Maybe the greatest thing in our age was that the
renewal movement got started by the laity. Slowly, what has happened
is we've become clear. Like, we must be in but not of the world.
That the Other World is in the midst of This World. We've become
clear that vocation is one, in the midst of temporal calling.
There is no such thing as set aside religious activities
where people are set aside. In the medieval monasteries there
were doctors, lawyers, writers.
I've struggled with my vocation. A highly secular
description of my vocation is plotting the Other World in the
midst of This World. This will get clear to the church in time.
Another thing; we've been blind, but have not made
too many mistakes in seeing that a religious order must have amazing
flexibility and that lines delineate the flexibility,
There will always be a symbolic group or body. But
they must not consider themselves more important than any other
part of the group.
Thirdly, everything we say may seem to imply an aristocracy
which I've always feared. Vocation as a calling has got to be
something Wanda Lee can understand so that she can participate
in undelimited engagement.
Grounding in the future our three circles in human
poetry is crucial. Especially our third circle. We've experimented
with classes in the order really for peoples' sakes. There should
be a long, relatively unpressured time for, people to makeup
their minds about whether they've been called for life to the
symbolic order.
I've thought that the ring should be the symbol that that decision has been made. Giving up being somebody. For some it might take one year, for others it might take twenty years.
And I have a Walter Mitty about all religious orders
welcoming those with the ring in a great fellowship.
Secular/Religious Image:
Every man and all men have always had a world view
or a mindset or context or an image of reality. What is real or
what is life?
Before the first century men said the world looks like this -
Secular | ![]() |
There is good and bad in the world. Life is made
up into two parts. If you do right the Gods will be good to you
and you'll get your share of the world's good.
The church maintained that there was but one God,
and the whole world God said was good. And man was created in
God's image and as a creature God saidhe was good. Man does
not have control over whether his share will be.
In the fourth century Plato came along. and said reality or the world is like this: | ![]() |
(one journey)
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Aristotle came along and said it looks like this: Secular: | ![]() | ||
Aquinas in his time said | ![]() |
Then along came the age of Enlightenment when men began to use their rational minds. They said the world is like this | ![]() | ||
Wesley said the mind and body and are all one | ![]() |
(He is in control.)
There still remain mindsets that say life, or my
situation is
1. Epicureans says little bit of it is good. I'll
get a piece of it
2. Romantic says someday it will be good. Every cloud
has a silver lining.
3. The Stoic says it is bad but I can endure it and
I won't let it get to me.
4. The cynic says it is bad, but I'm not going to
do anything about it
5. The Norman Vincent Peales put on rose colored
glasses and life can be nice.
6. The 1iberal says I'll make it good.
In our day the secular and religious have come together.
We knew that man can create the meaning of all of life and say
yes to any situation and say that is the real situation. It comes
ultimately from the mystery, and my life is a part of that mystery
and I am accepted in this situation and I can live in this reality.
In 20th century, we know there is more to reality
than what we see and feel and touch and hear and know.
The existentialists revealed that to us. We know
we operate in an interior world, what goes on inside us as well
as outside us.
Our group, with the new course and with other world language, says:
1. Inside us and outside us is mystery, or awe, or wonder.
4. And there is a certainty, a peace, a contentment
and endlessness in our inner most being.
It is our task in our day to talk about the world or reality, using the secular, man-on-the-street terms. At the same time those with the memory of the church use the old symbols that the church for 2000 years have used.
So secular is not real and religion is not something
supernatural. We are recapturing for secular man a realistic world
view with verbal symbols so he can live a life that is full and
exuberant and vita1 and full and be contented, peaceful, joyful,
with no personal problems.
The secular religious man is the only one who can
celebrate his whole life, for he has a secret. He does not look
different from his next door neighbor because he lives out of
an interior life that is happy and filled full. He accepts all
of life and says it is all good.
We misunderstand when we say there is secular and
there is religious. We mean these is only one authentic life,
the secular/religious. The man who lives in the world but does
not depend upon anyone or any thing in this world in order to
enjoy life and to find life bubbling over. We have used the words
secular and religious to mean either genuine or pietistic, laymen
or clerics relative to our daily jobs. The clerics tend to think
they are closer to God.
We mean to say that all men live before an enigmatic
power that gives us our lives to live, gives us the freedom to
live it and gives us the world to participate in it and gives
us happiness. We are out to show what it means to live one life
that can be a great one.
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