchmen.


The PLC consists of three component groups: Inclusive Teaching Faculty, Support Squads, and Regional Liaison Group. The first component group, Inclusive Teaching Faculty, teaches the course from the PLC model; the Support Squads handle all course practice in an unobtrusive manner; the Regional Liaison Group acts as the link between the participants and the local movement. The course is designed to evoke a new vocational decision in local church leadership.

The Inclusive Teaching Faculty consists first of the teaching team which has responsibility for lecturing, leading seminars and workshops. The worship team assigns the liturgist roles and contextualizes the daily worship. The participant observers are apprentice teachers who learn the content and pedagogical techniques of the course.

The faculty always includes clergy and laymen. The person designated as first teacher is in charge of the total course. Faculty assignments are based on the needs of the group. Faculty emphasis is on the reconstruction of the local church, and everything the faculty does is a tactic to demonstrate movement style.






The Support Squads include the registration team, set­up and take­down squads, kitchen crew, and child­care staff which are provided by local movement people. They are responsible for carrying out all the enablement models required by the course and dealing with any practical contingencies that arise during the course. The cruciality of support squads to the course is that they release the faculty and participants to focus all their attention on the course structure.

The Support Squads follow these operational guidelines: they know their assigned tasks, and yet ultimately they are always under the direction of the first teacher. The support squads are invisible and the flow of the actual course determines their activities. In carrying out their tasks they demonstrate movement style.

The Regional Liaison Group includes the regional representative whose task it is to present a picture of the ongoing movement in the particular region. The host team is responsible for and coordinates all enablement structures. The evaluation team gathers comprehensive data on the course participants from the pedagogues. The Regional Liaison presents a local/global image of the movement to participants.

The Regional Liaison embodies the local movement dynamic and demonstrates the intentionality of the course as it coordinates and manages all enablement structures. Finally, the regional liaison ensures follow­up nurture as it gleans the faculty's wisdom concerning participants and incorporates that wisdom into regional wisdom. In this way, the Regional Liaison Group presents the participant with the possibility of engagement in the movement.

The PLC operates in these five ways: the faculty is always a clergy­lay team; reconstruction of the local church is emphasized and demonstrated; the basic course format is followed explicitly; the first teacher is in charge of the total course; and both faculty and enablement forces assume any role that is necessary to the success of the course so that the PLC will be the means by which clergy and lay leaders can obtain the knowledge and skills necessary to institute church reconstruction in their local churches.


The Penetration Institute consists of four components: Corporate Teaching Faculty, Practics Administration Post, Participant Care Groups, and Program Liaison Centrum. The Corporate Teaching Faculty makes decisions on curriculum and celebration design and

teaching assignment. The Practics Administration Post takes responsibility for practical decisions critical to the internal life of the community. The Participant Care Groups function as groups and sub­groups in various methods of caring for the total community. The Liaison Centrum insures proper community relations and communication with the "outside world". Because a Penetration Institute is designed to operate over a more lengthy period of time in a new area of penetration, decisions made in each of the components are to be thoroughly considered well in advance.









Corporate Teaching Faculty is the body assigned by the Movement to carry out the teaching, priorship, and coordination of the program. Included here are the following specific function groups: Dean's Office, Teaching Teams, Priorship Team, Assignment Committee, Celebration Coordination Committee, Spirit Life Committee, Decor Creation Committee, and Participant Observers. Its objective is to act in the theological awakening process in relation to the Penetration Institute participants, thus creating churchmen having new visions of possibility.

The creation of authentic corporateness within the Penetration Institute is the top priority for the Corporate Teaching Faculty. This faculty in all of its many leadership activities is a visible and powerful demonstration of the unique corporate style of the Movement. Each faculty member is responsible for the entire program; the first teacher has final responsibility for the Institute. Specific teaching, priorship and spirit­life assignments are based on the needs of the participants.

The Practics Administration Post is responsible for the smooth internal operation, funding of the program, and the physical wellbeing of the participants. The Post includes the host committee, finance office and development team, housing and materials distribution crews, maintenance, kitchen and medical crews and the transportation office. The objective is smooth operation of the internal dynamics of the Institute program. The Post, therefore, removes any and all blocks to full engagement of the participants in the program.

The Practics Administration Post is responsible for seeing that the structures of the Penetration Institute meet the physical needs of the participants. The Penetration Institute is a self­contained community and is coordinated to act as a unifying dynamic. The indigenous historical church is cultivated continuously throughout the duration of the program. Strategies and tactics are implemented that insure financial self­sufficiency of the Institute.

The Internal Life Groupings are the groups and sub­groups through which the participants carry out enablement tasks, receive care and develop corporateness. The objective of this component is the total care of the participants. The Internal Life Groupings, therefore, enable the spirit nurture of the participants as they journey through the program.





Comprehensive care is the top priority; it is accomplished through adequate structures. This comprehensive care is symbolized by priorship in smaller groups. The cultural composition of smaller groups reflects the diversity of the total institute. Everyone participates in the enablement tasks of the program.

The Program Liaison Centrum is responsible for the external relations of the program, including communication, interpretation, community relations and intensifying healthy relationships with the sponsors. Staff and indigenous persons, as necessary, are utilized to carry out functions of the above. It, therefore, acts as the glue between the Penetration Institute and other outside communities.

The Program Liaison Centrum in its communication activities projects the global image of the Movement. Communications are handled quickly and accurately. The host committee upholds the image of the global church in contacts with sponsors. Language and cultural differences within the Institute are recognized and utilized as gifts, as are the differences in the local community and its customs.

The Penetration Institute operates in these five ways: the program is financially self­supporting; indigenous sponsors are continually cultivated; it is a self­contained community, demonstrating the renewed church; community corporateness is a top priority; and local community and customs are always honored so that the Penetration Institutes can effectively break open a difficult area.

The Theological Awakening Complex operates as follows: reconstruction of the local/global church is emphasized and demonstrated; all involved in Theological Awakening embody local/global style; all forms are contentless, adaptable to any local situation; structure and time­lines are followed explicitly; and every participant is cared for structurally so that he has the possibility of making a new vocational decision to be the Church






The Program Recruitment Complex is composed of three parts; the Recruitment Network which organizes, trains, and enables recruitment forces; the Ecclesiastical Consult enlists support from the established church; and the Prospect Recorder maintains records of course prospects. The Program Recruitment Complex operates in the arena of Movemental designs for church encounter. The historical contradiction which the Program Recruitment Complex impacts is the church's structure of mission, its symbols and hierarchical structures. The Program Recruitment Complex is designed to accomplish global recruitment of the Historical Church.

The Recruitment Network directs massive global penetration through corporate effort, missional style, global context and disciplined recruiters. A corporate recruitment effort is effective in terms of continuity, coordination, uniformity, and discipline. Recruitment style is one that seduces Everyman to pursue the question of his own participation id life and evokes in him a desire to encounter a structure that allows him to do that. This network is a context for global responsibility, while honoring the local situation. Training and experience in recruitment is a means of deepening passion for humanity.

A basic contradiction of the church today disclosed by the impact of global penetration is the internal nurture to the exclusion of practical local global engagement. This is reflected in recruiters who embody local improvement without acknowledging history's comprehensive demand. Another basic contradiction facing the training of the recruitment network is the image of personal care focusing on affirmation yet avoiding the offense of genuine possibility.

The Recruitment Network is designed to engage all churchmen in basic penetration courses. Every graduate will be trained and engaged as a course recruiter. The network will develop a common style appropriate to eliciting decisions for participation as recruiters.

The Ecclesiastical Consult is a construct that impacts church organizational structures, local or denominational, through consultations with church leaders and members. The historical church is a fruitful field for recruitment as well as an effective base for penetration. The key to established church involvement is the intentional cultivation of its leadership at the local level and among the hierarchy. The movement provides a context for the offering of the particular gifts of every denomination in the task of renewing the pluriform church. Through ecclesiastical consults, an ongoing exchange is maintained between the church and the movement.

As penetration impacts the church's leadership, certain contradictions become evident. In the crisis of relating symbols lo life the established church responds defensively. In the midst of overwhelming local demands, the church is paralyzed in forging a local response that is globally relevant. The church's definition of mission is self­preservation centering on internal care. The church views individuality being destroyed rather than created by corporateness.

The ecclesiastical consult design will serve to enlist involvement of the established church and her ministry by accomplishing the following objectives: to impact every local church with the vision of the new church in the new world; to communicate the image of training churchmen to become mission to the world; to develop ecclesiastical approval for penetration within particular geographical areas. Finally, it will initiate working relationships between the established church and the movement to allow the structures of historical Christendom to become authentically engaged in the recruitment network.



The prospect recorder intentionally cares for course prospects. Effective recruitment of every prospect is vital, and is enabled by comprehensive current data. The recruiter can then speak to the particular situation of each individual. Computerized data, readily accessible to global recruitment forces, enables effective recruitment.

The prospect recorder contradiction is characterized by careless collection and dissemination of recruitment data. This results in a waste of recruitment power and time. The quality of follow­up is reduced when information pertinent to recruitment is inaccessible or inadequately systematized. Data becomes obsolete if not kept current as to address, spirit journey and referral contact.

The first strategic objective of the prospect recorder is to maintain the recruitment wisdom on course prospects through well kept records of previous recruitment contacts. An effective exchange of information on a global level indicating recruitment possibilities and strategic organization of data will facilitate effective troop deployment. Implicit within the data prospect system is constant expansion of the prospect list according to the global penetration plan.

Global penetration is possible only by disciplined, corporate troops sustained by a highly organized data system. Its crucial focus is the engagement and support of the historical church. The principal contradiction is individualized and parochial designs for missional involvement. The strategic objective of the Program Recruitment Complex is the recruitment of local churchmen to penetration courses. This will ensure that every churchman on the globe will become theologically awakened.


The recruitment network consists of four component groupings: geo­coordinate recruitment organizer; trained recruitment forces; geo­coordinate recruitment trainer, and recruitment event enablers. The geo­coordinate organizer is responsible for organizing recruitment forces; the trained recruitment forces recruit for courses; the geo­coordinate recruitment trainer trains the recruitment forces; and recruitment event enablers use practical care models to enable recruiters. The network which recruits, organizes and enables the recruitment forces is necessary to insure that these courses are continually being held in all strategic locations.










The geo­coordinate recruitment organizer component consists of informed local persons responsible for organizing recruitment forces. In order to be informed he is in constant communication with the geo­coordinate prospect developer and data organizer. By combining this information with his knowledge and experiences of his local turf he is able to effectively organize the recruitment forces. He works with the geo­coordinate recruitment trainer to make strategic assignments. He is also responsible with the Recruitment Event Enabler for the time­line and recruiting the necessary forces.

One operating principle of the Geo­Coordinate Recruitment organizer is to set the calling priorities within the local movement timelines and to coordinate any necessary follow­up. He also puts particular emphasis on recruitment of groups. He is always aware of the need of every course grad to recruit and therefore he assigns interested grads to recruitment teams. These teams are chosen by weighing the values of experience and the situation.

The trained recruitment forces component is persons who have decided to use movemental wisdom from the geo­coordinate recruitment trainer in recruiting people to courses. Primal to recruitment is the decision of the team to venture their own self witness when recruiting.

Within the operating principles of the trained recruitment forces is the basic stance that the RS­I experience is crucial to every person. This places the demand upon the recruiter to carefully and intentionally plan each call. The training is such that the recruiters have the ability to adapt to any situation. The dress and attitude of the recruiter are indicative of this awareness.

The geo­coordinate recruitment trainer is a local person who trains recruitment forces. He works closely with the geo­coordinate recruitment organizer and the corresponding course coordinator. He is selected from the pedagogy tutorial and draws on the corporate wisdom of the Movement. He coordinates needed training between the various functioning levels of the region to create quality boons for recruitment

The recruitment trainer's primary purpose is to develop the recruiter's ability to evoke in every man the desire to pursue the question of how he fully participates in life. The trainer guides the recruiter to embody the RS­I in his life and to reflect a local/global life style. The recruiter envisions himself as succeeding in every prospect call. The trainer teaches the recruiter how to relate the prospect's life questions to the course and how to anticipate and remove specific blocks to course participation. Specific knowledge of the local mindset is used to plot out the particulars of recruitment.




The recruitment event enablers provide practical care for both recruiter training and corporate recruitment. These enablers are drawn from those who are most knowledgeable about the local situation. They create and implement models for the care of recruiting forces in every particular situation. These enablers are the nothings of the nothings without which corporate recruitment would not be possible.

The recruitment event enablers through advanced preparation allow the energies of the recruitment forces to be released in the most effective manner.

The Recruitment Network operates in these five ways: all movement members are imaged as recruiters; the RS­I recruiter embodies the style that "never loses" while honoring and caring for every man's journey; local recruitment leaders train the recruiters, decide the make­up of recruitment teams, set prospect priorities, make preliminary contacts, and provide tools and sustenance for the recruiters; and in each particular situation the prospects' blocks are dealt with non­defensively by offering appropriate personal witnesses and suggestions. Thus the Recruitment Network will accomplish its mission of engaging every churchman in basic penetration courses.


The Ecclesiastical Consult consists of three component groupings; trained PLC recruiters, Penetration Development Specialist, and Missional Program Specialist. The trained PLC recruiters keep the possibility of global/local church renewal before the clergy; Penetration Development Specialists gain local church and hierarchical approval for broader penetration, and Missional Program Specialists use programmatic expertise to open local groups for penetration







Trained PLC Recruiters are clergymen and laymen who have special training to recruit clergy. Having a knowledge of the problems common to local churches, they are able to identify with the clergymen to be recruited. An RS­I grad from the recruitees congregation can act as a witness to what the course has done for him as a layman. The PLC Recruiter's task is facilitated by his ability to communicate by using the same language as the clergyman. This ability helps the recruiter in respecting the spirit journey of the clergyman and enables him to convince the clergyman of the need for renewal in the light of the global mission.

Since the key to penetrating the local church is the clergyman, his participation is crucial in recruitment. Further, when recruitment among laymen is pursued, the hierarchy is honored, and alienation of the established structures is prevented. The PLC Recruiter's awareness of the complexity of man's spiritual journey renders him sensitive to the clergyman's struggle. In presenting the image of servant to the church, he can discreetly show the clergy how his vision can be broadened to include the global mission. Additionally, the recruiter's knowledge of practical, hard­headed, concrete methods shows the clergyman the possibilities of the local area becoming globally involved while retaining denominational identity and theological basis. This involvement in turn points to ways the congregation can be awakened to its global responsibility by training laymen in PLC.

Penetration Development Specialists open the door to penetration through gaining approval and support of existing church hierarchy. Their gifts include being on top of signs of the times, knowing the history and problems of particular denominations, knowing the language of the clergy and having denominational contacts. These specialists hold consults with different levels of hierarchy giving a global context while obtaining permission for other levels to attend PLC and to get help recruiting, such as clergy writing letters to laity to recommend PLC or RS­I.

The Development Specialists need to work out of a model to strategically reach all denominations of the pluriform church. Within this model several images need to be held up in the consult. Being "ecumenical" means the movement works through denominations and denominational hierarchy, using the consult to establish a working relationship. This is done by recognizing local problems while giving a global context with Local Church Experiment stories. We are building a common vision and corporate life style which increases individual creativity. The movement is a servant of the church providing a means for training local churchmen to enable the common vision.




The Missional Program Specialist is one who has special competence and experience in specific program areas of the Missional Life of the Movement, such as Pre­school, Fifth City, or Dynamical Social Work. These people would respond strategically to requests from local groups for help in program areas. In the midst of these consultations they would use the group's particular concern as a base for broadening the missional context. They would skillfully and imaginally illuminate the fact that no program can stand outside of a comprehensive missional model. With this understanding the total program of the Movement would­be offered as a possibility for inclusive training for a comprehensive mission.

Operating principles for Missional Program Specialists include honoring the work of the local group while broadening their context for missional expenditure. Collegiality is developed by being the servant but it is necessary to watch out for piecemeal program pilferage since it always results in perversions and reductionism. Because of the symbolic power of the Program Specialist and the need for operating out of a strategic model to impact the pluriform church the consultations are coordinated with the Symbolic Centrum, the Religious House and the Regional Coordinator.

Ecclesiastical Consult operates these five ways: using the method of honoring to recontextualize the church's heritage, gifts, and problems; recruiting clergy through a comprehensive pluriform model; illustrating the approach with concrete Local Church Experiment examples; contacting key church leaders on all levels; and embodying the movement's role as servant of the local church.


The Prospect Recorder consists of two component groupings: Geo­Coordinate Prospect Developer and the Geo­Coordinate Data Organizer. The Geo­Coordinate Data Organizer organizes useful and easily accessible data for effective use by recruitment forces. The Geo­Coordinate Prospect Developer seeks out, coordinates, and channels the flow of all incoming and outgoing prospect data.



The Geo­Coordinate Prospect Developer's primary responsibility is sniffing out all available prospect data and channeling it to the data organizer. He also assumes responsibility for directing data exchanges of his unit with other units. He systematizes actual data sources and submits his system to periodic evaluation. He is particularly concerned to maintain close contact with local recruiters and clergymen. He obtains vital information about all courses.

The Prospect Developer operates on the following principles: he understands that geo­social spirit data is crucial to recruitment, and it, therefore, requires constant updating. He must be systematic and aggressive in obtaining this data from his various sources. He must refer appropriate data to other geo­coordinate levels.





The Geo­Coordinate Data Organizer arranges recruitment information in a useful and easily accessible system. This includes organizing lists for phone calls, preparing mailing labels, and providing area groupings.

The Geo­Coordinate Data Organizer retains all pertinent recruitment information and organizes data so that it enables recruitment. The data is kept securely in duplicate form. The organizer periodically reviews and updates all the information, and develops a system for weeding out the unnecessary pieces of data while guarding indefinitely those pieces that are useful.

Prospect Coordination (Recorder) operates in these five ways: creating a systematic organization of information, providing an amassed list of prospects from all available sources; making it possible to give all pertinent information to the recruitment organizer; organizing data in a simple and understandable manner; and sharing in a global interchange system.

The Recruitment Network Complex operates in these five ways: training and sustaining recruiters; living out of the RS­I selfstory to allow recruiters to deal non­defensively in any particular situation; using the servant role to enable a firm stance that honors a church's heritage, gifts and local problems; approaching clergy and key lay leaders of the pluriform church through a comprehensive recruitment model; and keeping systematic and updated recruitment data to enable the recruitment network to recruit participants for RS­I, PLC, and Penetration Institutes.






The Program Implementation Complex is composed of three forms: Enablement Station, Penetration Coordinate, and Mobile Faculty. The Enablement Station provides models for course enablers; the Penetration Coordinate publicizes courses and coordinates penetration forces; and the Mobile Faculty assures common pedagogy in every locale. The Program Implementation Complex operates in the general social arena of course enablement, coordination, and pedagogy. The historical contradiction which the Program Implementation Complex impacts is seen by examining its relationship to missional activity in the life of the church. The Program Implementation Complex is designed to bring about global development and implementation of common and coordinated models for enablement, publicity, and global pedagogy.

The general social philosophy underlying the creation of intentional enablement models is that all parts of an event have an impact. Comprehensive practice stress the commonness of every detail of every course. Well­planned and well­executed enablement models free the faculty and participants to focus their attention entirely on the course. Everyone involved in the enablement and teaching of a course is imaged as faculty, since all are "the Movement on stage". The role of the enablement forces is that of invisible servant.

In the arena of enablement station, a major contradiction is that events are imaged as separate from enablement. Closely related is the belief that there is a relative status scale among tasks involved. In addition, static roles are often created when people continually perform the same task. Finally, enablement is imaged as a necessary evil to be dispensed with in the most efficient way possible. For example, in a certain local church, the official board could never have a dinner meeting because most of the members of Esther Circle, which did the cooking for the church. were on the official board.

The first strategic objective of the enablement station is creation of workable models that fully support course objectives. The second objective is re­imaging all tasks as being equally important to the total course impact. Enablement models are designed to reinforce the image that the Church's role is that of the responsible servant. Finally, these models are to be reduplicable in the life of any church.

The Penetration Coordinate exists so that the strategic penetration plans can be adhered to, finally impacting all 324 regions. The effectiveness of this coordinate presupposes development of imaginal course publicity that speaks to every man in the 20th Century. Well­coordinated troops insure maximum impact of these publicity materials. Coordinated troops spread diverse regional insights, bridging the local/global Penetration thrust.

The Penetration Coordinate is designed to impact the mindset which believes that a local situation is unique, and "outsiders" cannot influence that situation. Such a mind­set is immediately gratified by an internally successful program, and holds the parish wisdom to itself. A common assumption that obligation to global mission can be fulfilled economically prevents comprehensive engagement, This supports an image of global missional involvement as a good deed to be performed with the surplus from local mission.

The Penetration Coordinate form focuses the energies of the troops within a particular geographic area into one coordinated thrust, and assures that the thrust is within the context of the total movement strategy. The design will enable the building and executing of models and timelines that are comprehensive by overcoming local limitations in troop strength or expertise. Finally, the Penetration Coordinate will facilitate the development of skills in such areas as use of publicity and media by making models widely available.



The Mobile Faculty presupposes that the course curriculum is contentless and applicable in any locale. Course commonality is maintained, using faculty interchange, by bringing together teachers from diverse backgrounds and geography. Pedagogical style is that of the evangelist participating in a global movement prepared to pick up any assignment. The life decision of the Mobile Faculty sets a context for all men to make a similar decision.

The Mobile Faculty cuts across the contradiction of clergy attachment to their local situation and to local denominationalism, which appears as "we can't cooperate with a denomination whose theological understanding differs from ours." It also impacts superficial coordination within regional areas, such as ministers' conferences against crime in the streets, and the images of evangelism as the pursuit of increased local membership or professional revivalism.

The Mobile Faculty impacts participants with a global style demonstrated by the objective relationship between pedagogues. Their common global wisdom helps forge the movement into one body of troops. In addition, common course designs, methods, and aims enable the spirit edge to cut through local denominationalism, regionalism, and clergy possessiveness. As they live the style of the circuit rider, the Mobile Faculty are the symbol of global mission.

Thus, the social philosophy of the Program Implementation Complex is characterized by corporateness and global commonality.

The degree to which these are practically maintained effects the initial impact of the Movement on the Church. The principal historical contradiction over against which the Program Implementation Complex operates is that of fragmented, ingrown local mission in the church, The strategic objective, therefore, for the Program Implementation Complex is maintaining the comprehensive, coordinated and global impact of movement programs. This will insure that all participants in programs taught anywhere are addressed by a common global missional style.


The Enablement Station Form consists of three component groupings: Course Practics Enablers; Participant Attendance Enablers; and International Course Enablers. The first component grouping, Course Practics Enablers, insures smooth, intentional enablement of a course. The second, Part1cipant Attendance Enablers, is involved helping solve personal blocks of the expected participants to insure their attendance. The third, International Course Enablers, deals in enabling an International Training Institute or course. The enablement station components are like the wheels of a car­­ unless the station functions the course will not be effective.










The practice enablement mode1 holds all the details which go into the actual enablement of a course. The most important factor is an intentional style that undergirds everything that is done.

Course effectiveness depends largely on the smooth operation and intentional impact of enablement. The food model allows menu planners, shoppers, and kitchen crew to prepare simple economical meals as unobtrusively as possible. Decor and materials are maintained to present a highly intentional setting.

Participant Attendance Enablers are a crucial task force team in providing transportation, care structures and financial consultations.

In the area of transportation all aspects must be considered. Arrangements are made through carpools for those who cannot find transportation; information about, public transportation and directions are provided. Care structures cover all personal blocks ­ pets, children, classes to be taught, etc. Financial help and full scholarships are provided for participants if necessary. A letter is sent to all registered participants which includes information, directions to location, and coordinator's name, address and phone number in case any serious problems arises for the participant.

International courses and institutes employ the same enablement principles for course practics and participant attendance used in any penetration course. However, the additional concerns unique to international courses require the following special operating principles.

The time factor and high cost of international shipping and travel are a consideration in pre­course planning so that participants and materials are transported economically and arrive on time. Registrants are informed of all the necessary requirements of international travel. A development model for assisting the financial costs of international training events is a crucial necessity. Such a model includes indigenous sources among others. Cultural patterns and dysfunctions such as daily time designs and dietary requirements and other special needs are dealt with in the context of comprehensive structural care.

Enablement station operates in these five ways: removes all participant blocks to course attendance; embodies and unobtrusive intentional style within the enablement staff; provides all materials and decor necessary; effects financial aid where needed; and deals with unique problems of internationa1 courses.


The Penetration Coordinate consists of three component groupings: Continental/Area Implementation Coordinate; Regional Implementation Coordinate; and Specific Course Coordinate. The first component grouping, Continental/Area Implementation ensures the coordination of courses and faculty through data exchange and penetration expertise; the Regional Implementation Coordinate enables pedagogical development and cross­fertilization through teaching assignments, and holds the metro accountable for comprehensive penetration and course participation; the Specific Course Coordinate assumes total responsibility for enabling the course in its entirety.








The Continental/Area Implementation Coordinate is best described as coordination, planning and scheduling of courses; sharing of penetration expertise, which includes data exchange between the Religious House priors; and special requests for faculty.

Operating principles of Continental/Area Implementation Coordinate begin with making first and second teacher assignments for regional courses. The coordinate facilitates the collection and sharing of all faculty data such as the exchange of teaching evaluations with Religious House priors. All the ordering and distributions of materials for the course is also handled by this coordinate. An image to hold is the sharing of all penetration expertise throughout the Movement.

The Regional Implementation Coordinate bridges the gap between the continental/area coordinate and the metro/local course coordinate. In making this and fourth teacher assignments, this coordinate cares for specific course adaption and pedagogical development. Through faculty recruiter exchange in the region, edge penetration methods are exchanged. The region picks up the responsibility of holding the local financially accountable to the global. Finally, it is this component that initiates the creation and distribution of the regional brochures indicating the time and place for coming movement events and courses.




The guidelines of movemental activity associated with the Regional Implementation Coordinate are as follows: it holds the metro accountable for courses; makes the third and fourth teacher assignments; enables local financial autonomy; maintains a faculty data control to particularize pedagogical care; and is responsible for the production of regional brochures

The Specific Course Coordinate is responsible for overseeing and coordinating every aspect of one specific course. He is in touch with all local and regional forces who have responsibility for some segment of that course, from initial recruitment through final enablement. The person designated as Local Course Coordinator arranges for grads on a local level to become engaged in specific assignments such as development and distribution of publicity materials and weekend enablement crews.

The Specific Course Coordinate has responsibility for five aspects of penetration at the local level. The first is organizing all local enablement and recruitment forces. He also oversees the creation and distribution of all publicity material relative to the particular course. The Course Coordinate, in conjunction with the metro, assigns host, participant observers and registrar to the course. In order to have maximum registered participant presence on Friday night, the Coordinate maintains appropriate contact prior to the course. Equally necessary is current course data flow between local, regional and continental/area coordinates.

The basic operating principles for the Penetration Coordinate are: course accountability for comprehensive penetration; adequate participation; financial solvency; faculty assignments and publicized courses. These operate to ensure the systematic and strategic penetration of the local church.


The Mobile Faculty consists of three component grouping the Continental/Area Staff, the Regional Teaching Faculty, and the Metro Enabling Faculty. The Continental/Area staff makes trained teachers available across a broad geographical area; Regional Teaching Faculty provides important teaching experience for third fourth teachers; and Metro Enabling Faculty provides broad opportunities for grad participation on the staff. The Mobile Faculty provides the teaching forces for the Program Implementation of the Penetration Design.



The Continental/Area staff is ma­de up of the first and second teachers of the movement coordinated at the continental/area lev­1








This faculty grouping forms a mobile pool of trained teachers who are available anywhere in the area. These pedagogues serve as priors for the total course staff to which they are assigned, they embody and transmit edge teaching styles and methods, and facilitate the sharing of insights throughout the total faculty. The primary function of the Continental/Area Staff is to guard the pedagogical commonness of the movement.

The Regional Teaching Faculty consists of academy grads, experienced children's pedagogues, and trained personnel within a given region.

The third and fourth teachers and the first teacher for the children's structures are assigned in the region. Teaching couples are assigned together only to the Individual and Family course, academies, and International Training Institutes. Regional faculty members are available for speaking engagements and as resource persons for meetings at metro, polls, and parish levels. In their contact they foster the emergence of new pedagogues throughout the region to allow the region's leadership to be broadened and deepened.

The Metro Enabling Faculty consists of any RS­I grad who has made a serious decision about teaching.

By assigning enabling roles such as Participant Observer, host or hostess, and registrar at the metro level, the Metro Enabling faculty is provided experiences thus initiating the pedagogical journey. Also crucial is the faculty for the emerging generation structures. All grads are encouraged to participate in metro activities and a current file is kept listing and evaluating all past faculty assignments.

The Mobile Faculty is interchangeable; goes anywhere assigned; upholds a common construct, method, and style; and encourages grads to teach.

The Program Implementation Complex operates in these five ways: corporate spirit care of faculty and participants is the context for making assignments; interchangeable faculty assignments permit orchestrating the address of the course; diverse imaginative publicity keeps course participation decision before prospects, enablement finesse is the external index of participant care; and each course is self­supporting. Thus, the course address is maintained as one life­giving thrust.



The Global Penetration Design operates in these five ways: The possibility of new life is given through the impact of spirit training structures; Concretized participant care is through spirit directed enablement structures; The missional thrust of the Movement is image} in the style and stance of the course staff; Needed troops are produced by the training and sustaining dynamics; Course reduplication is made possible through systematic data coordination and effective planning. The Global Penetration Design will, therefore, begin the retraining of local churchmen for Church renewal and societal reconstruction.