[Oe List ...] Lest we get too sentimental about the Gipper

Richard and Maria Maguire unfolding at smartchat.net.au
Tue Jun 29 01:08:54 CDT 2004

>Hi everyone

This article goes well with Dick's 
cartoon.  http://www.commondreams.org/views04/0607-10.htm

If you haven't heard of The Corporation, Canada's latest contribution to 
democratic sanity, have a look at http://www.thecorporation.tv/  The 
Economist even liked it (mostly).

There's something else good at the University of Texas at Austin, 

And finally on the need for attention to the cultural dimension of politics 
try www.rockridgeinstitute.org

All encouraging signs for our times, I think


Richard and Maria Maguire, Unfolding Futures Pty Ltd, GPO Box 349, Sydney 
NSW 2001, Australia
Ph (61-2) 9896 3839, Fax (61-2) 9896 3904, info at unfoldingfutures.net, 
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