


1. When it became clear that the Church has used the language of Platonism A.E. Taylor says all philosophizing in West footnotes on Plato Says Plato wee articulating a mindset, therefore you could say Christianity was set in Platonism.

2. Richard Niebuhr taught me that all people have their own Old Testament. If it hat not been for Exodus, the coming of Jesus would not have happened.

3. With Tillich's essay on Future of Religion -- Jarred me with -- Religious symbols of world are depositories of phenomenological encounter with profound reality of deep humanness. Therefore every one of their symbols deals with humanness.

4. Every society knows about the Christ. Buddha called it the lamination. Everybody knows about the saving Logos - in comparative religion they talked about salvation.

5. Only when Jesus Christ appeared in history did man become aware of profound meaning of the logos. The early Church was clear before Abraham was, I am, lap of father, John's prolegomena. Whatever poetry there was, Jesus Christ was profundity of the Christ Therefore with glasses of Jesus Christ you spot in the symbols of the other religions ~ in Buddhism the third noble truth. The Jesus Christ enables me to make this remark. It is objective as 1 + 1 = 2. There must not be bigotry. The shocking thing is Platonism is rationalism of Ayrians. The Ayrians carried Platonism in India and got mixed with Dravidians and you got Hindus.

6. Time Magazine review of 18th Century Emperor of Japan. In Sinocism I tend to be abstract because I've never lived as close to Chinese as Hindus. Therefore I am abstract. Therefore the last thing is the awareness that if you do this Job you have to get to the heart of stored up experience of Christians.

Buddhism is simple. Their heart is four truths and eight steps unto those truths.

Hinduism is complex. Kantwell Smith was correct in Sinocism. It is the yin yang principle and four TAOS such as familial love.

Islam: Kantwell Smith did his worst. But that is best stored up experience of Arab experience or invention of humanness. It is in the Word. The Koran is the solidification of that.

But Judaism is the same. The Torah -- we are the people of the book. The book is the Word.

In starting with the Sufi tradition. Sufi book you have to take non abstract part of religion. The phenomenological, the existential, the evangelical. They are unfrozenness of Make it drip - use the emotional, devotional side of religion is closer to liquid. Like swirling dervish, 80 rapid they went into trances. It was their way of taking marijuana.

Balloon: Day after tomorrow consult with spirit people who are Sinoists.

1. With a Confucian Christian.

2. Hindu

3. Buddhist background

  1. Muslem. You'd begin to build a practical instrument that would enable a practical activity.

Method I Trinitarian

1. Look for Christ happening

2. Manifestation of Christ happening

3. You're looking at their understanding of final reality

(what they are over against, e.g. Buddhists say nothingness)

We took Father, Son and Holy Spirit and came out with EEK, OK, UK

II Other World

1. Mystery

  1. Consciousness or freedom
  2. Love
  3. Fulfillment

III Sanctification / Justification

Our own experience in transparenizing Christianity

We called it demythologizing, secularizing,

grounding it, probing, seeing through verbal symbols to reality.

We got caught in our swamp. We look through reality

Historical method shed skin of the 20th Century unshedding then shedding skin

The happening happens: forces you into a journey

1. reconstruct

2. create future

3. present

4. acting in response

5. response to response which creates not yet

Get methodology Tagore did for Hinduism what we did for Christianity. He started a university in Calcutta in Humanities.

Look for Buddhism -- Dark Night of the Soul is there:

Being torn apart inside


Awe-filled loneliness

Overwhelming ineffectivity ~ minnow in the ocean of history rather than a carp in a millpond.

These categories come close to experiential dimensions:

We become Hindus in order to enter the temple

You are the temple of God

We're going into profound depths of Hindu spirit.

Celebrate new theologizing since the Protestant Reformation

The Protestant Reformation was interim so we could get to

classical religion.

In Becket -- Defend the Honor of God (not the Savior of God)

Enabling spirit for this moment

Significating the Church for this moment

That itself is profundity of love.

If this transparentization of religion doesn't happen, the Church doesn't have the slightest chance of saying what the Holy Spirit, Christ Word, and God are. He's doing it now -- we can participate-or we'll be left out. We create myths so people can swim instead of drown.

Faith is not a religion.

Faith, Hope, and Love are the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the

overlay of action on mystery, law and passion.