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The decay of community life, the continuing rise of crime the loss of meaning of the educational structures, the entire collapse of human vocation are symptoms of the 20th century crisis, which calls us to search for structures that will effectively care for every part of human life. In 1964, practical experimentation began with the 5th City reformulation project in which the methods and models for creating primal community were forged. Out of summer research assemblies which developed social methods, the Religious House and Galaxy structures were birthed for the purpose of enabling viable primal community in the world. There has also been experimentation with the spirit methods necessary for sustaining primal community. While 5th City turns from experiment to global demonstration, the world has already picked up the sign and comprehensive community reformulation has begun in Oombulgurri, a rural aboriginal community, Uptown, an international city, the Marshall Islands, village projects and 100 demonstration communities across the globe. Now we see in the merging of the parish guild and local church experiments and in the expansion of those experiments across the world, the possibility of releasing primal community and comprehensive structures

for care across the whole globe.



The shudder and wrenching within our society brings cries of alarm and produces a variety of models that build a sustaining hope. Local man is declaring his care in a story that enables his efforts to bring to life the new human community. The historical church, moves successfully into the future by reclaiming its missional role of motivating servant through the massive use of indicative planning methods. A global network demonstrating the new humanness in comprehensive local care structures shows the possibility of caring for all human needs in every place. The time is now for the primal community to pick up the task of bringing about creative changes which will impact and unify the globe.

FUTURE Future directions of the Primal Community Experiment demands

DIRECTIONS self­conscious engagement of locally trained leadership giving every man

the story by which he can engage in renewing human community. Sustaining local global men Over the long haul requires imagination, methodology, nurture, and renewal of the local church. Releasing the self­conscious story of the primal community is accomplished through trained guilds which will think tactically by inclusive planning and rehabilitation for all mankind. The role of future demonstrations will be to create signs which are reduplicable and allow global men to be released from past structures as projects are moved into other critical areas of human need such as work with a multi­national corporation or shared action between two or more great religious systems. The future of corporate demonstration will be carried on the back of sustaining methodology.

STRUCTURAL The structural dynamics of the primal community form a single, but

DYNAMICS complex, web built through, under and around the social honeycomb. The

first dynamic is local men who have decided to live out their care, using

life methods that allow both creative intuition and rationality to be used in the design of caring structures. The second is a kit of images, methods, and structural tools, which allow comprehensive ordering of primal community in each locality. The third dynamic is a global interchange network that allows the creation of a world­wide consensus on a practical vision of global human community, in which all local communities can share. Those who are self­consciously present to the structural dynamics stand shoulder to shoulder as a single force, working through these three dynamics.

STRATEGIC Three strategic actions are directed toward the social fabric, to move the

ACTIONS local situation toward actualization of the global human community. The

first strategic action is planning, which analyzes within the context of

the historical and sociological situation in the light of the practical vision for human community. The second is training, which provides common practical skill at the local level and increases global consciousness and

occasions commonality. The third strategic action is demonstration which makes visible practical signs of possibility in the local situation such as a

businessman's guild or the Bicentennial celebration in the U.S.A.

IMPLEMENTARY The implementary systems of the primal community experiment are based

SYSTEMS on one global framework, where local man is enabled to give his life

for his neighbors. Three aspects of the system are: 1) social forces net, 2) local leadership training, and 3) indicative miracle creation. The internal structure of local forces which focuses the global network to catalyze the local situation is composed of the cadre, core, guild, galaxy, and task forces meeting for local battle planning and for corporate care. Leadership

training includes seminars, methods training schools, community convoca-tions, and internship programs, which create vision and transform that vision into action. Miracles which are planned and exploded on a systematic basis include community celebrations, town meetings, physical parish improvement signs, elders engagement program, etc., to demons-trate the possibility of future reformulation. In order to effectively implement the systems, revolutionary principles are called for 24 hours a day, which hold the tension between battleplan and intuition and call each force into frequent accountability to his assigned task such is the task of the primal community experiment.

PRIMAL The basic element of human settlement has always been the Primal

SERVANT Community. It moves man to create a world in which all can survive.

FORCE From the beginning, it has provided a way for every man to commonly care

for his local community on behalf of the world. Simultaneously primal community has initiated the social change necessary to sustain human life. History calls forth a new sense of interdependence for all people, building on the servants of the Primal Community.

VISIONING The 20th century has brought such radical shifts in life that man

NEW human has lost a vision of the power and possibility of community,

STRUCTURES demanding a vivid illustration of effective human settlement. The collapse

of ancient institutions and values has revealed to man the need to create a new mythology, which touches the common deeps of humanity and practical forms which sustain him in a powerful and sensitive life style. Recovery of primal community requires a comprehensive context to awaken local man's consciousness of the global significance of his actions. New structures for significant local engagement must be created, grounded in the context and relationship of a global society. Because we stand on the edge of awesome possibility, local man must be fully engaged in forging a new vision to bring the future into being.

GLOBAL The direction of Primal Community in the future is captured in the vision of

LOCAL a fully human society. It moves toward local man reclaiming his power

POWER over his present life and the future. lie will mold a new global society in

which both ethnic and religious interactions are realized. It will be experienced as a world wide human resettlement network which would enable man in his local community to recover meaningful engagement and thus demonstrate a new hope for the future.

MOTIVATING The new local man will show up as a man out of whose caring for the

CORPORATE world there will emerge a new hope for the globe. The primal community

CARE dynamics of corporate action , indicative care and engagement motivation

release full humanness in the midst of forging the necessary sociological forms. Corporateness is the key to an effective dynamic community where all persons are freed to make care decisions on behalf of every man. Indicative care that is both comprehensive and relates to the situation as it is, rather than the situation wished for, is necessary. Engagement motivation continually identifies and symbolizes the exhilaration occurring in the process of expending life for the sake of facilitating the human journey. In operating out of these dynamics, the primal community is not only manifested within ourselves but actualized in society.

CORPORATE The strategic actions of the Primal Community involve three arenas indirect

STRATEGIC analytic mobilization, equipping man's care, and consciousness cracking

ACTION miracles. Indirect catalytic mobilization takes place in the Primal

Community as local man is shown the possibility of working corporately to channel the consciousness and direct the force of the community toward the future. The Primal Community acts in equipping man's care through methods and training to structurally release and sustain man's depth passion for caring. The Primal Community releases consciousness cracking miracles calling forth local man to love his own space and time. The Primal Community acts in equipping man's care through indirect catalytic mobilization exploded through breaking open local man's consciousness.

ACTUALIZING The necessary systems for the creation of primal community across

SYSTEMS the globe are: a system for local/global wisdom interchange, a global

NETWORK net of local care and a global net of support forces. Global wisdom

interchange facilitates an inclusive flow of wisdom and resources. The global network of local care provides the common methods that give form to man's motivity. Finally a global net of local support forces releases both comprehensive and local authorization for the acting out of care based on the corporate wisdom. dhen these systems are fully operative Primal Community is no longer theory but reality.

PAST The past reveals man's quest for a meaningful form of human settlement.

HISTORY Primal community has been the perpetual human search for the adequate

forms of caring for self and neighbor in the given historical situation. As the new community aged, its corporate needs and reasons for coming into being were lost, leading to individualism, failure and collapse of care

structures and loss of purpose. In the midst of many failures, ongoing experiments attempted to rebuild the community around the core leadership in a limited geography, usually showing up in a local religious

institution. The collapse of old structures raises questions about the forms necessary for more human primal community.

HISTORICAL The anguished cry for the recreation of primal community arises out

DEMAND of the impact of the increased velocity of time and space on our

civilization. As humanity has moved to structure itself into a global

form, local man has lost his sense of local identity and no longer has a methodology for effectively demonstrating his care. The historical demand for a new response has to do with the mission of the people recapturing neighborhood, building a miracle, fulfillment of past time, embodying humanness common to all and the channeling of fullness for creation. The demonstration sign will give people the way to concretely participate in creating the global local community through appropriating the past, affirming the present and its unique gifts and beckoning the new society by embodying it now. In light of this triune dimension we image the historical demand of the people of the earth to struggle together over the style appropriate for the future, as evidenced in the recent World Food Conference.

FUTURE Not disregarding the past and the present, the primal community must

DIRECTION ask where the future is leading, and to evolve in an appropriate direction it

must pause and watch for signals. Primal community is a network of new global neighborhoods ringing the planet in which local man decides his future in the context of all the earth. The new human style enabling the creation of universal primal community will be anchored in an urban sub-consciousness that fosters corporateness and taps the gifts and skills of all, having duly considered our rootage and traditions in caring for one another. Renewed primal community is a signal demonstration of resurgence in its practicality, its creativity, and indicative form. Signal demonstration of resurgence and consensus at the grassroot level will globalize a comprehensive universal network of corporate care.

STRUCTURAL Structural dynamics embody structural form, corporate methods, and

DYNAMICS catalytic style. The structural forms include the local dynamics of cadreing

congregating, and guilding and the networks that relate the local

forms globally. The corporate methods involve building consensus, developing strategic action on proposals and sustaining commitment to one depth human purpose. The catalytic style passionately embraced by the leadership enables structures to come alive, care to be enacted, and

tasks to be fulfilled. Primal community is a sociological reality whenever those dynamics are self-consciously operating.

STRATEGIC Procedurally, strategic actions recognize the structural dynamics while

ACTIONS breaking open the community to give it possibility through seeing a

concrete fulfillment of an impossibility. The community's consciousness is

awakened by means of consensus building, problem solving and framing the community circuitry. The spirit dimension of strategic action is that which raises the sign of possibility by exploding the readiness of the

present situation through the catalytic miracle that focuses the one action that moves the whole. The primal community dynamic requires simultaneous engagement of the whole community by the corporate

action in the style of creative servanthood which releases community care in the global context. Finally, strategic action is the result of comprehensive analysis, doing indicative miracles, and building corporateness for the sake of raising the global sign.

IMPLEMENTARY The key to implementing primal community is a global network of

SYSTEMS resurgent communities, comprehensively interrelated, and realized by

revolutionary care structures at the local level. This radical demonstration happens in communities through miracles that break loose new images of possibility for the future. This is dependent on the corporate action of a revolutionary core, sustained and engaged as galaxy and guild. Visual demonstrations are events such as community congress, town meetings training sessions and signal symbolic activity. At every point of historical crisis, primal community has been assigned the scandalous task of creating sociological hope, a practical vehicle for freighting humanness' "And he

built him an ark."

PAST A fundamental contradiction discerned through actualization of the Local

HISTORY Church Experiment over the past four years has been the isolation and

imbalances between the economic and cultural dynamics. Movemental forces have learned through its social methods to build open ended models capable of local revision and adaptation. Our corporate gift to the world is the willingness and demand to relate to the inherent ambiguity and chaotic dynamism of life itself. The initial efforts to recreate primal community were forged out in such prototype experiments as the Iona Community, Fifth City, the Local Church Experiment and the Oombulgurri aboriginal community. me development of the Life Methods of corporate action, depth motivity and tactical thinking paved the way for primary community demonstrations. On January 1, 1974 in a global celebration, our vision of transformed communities took form in the launching of the Guild

Experiment through the vehicle of the 26 week timeline. The past history of the Primal Community Experiment has come out of the expenditure of thousands of persons across the globe and the evolving principles and methods are being offered for the benefit of every local man across the globe.

HISTORICAL The Primal Community Experiment is an evolving, structural response to

DEMAND the happening of the twentieth century. The twentieth century has

experienced the total collapse of humanizing structures such as the

family, the neighborhood, the city and also a collapse of spirit as experienced in the loss of a viable self story, a sense of alienation and a rising hopelessness over the sense of what is possible and yet unrealized. The twentieth century maelstrom has brought to flower a realization that man has one global destiny. Out of the new conscious ness man has experienced his caring and sees that practical care begins with the empowering of local structures as signs of global impact. A new people

have been called forth who would not turn away from the inescapable life demand of our times and who would be the new story of possibility for the globe.

STRUCTURAL Internal dynamics to sustain the missional thrust of the experiment include

DYNAMICS local structures to continually recreate the vision and maintain corporate

action. The creation of local structures of consensus and action planning range from the more inclusive, like the torn meeting or congress, that give local residents the opportunity to consense on the direction and needs of

the community. The task force is a temporary structure for direct action and the guild is a catalytic servant force of the community. Working and planning together, making decisions by consensus, singing and celebrating achieve the corporateness necessary to enable the grassroots man to renew his own community. Creating the vision of the future, global in context and grounded in the local situation, along with the cruciform life style is the invisible glue holding the Primal Community together. These internal dynamics enable the mission for the freedom of man to forge out his intuitions that are conducive to the building of a better world.

STRATEGIC The tools needed for strategic action in the primal community experiment

ACTION are in­depth training, inclusive authorization, and community­involved activities embodying direct and indirect methodologies are held in formal and in formal constructs for all local persons to equip them as catalytic agents in community reformulation. Getting the nod of local community leaders and the establishment opens the door to releasing

the primal community. Indicative battle planning underlies the global/local thrust of the Primal Community Experiment and projects the day­to­day

actions. These three strategic activities will provide the necessary famework for local guildsmen to embody global, practical care for their community.

IMPLEMENTARY Implementary systems required for the ongoing releasing symbolic

SYSTEMS activities of the Primal Community Experiment are life and signs, actualized

grassroots involvement and regular local tactical modification. The primal community is finally sustained by a rythmic corporate symbolic life through prayer, songs, symbols, celebrative meals and corporate miracle creation, rehearsing the on behalf­of nature of the experiment. Grassroots participa-tion is enabled by community PSU's, task forces and covenantal account-ability. To keep the implementary system faithful to the actual situation, it must be regularly evaluated and subject to necessary modification. When the symbolic core of those who care involves the total community in that care on a week by week basis, the life of that community becomes an intensified sign of hope.

FUTURE As always in the midst of forging what a social demonstration is in history,

DIRECTION the question comes of what is its future direction. Local Man must

manifest hope and direction to the globe through the planning, execution, and demonstration of miracles. The primal community's global network of communication would celebrate building of local communities and allow the sharing of decisions through a global interchange system. The development of local leadership, utilization of structured endeavor, and renewal of symbolic life will engage local man in the evolution of global mankind. When it is that these catalyzing actions are acted upon in any local situation, the future will be created.

RADICAL Man's current experimentation with primal community flows out of

HUMAN centuries of human struggle to forge a practical vision and corporate

REBIRTH methods for producing new social signs of depth human care. Experiments

in Fifth City, Oombulgurri, Uptown 5 and Majuro have discerned and created methods for recontexting reformulating, remotivating, out of practical engagement­ in the everyday life of local communities across the world. The journey of man is a journey in primal community in which the collapse of inadequate sociological forms raises the question which leads to confrontation with the Mystery of human existence and reveals the inherent indicative of care which in our time can only be in terms of comprehensive, global revolutions as local man renews his structures to bring to birth a new integrity of human society.

THE NEW The historical situation of the times reveals within itself the demand

HUMAN informing us of the operating indicative. Confronting the collapse

of political structures, the collapse of economic principles and the "No's" being said by the youth of every culture, Man witnesses the going out of being of the basic structures of modern society. Life has always been related to life, and in our times the new interdependence of the global and local situation demands globally replicable forms. Individualism has died; new structures of corporate care are demanded which embody the practical vision of the next 1000 years. All of this points to the birth of a new consciousness and new style of man's relationship to himself, his neighbor and his globe.

THE VISION As the world shoves its globality and human interdependence upon us, it

calls for a viable style for the 21st century. In every culture and on every

continent, signals of human community will be created to demonstrate this possibility for the entire world. The interlinking of these demonstrations in a globallv structured framework, creates corporate dynamics of accounta-bility, discipline and sustenance of troops. At the local level, self­conscious, delimited geographic human settlement is catalyzed by care groups. Renewed primal community is the future of our world.

STRUCTURAL To allow effective social demonstration of primal community it is necessary

DYNAMICS to structurally hold global commonness, local action, and depth motivity.

The global network is expressed in a common operating frame, locally modified, directly related to the social imbalances as discerned both locally and globally. The local action structure is grounded in the guild which is

comprised fo self­ conscious caring forces rooted in the geographically delineated community and in an iron core of secular saints. The depth motivity is continually regenerated through periodic planning and evaluating councils which sustain the troops on the Long March. It

is by way of these three dynamics that the contradictions of frustrated activism and abstract theorizing are reformed into an effective global demonstration.

STRATEGIC The trends of history demand cooperative inter­facing of three distinct

ACTIONS arenas. Because of the thrust of strategic actions, grassroots participa-

tion is enabled through the tactical thinking, corporate action and

motivational means. Strategic actions secure local authorization by holding business­men's LENS, contacting community agencies, inviting local

politicians to participate and holding Local Community Convocation's to include all relevant structures in order to secure funding, backing and participation in the primal community. Demonstration signs elicit from local man the possibility for engagement in the particular on behalf of the globe. We stand on the edge of an historical vantage point which calls for vigorous interaction through inclusive, strategic actions.

IMPLEMENTARY Implementary systems has to do with what it takes to actualize the

SYSTEMS indicative vision of 104 communities. The process of indicative

battle planning is key to the experiment and deals with how we maintain ongoing research, build a practical vision and daily modification

which produces the procedures that push to the bottom images of what to do in reforming a community. A system needs to be designed that hold guilding, congregating, and ordering forces in a network that allows local engagement to have focused global impact. Caring local­man's story an 1 symbols is told through an inclusive network of miracle demonstra- tions holding the inter-dependence of primal communities and its relationship to the globe. The implementary systems are the backbone of primal

community experiment which sustains, motivates, and maintains the local experiment on behalf of and is reduplicable anywhere in the globe.


STRUCTURAL The structural dynamic of the primal community experiment is to DYNAMIC create the single corporate thrust forming a mosaic of human care

across the globe. A globally, interrelated network of local, self­conscious

people who form a band of practical care for human life around the world through primal guilds resulting in depth motivity from creative action as he engages in this task imaging his daily tactics as creating miracles.

Corporate action is the invisible sociological form of the structural dyna-mics releasing the passion of local man. The structural dynamic of the primal community experiment enables a global network to come into being. The essence of which, human motivity, shows up as corporate action.

STRATEGIC The strategic actions for primal community experimentation will

ACTIONS capitalize on extensive proven social demonstration signs, and utilize

miracle methodology and a catalytic style of engagement. The experience gained from the past 20 years of primal community experimentation such as indicative battle planning, consensus forging, the 5th City presuppositions and the social process analysis have indicated the directions of the future. The miracle methodology creates visible practical forms of new community possibility. The catalytic style of engagement sows seeds locally for the globe and silently claims that possibility for others. The result will

be to send ripples of catalytic action spreading from the global network of local demonstration signs to all human communities.

IMPLEMENTARY The orchestration of implementary systems will catalyze existing community

SYSTEMS networks and call forth creative participation of community residents.

Implementary systems are created through discerning the existing networks of authorization, funding and social process within the community

which become a frame for strategic action. The orchestration of actualized local community miracles is done over a four­year period in a global frame which reinforces and sustains local creativity. In the midst of implementing miracles, local people are released for significant engagement as they experience themselves participating in the seeming impossible through corporate action in their local community, and therein experience a transformation in their relationship to primal community. Implementing miracles, there fore weave together the forces which finally catalyze the new world.

PAST History discloses man's repeated invention of primal community by those

HISTORY who shared the dangers of an alien world. In a time of transition of the

forms of community, a timeless invisible college has responded to the human pain of change to form the necessary human community to freight humanness for that time. Mankind had shown up in the midst of the urbanized and technological twentieth century with the outmoded and parochial images of community of his forefathers. In particular, churchmen have been experimenting during the last twenty years with ways of caring for local neighborhoods. These efforts were focused in the 5th City project on the west side of Chicago, which has demonstrated a breakthrough in local forms of care. Already the models of 5th City are being replicated in the aboriginal community of Oombulgurri and the Pacific Island of Majuro and throughout the globe.

HISTORICAL The Twentieth century is a destinal moment in the whole history of

DEMAND mankind. The increased awareness of the reality of global inter-dependence

has revealed the inadequacy of the social forms that we inherited. Causes and projects, to date, in failing to recognize the depth and breadth of the problem, have left no guides for the future. Today, men are only willing to create a local community which allows every man to effectively engage the global and historical responsibility to a world society which has its roots for

the first time in a common vision of the future.

FUTURE The future demands a primal community experiment which can be likened to

DIRECTIONS a flotilla setting sail. The rapidly shrinking world is becoming more complex

and the demand for authentic and relevant community structures will become even more critical as each individual's fate interrelates with that of every other man. The primal community experiment is a perpetual voyage, a symbolic flotilla on the uncharted waters of the future from which no return is possible. Thus survival in this community and maintenance of its course requires that each ship's crew be

ordered, disciplined and able to fill many roles. The primal community that we are about to motivate into being will be a signal light on what it means to be the flotilla's crew where all roles are significant. The primal community experiment

will also beckon others and take responsibility for their care as they adventure like pilot ships sent out on behalf of all.