Local Church Experiment
Advanced School PSU
December Training School
December, 1971
1) Is the yearly statement still applicable to the local situation.
2) If applicable, where does it stand relative to the yearly contradiction and strategic objective of the system (3 dynamics, Parish, Cadre, Congregation).
3) If not applicable need to rework the yearly
contradiction and strategic objective to reflect the new local
This enables the local auxiliary to illuminate where
they stand in in the journey of accomplishing the yearly strategic
objective within the system. With this illumination, and using
the experience and wisdom gained from working through the last
quarter, the Local Auxiliary is broken loose from becoming entrenched
in the immediacy of the local situation.
2. Step two in the contexualizing procedure is to clarify the shifting contradictions (thru workshops) as a galaxy in parish, congregation and cadre for the previous quarter, noting the remaining and newly created contradictions (as a method of gaining objectivity on it), and also to set a basis as to where the three dynamics of parish, congregation and cadre are; the aim being to objectively state the situation at the point of transition, and the point of planning into the next quarter.
3. List the key accomplishment specifically on the tactics.
1. Look at local situation in relationship to the specific tactics actualized over the last quarter.
2. List the key supplementaries which were accomplished.
3. List events in which supplementaries enabled any particular tactic to be turned on.
4. Also list the signal side effects that were manifested from actualizing any given tertiary.
5. The aim of this step is to objectify the key accomplishments and appropriate the signal "spin off's".
4. Step four of contextualizing is a galaxy workshop
to see the significance of the quarter's work in relation to the
journey of the local church experiment. The workshop has the following
format: 1. How has our work this quarter illuminated our insights
about the contradiction and strategic objectives? (i.e. what have
we learned?) 2. Group, then gestalt the data from (1) into 4 key
insights. 3. How has our work on contradictions and strategic
objectives last quarter renewed the church?
4. Using data from (3), articulate an image to hold
the past quarter.
The aim of the workshop is to pronounce absolution
on the quarter and enable the wisdom gleaned during the past quarter's
experience to be brought to bear on refocusing the contradictions
and strategic objectives.
l. Read tactics for coming quarter. In a lecturette
point out how the tactics show up on the rational and contextual
charts in order to see how they relate to the whole system.
2. Study the master index and tactics books. Have
an art form conversation on the general thrust of the complexes
, subcomplexes and tactics within each system, in order
to get the system intent for each level
3. Using the insight gained from the interpretive
question of the art form conversation) create broad images for
each arena, in order to hold the basic thrust of each for the
4. Brainstorm local illustrations of each tactic
in order to ground the dynamics of each tactic in the local situation
and to begin to spin on how the tactic will operate in the coming
1. The galaxy now divides into local auxiliary units. The next step in the process is to concretize the galactic wisdom at the local church level. Write a sentence that holds both the contradiction and strategic objective of the tactical system at each of the following levels complex' subcomplex, and primary tactic. The strategic objective for the complex and subcomplex can be found in the Master Index. The strategic objective for the primaries are found in the tactic books. The contradictions are implied but not specifically articulated. This step lays the foundation for looking at the way these contradictions and strategic objectives are manifested in the local church.
2. The local auxiliary then brainstorms by complex: subcomplex and primary tactics, manifestations of the system contradictions in their local situation. The aim is to use the insights of the systems major contradiction to push the local situation and keep it from being reduced in its own vision.
3. Step 3 is to locate local manifestations of the systems strategic objective by asking: "Where is this objective manifest concretely in my local church (P,C'C) (for each congregation, subcomplex, and primary tactic). Brainstorm, then write a sentence stating the local manifestation of the strategic objective as It is already going on. The aim is to articulate strategic objective as ahead present in the local church.
4. Steps 2 and 3 have discerned how the contradiction
and strategic objective, implicit in the tactical system, are
manifest in the congregation, parish and cadre. The next step
is to articulate in one sentence how the local manifestation of
the contradiction is blocking the local manifestation of the strategic
objective at each level (complex' subcomplex, and primary).
The aim of this step is to discern the local contradiction in
the context of the contradiction in the universal church, for
the complex, subcomplex, and primary tactics of the quarter,
as the basis for creating the local strategic objectives.
1. Short course what strategic objective is. Break
into local auxiliary groups. Look at system contradictions, system
objectives, the local complex contradiction, and the complex itself
and then brainstorm the question "What has to happen this
quarter in order to deal with this contradiction?" Then ask
"In light of this data, what is our strategic objective this
quarter?" (The answer is not a gestalt of the data, but rather
the key thing needed). State the consensus and write in prose
form. Aim is to state the inclusive strategic objective at the
complex level.
2. Look at the complex contradiction and complex
strategic objective and subcomplex contradiction. REPEAT THE BRAINSTORM
AND ETC FROM ABOVE. Aim is to state the strategic objective at
the sub complex level.
3. Look at the sub complex contradiction and sub
complex strategic objective, REPEAT THE BRAINSTORM AND ETC FROM
ABOVE. The aim is to state the strategic objective at the primary
4. The above steps need to be repeated for each complex
for the quarter. When each congregation has completed the workshop
for all complexes, the congregations should exchange their work
for critiques and then each should rewrite. The aim is to utilize
the corporate wisdom of the total galaxy to produce the best possible
inclusive strategic objectives at the complex sub complex and
primary levels for the coming quarter.
AIM: The aim of the first step is to act the context
that will clarify and universalize for the auxiliary the task
of the whole council. 45 minute lecture.
Walk through the specific tactics that are going to be worked on during the week II council by reviewing the intent and the emphasis of each tactic (see Master Index and 4x4 lecturette in operations manual) and by quickly brainstorming images of what each tactic looks like in operation (use congregational analysis from training school and any previous work).
3 Laying Out Week II Council Timeline
Draw an imaginal chart (or hand out a ditto) of the Council time design' explaining the rationale for working as individuals and as groups and identifying the materials each person and group will need.
4. Explaining the Process of Modification
Lay out the general process of modification, describe
the final result of each workshop, allow the entire galaxy to
walk through the process and ask questions of clarity.
AIM: The aim of the selection of tertiary objectives
is to vision and image how these tertiaries relate to the contradictions
and objectives of the primary tactic, the system and life itself
in order that each tertiary objective shall directly impact the
local manifestation of the universal block to humanness.
1. Getting Broad Picture Time: 15 minutes
As a total local auxiliary, with tactical system and Primary tactic. Contradictions and objectives visually available to every member.
A. The galaxy will divide into local auxiliaries to study the assigned primary tactics for this council.
B. Groups of two study a primary in relation to its yearly and quarterly complex and subcomplex and the primary contradictions and strategic objectives.
C. Then review the tactic book by studying the system tertiary objectives (secondaries), the subtactics, prose on first three pages of book (back and front) and the procedural steps for the primary tactic (first inside page ) .
2. Studying Tertiaries Time: 10 minutes Individually study tertiaries, reading the tertiaries sentences, then as a local auxiliary. Reflect on the thrust of particular tertiaries in relation to the total thrust of the tactic on the local congregation's primary contradiction and strategic objective.
3. Deciding the Tertiary Objective Time: ~ minutes Break into smallest working group and moving through secondaries each inclusive tertiary objective by spelling out the local impact and its effect on the primary contradiction.
A. Impact on Contradiction
B. Clarity
C. Feasibility
AIM: The aim of this step is to articulate the procedural
form and to select the supplementaries for each of the 16 tertiaries.
1. Studying procedures: In groups of two read and study the procedures on each secondary in tactic book, 2. Articulating procedural form: Articulate procedural forms as they best address the stated inclusive tertiary objective and write it in the procedural form box. ( a descriptive sentence of what this tertiary would look like in actualization). Do all 16 consecutively. 3. Selecting supplementaries: A different group of two from same congregation select three or more supplementaries which would best address the selected procedural form and the inclusive tertiary objective. (move directly to step 4) 4. Making final selection: Write chosen supplementaries in the box on tactic actualization sheet repeat this procedure for all 16 tertiaries consecutively.
(steps 3 and 4 30 min.) |
AIM: The aim of this step is to focus the chosen
supplementaries on the primary contradiction in order to provide
maximum effectiveness.
1. Indicating the chosen supplementaries: Indicate on the Modification I sheet the previously selected supplementaries for each tertiary. (Write in or circle if printed)
2. Reviewing relationship to primary thrust: Review supplementaries and get articulated how in practice this tactic is going to journey through its actualization time. Ask of the chosen supplementaries: Will these particular supplementaries enable the common thrust of this tactic? Make any necessary changes. 3. Refining the Supplementary selection: Look at the interrelationships of chosen supplementaries (i.e. same week, quarter, etc.) and make any place changes, additions or deletions required to focus the thrust.
b) Where is the excitement? c) Where are the dangers? | 6 min,
19 min
12 min, 15 min. |
The Local Church Experiment is creating a New Method of Being the Church,
not creating a more relevant ministry (program, on behalf of the globe, not
a project on behalf of this congregation.
1. is a push into one of 576 arenas of the life of the church.
2. is basically accomplished in an action to be done in next week.
e.g. begin contextualizing songs in cadre meeting, start cadre planning Christmas celebration, call parish clergy to lunch, invite to PLC
3. is planned and executed by the auxiliary.
i.e.; if tertiary leads toward the cadre or Membership ~ Evangelism task force or Ministerial Alliance doing something, the tertiary is what auxiliary must do to get them to act. (spin).
4. may get programs implemented or impacted, but they are not programs themselves .
5. inevitably pushes the spirit button on the people they are aimed at
(cadre, Membership & Evangelism or Ministerial
1. Tertiaries may be actualized within several events.
2. No more than six tertiaries to any one event.
3. Extend no more than three tertiaries beyond this week.
4. Those continued beyond designated week should
be the responsibility of local church structures wherever possible.
I. The purpose of recreating vision of the Local/T4eekly Tertiary Modification is to hold all preplanned contradictions and objectives for the System, Complexes' Subcomplexes, Primary tactics' and the objectives of all tertiaries in order to have weekly tertiary actualizations in relation to the comprehensiveness of the total system.
A. Review with corporate auxiliary the quarterly objective of the system, complex, subcomplex, and primary tactic contradictions and objectives and spin on it.
B. Look at tertiary objectives and rearticulate, keeping in mind its particular secondary.
C. Ascertain which supplementaries are chosen, examine (check subtactic n tactic book)., spin and review supplementary decisions previously made.
Preprocedural note:
1. Assign workshop leader prior to sodality meeting.
2. Assign local auxiliary members to hold information on several tertiaries prior to workshop.
3. Do steps B, C, and D in turn for each tertiary
within the system for the week and then repeat the whole in turn
for each system.
II. Previewing the Week's Opportunities.
The local auxiliary unit turns next to look at the opportunities for tactical actualization present in the congregation, cadre, and parish during the next week considering every dimension of the church and community for formal and informal happenings, evaluates the listed opportunities for their tactical effectiveness, weighing up augmenting and blocking factors. and after reviewing the 12 tertiary objectives selects an adequate number of opportunities to implement the week's tertiaries.
A. List by means of brainstorm all the opportunities in the arenas of Cadre, Congregation, Parish for the assigned week considering all the scheduled happenings, activities and encounters and including committees and task groups of the arenas, noting the program themes and curricula and holding personal appointments, meetings a calls and variables.
B. In order to evaluate the opportunities, each one must be reviewed on the basis of accessibility 3 number affected, depth of impact, as well as positive side effect potential.
C. On the other side of each opportunity are inherent blocks and/or negative feedback which must be considered by examining complexity of access, followup demands, roles and relationships of key persons, and negative side effect potential.
D. Finally, it is required to select the key opportunities
by raising up the unblocking devices' weighing up the positive
and negative factors, considering the likelyhood of tertiary objective
realizations, and holding to a small but adequate number (approximately
III. Designing the Stimuli. On the basis of reviewing the vision and previewing the opportunities, the following steps will create a specific design for actualizing the tertiaries of the week.
A. Assign tertiaries to opportunities which are selected or created on the basis of their ability to accomplish the tertiary objective.
B. If possible divide into small groups by opportunities, and redecide supplementaries by which the tertiaries will be actualized.
C. For each opportunity, create a 4 X 4 battle plan to actualize all tertiaries assigned to that opportunity.
D. Reconvene as a whole local auxiliary and evaluate
the battle plans according to accomplishment of objectives.
IV. Implementing the Design The above designed battleplans are converted to practical steps enabling the total implementation of the stated objectives.
A. Looking at the 4 X 4 battleplan, list all procedures and steps to be initiated and all instruments needed (whether available or to be created or procured) and create a timeline of all practical actions necessary for actualization.
B. Working as a total group, create a common timeline for the week by meshing the several timelines.
C. Make and record assignments by objectifying individual timelines, special opportunities, and local auxiliary training needs.
D. Symbolize the coming week's activity, e.g., art
form story, litany, ritual, etc. (see attached symbolic aids re:
Oh, thou great and almighty Creator and Sustainer
of all men, all thoughts and all deeds, who gives us visions of
great things yet throws contradictions into our objectives, We
confess that we are greatly tempted by the devices of men and
lured by the great programs created by other people. Our spirits
are willing but the flesh is weak and we sometimes quickly renounce
our gift of creativity and our wisdom of men's needs for the easy
path.. Oh God, keep our hearts pure and chaste and our bodies
and minds in the straight and narrow way of creating the new methods
and procedures to renew the world. Yet give us the courage and
insights to use the situations you have prepared for our use,
We stand before you and this task tonight as the Church and expend
our lives on behalf of this congregation and all men. In the name
of thy son who died that we may live and lived to show us how
to die. Amen.
II. 1st liturgist (Beat out Rhythm)
Where is the arena? In cadre? In congregation? Yet the Church acts already. Yet churchmen act already. Amen. | Response:
Cadre. Congregation! (eg church calendar) (eg personal timeline) Amen. |
III. I am a Tertiary. . . you are an Auxiliary. .
I become the Auxiliary when I am emploded in people
to deal with contradictions. I was born with 575 others, yet I
stand alone as the one sent into all of history to die my death
in this week' in this place . . . My eleven other colleagues are
contentless cohorts who are bound with me in my death. . . Our
crucifixion is one happening, though we may die on different hills.
One thing I despise more than all else, is being turned into a
program. . . I am sent to shock into selfconsciousness the
spirit of man . . . People are prior to program. After I die my
dead body may look like a program, but verily it is not I. . .
I, the tertiary, have died. You the auxiliary have died, verily
you are not you, you are living tertiary.
IV. Song to tune Aluetta.
Contradiction, I say our contradiction. Obligation, I say our ob
Contradiction, what happened to it now? Obligation, is where our
Now we have our 4 X 4s Now we take our 4 X 4s
Now we have our Battle plans Now we take our battle
4 X 4s, Battle Plans, OHhhh Die our death.
Die our deaths
That's our cross, OHhhhh
(Now make assignments)
V. Closing Ritual (Start with Psalm 136: 14. End with last verse)
It is good to give thanks to the Lord for his love endures forever
Give thanks to the God of God, for his love endures forever.
Give thanks to the Lord of lords, for his love endures forever
Alone he works great marvels; for his love endures forever.
That (name) is assigned to_________ for his love endures forever.
(Repeat until all assignments are out)
1. A key problem in the local church experiment is
developing images that allow the auxiliary to operate through
the tactical system in caring for the congregation. Tactical care
is dynamic and thus releases the congregation from static images
of authority such as pillar of the church in bringing about comprehensive
love of the church
2. Congregational events, planned and unplanned,
present the auxiliary with the imaginal problem of holding the
events in the context of the assigned tertiary. In building the
battleplan for an event, the auxiliary primarily uses the objectives
named in the tactics and thereby clarifies and intensifies the
context of traditional events. When tactical schemes are appropriated
unexpected events become the occasion for accelerated implementation.
The congregation discerns the signs of church renewal through
experiencing the tactics pulled through a church event. The cadre
expands the effect of tactical events by rehearsing these events
in conversation and by telling contexualizing stories.
3. Tertiary implementation is a dynamical process
which raises the issue of how do we intensify and focus human
dynamics in the congregation through tertiary actualization. The
first key is to identify where the seminary, sodality and college
dynamics are authentically going on in the congregation. Tactics
are not added to improve situations' rather they are done from
the center in order to transform them. Spinning of tactics creates
a new climate which will sustain its continuation and intensification.
Tactical implementation is a reality when the congregation has
a concrete vision of new possibility.
4. The auxiliary must create operating images for
the sake or the relationship the cadre must to the various structures
it is related to in tactical implementation. Structures contain
the continuity in history, and therefore the auxiliary must enable
support of congregational structures. Structures give force to
dynamics to humanness, and therefore in relating to structures
the auxiliary functionally delimits its arena of engagement. Structure
focus human passion' and therefore congregational structures are
the vehicle through which the auxiliary catalyzes human creativity,
it therefore relates the cadre to congregational structures. Structures
allow external symbolizing of a stance, and therefore galactic
structures are the vehicle through which the auxiliary releases
its passion.
5. he issue at stake in operational images in the
area of the dynamic congregation is what story does the cadre
tell itself and then project to the congregation and what story
does the congregation tell itself. The congregation operates out
of the story that every man is on a unique journey as a solitary
human being and that the congregation is on c; corporate
journey both of which are honored and given the possibility of
continual growth. The congregation in the midst of the Local Church
Project sees itself as coming off and rehearses story of successes)
as congregational dynamics. The cadre honors present structures
and p0ors life into those very structures and brings into power
this congregation the objective being to ''bring off elected
leadership. Those who decide to assume responsibility to bring
·o life the local congregation are radically obedient to
the local congregation and selfconscious cadremen wear many
hats to spritize congregation and enable its expenditure in the
6. These clarified operational images distinguish
tactical implementation from just plain busyness and spiritless
doing. They allow men to stand as men of faith in the midst of
the experiment. They release human creativity and focus it into
a single thrust. They explode mundane doing into spirit.
7. What are the dynamical relations which emerge
in the process of implementation?
8. First, the relation of the auxiliary to the cadre
and cadre dynamic is as an assignment in and of the cadre. Its
function is to maintain the comprehensive picture to stay on top
of the tactical system; and by doing so to enable the cadre to
care for and train the congregation. The cadre's task is to enable
the congregation to implement its vision and to enable the congregation's
vision to be enlarged through the tactical systems. The auxiliary
does not exist other than as a relationship to the cadre
9. Secondly, tactical implementation in relation
to the local situation entails grasping the tactical system as
method rather than as content. The congregation in response, creates
the necessary structures to meet its enlarging vision. This also
means that the key is working within the existing structures of
the congregation. The selection of supplementaries is in direct
relation to addressing the heart of the contradiction and finally
only through honoring the congregation as it is as an unrepeatable
gift to history and the experiment can the depth of the
response as a renewal dynamic be authentically grounded in history
10. The systems flexibility in relation to continental
commonness is a third engagement relation which you must stand
present to because it emerges in the process of implementation.
The basic issue present is to decide to honor the weekly continental
demands by moving on all 12 tertiaries. This requires that the
auxiliary be primarily concerned with the intent of the actualized
tertiaries rather than their manifest content. [For example, when
tertiaries for parish tactics are assigned on a particular week
during the first year, the intent of that tertiary can be implemented
if the auxiliary sees the suggested supplementaries as supplying
the vision for. That that tertiary might look like in full implementation
when the actual parish situation makes it tactically viable].
This is accomplished by dealing honestly and obediently with the
relativity and ambiguity of the particular situation, remembering
that the local contradiction defines that very ambiguity. This
presupposition allows you to trust the system's capability of
producing achievable battleplans relative to the number of troops
you have in your particular local situation.
11. The practical task in implementation is to train
the auxiliary to think in terms of contradictions spirit problems
and to deal tactically with these. Further it is to provide an
image of the week's thrust that enables the cadre to he comprehensive
and chaste in the task of caring for the local congregation. This
image can be developed by raising the question to each local auxiliary
unit at the end of every sodality That is the one thrust
we are about this coming week?" Moreover, the practical task
is to "hold the spin by evaluating the cumulative effect
of the current tactics being implemented by raising the question:
What has been the journey of the congregation this week in relationship
to where they were last week and where they are going in the next?.'
12 The above refining of the engagement relations
is intended to clarify the ways in which tactical implementation
may most effectively take place. The transformation of the internal
imagination of the church's selfimage as mission to civilization
is the key to its renewal. Spirit renewal is what we are finally
13. Implementation design focuses upon the problem
of blurring of strategic objectives. so that people in the auxiliary
are operating out of strategic objectives other than those previously
consensed upon. The basic problem is a lack of objective structures
to pull the data through the strategic objective. contradiction'
complex, and subcomplex screens of the experiment. This
leads to substitution, modification, or the complete loss of the
consensed objectives when seen only in the context in the immediate
14. The weekly timeline must reflect the quarterly
thrust in tertiary actualization within the local situation. The
holding instrument for the weekly timeline would be a 4x4 which
gestalts the procedural steps into 4 thrusts (with one common
image) and names the week according to that image, as the week
of _______. From this image can the 4x4 of the week be checked
overagainst the strategic objective for the quarter as well
as building the weekly timeline. The weekly timeline reflects
events and preparation from which assignments can be made to both
the local auxiliary and cadre. Individual timelines are then created
which are a form of accountability done at least 2 weeks in advance
and which can at the end of the week of actualization become the
check as to one's dying in his tactics .
15. Implementing a tactic ,means that the contradiction
to which a tactic is addressed is actually removed by the implementation
of that tactic. This might mean that a continuing or ongoing
model is called for instead of a oneshot thrust. For instance
if the contradiction is that there is no solitary office in the
congregation, the tactic implementation must be more than having
a solitary office in the woman's meeting. It must be an introduction
and a model for the continuing of that solitary office. This is
sometimes known as spinning a tactic. A helpful instrument would
be a chart holding all 36 tactics for the year showing
4 levels of intensification that might be required for certain
contradictions to be removed. A weekly spinning check list would
name the 36 tactics and the local auxiliary would name how during
the week each tactic would be kept spinning. If a tactic is not
yet actualized then it's left blank. If a tactic has stopped spinning
during the week then the tactic can be incorporated into the weekly
timeline to reactivate it.
16. The implementation design needs to hold in view
missed tertiaries of preceding weeks. This provides possibility
of the reappropriation of still helpful and timely tactical attacks
on important contradictions. Also enabled is necessary intensification
of present tactics to cover dropped opportunities. Finally, it
keeps the cadre selfconsciously pushier at isolating those
blocks that disable tactic implementation.
17. Projecting ahead in order to inform where the
cadre and congregation need to move this week involves looking
at the system s contradictions and strategic objectives for the
year and the quarter. Gestalting quarterly events according to
complex and subcomplex enables the objective to be comprehensive
but at the same time holds the tension of relating to the particular
local situation. How does the cadre (auxiliary) art form (put
imaginally) the quarterly and weekly thrust in order to inform
the present.
18. The implementation design holds before the auxiliary
the particular weeks tertiaries, the spinning of all 36 tactics)
the thrust of missed tertiaries and the weekly rehearsal of strategic
19. Evaluation of tactical implementation deals with
the crucial issue of training, the galaxy and each local auxiliary,
the cadre and the congregation is a process of dynamical thinking
and develops selfconsciousness in these groups for the sake
of continuing the vital thrust of the project.
20. It is essential that all groups that is the galaxy
and the auxiliary, the cadre and the congregation need to be aware
of and participate in an evaluation process going on at regular
intervals. The individual daily carries on this evaluation process
through his timeline, while the galaxy and each auxiliary unit
does this evaluation at weekly meetings. A Local Church cadre
reviews and projects on a monthly basis. Congregations evaluate
by reporting at yearly church meetings. These participants in
the project perform a continual dynamic process called evaluation.
21. Evaluation functions to enable a process of selfconsciousness
to emerge at every level of the project in regard to basic tactical
operating images and values. Rather than promoting fixation on
static program success or failure, effectiveness of given sets
of actuated tertiaries can be measured by obtaining an objective
picture of qualitative changes in the life of the church over
the actualization period. The dynamical nature of the tactical
process thus gains operational clarity.
g) What symbol will best enable that style shift
to occur?
23. Dynamically., evaluation plays the role of absolution
spirit by the following a) allowing the solitary auxiliary individual
to rebuild his shattered timeline B) by enabling the auxiliary
unit to reforge the primary contradiction and the strategic objective,
c) by giving permission to the galaxy to continue the project,
d) by giving the congregation the possibility of redirecting and
broadening their life thrust. which recreates human
24. A regular selfconscious process of evaluation
is recommended for the galaxy the auxiliary the cadre the congregation
and the individual in order that they be trained and released
to objectify where they are in tertiary actualization, to discern
the impact that has been made on resolving the contradiction to
determine where spirit shifts have occurred during actualization.
process and to redirect any future planning. Consistent evaluation
methodologies are crucial in maintaining both local and continental
commonness and in insuring the future vitality of the Local Church