Modern man finds himself without a vital mythology rooted in depth life experience and therefore is not able to realize his full humanness. The practical strategy of Recreated Secular/Religious Mythology aimed toward this present critical situation. The New Reconstruction of society will be realized through the six master strategies, and will be founded on a Great Resurgence of the human spirit. That resurgence depends upon the successful implementation of a Recreated Secular/Religious Mythology which intends to give a new self-story grounded in depth life experience and history, and to creatively engage him in building a global society. The intent is to provide adequate life stories that tell man his life is significant and that reflect life as it actually confronts him.

The Recreated Secular/Religious Mythology will give man transcendent imagery and thus free him from the immediacy caused by unrestrained scientism. In this way, he will be released to see his oneness with all of life and thus discover the sacred in the secular. Such an alteration of consciousness allows man to experience his life as utterly significant and meaningful. Furthermore, Recreated Secular/Religious Mythology intends to create a new vocational perspective in which a person will decide upon his vocation not out of self-interest but in light of the fact that he shows up caring about global need. A new passion for society will be released. Man would be freed to play any role and engage in any situation. A life style where human expenditure acts on behalf of all is to be created. Then responsible participation of churchmen in society will redirect all of men into comprehensive care structures for anew global society.

The practical strategy of Recreated Secular/Religious Mythology functions by recovering the existential meaning of myths, clarifying their experiential nature and by poetically articulating the deepest meaning of life. Secondly, the strategy functions by making man aware that he operates either consciously or unconsciously out of a mythology, and that this mythology strongly influences his behavior and decisions. For example, the person who finds himself without a job is operating out of the accepted societal myth that every man must work in order to be respectable. Thirdly, it functions by confront man with the inadequacies of his present operating principles such as scientism, individualism and religiosity so that he will be struck by the need for a new myth and self-story. And lastly, the strategy functions by funneling man's valid but limited concerns into the comprehensive engagement of a responsible global citizen.