[Oe List ...] Answers to everything ...

Tim Wegner twegner at swbell.net
Mon May 17 22:12:07 CDT 2004

Here goes.

1. Harry asked:

> What ever Tim did to change the settings makes this work!  Tim, 
> please share with me what you did.  I have checked the OE and 
> Dialogue settings and cannot see any difference than what I have 
> set in my  church's Mailman lists.

I found this information in the FAQ at 

First, what version of mailman are you running? You may not have this 
feature if running 2.0. We are running 2.1.3

OK, go to the administative page


Login with the administrative password.

Under "Configuration Categories" click "Content Filtering"

You will see a bunch of fields. All I did was change

"Should Mailman filter the content of list traffic according to the 
settings below? "

from "no" to "yes"

and second from bottom, I changed:

"Should Mailman convert text/html parts to plain text?"

from no to yes.

This seemed to work for Harry's messages.

I think it's safe to make that change for dialogue as well. I'll go 
ahead and do it.

2. I have handled all the adminstrative requests. Added one user. Ray 
Caruso's email is igc.org and he tried to post a "Thanks Abe" message 
from igc.com. I sent him an email asking him what is right. (Neither 
address bounced, so maybe both are good, but he has to post from an 
email that mailman recognises as the subscribed address. Also, Abe 
asked me to set one user up for digest mode. All done.

Janice says it makes Abe happy when I do list stuff, so Abe be happy 

3. On archives. I see no need to collect the archives from Topica. 
The reason is that I personally have a collection (albeit with some 
holes when I was unsubscribed) that goes back to 1996, and several 
users answered my pleas with offers to share their archives. I do 
have some ideas about how to collect the archives from Topica, but I 
don't think it is worth it. 

I'll merge the archives I get with my own, munge the emails (e.g. 
twegner AT swbell.net), and figure out how to get the archives online 
in a reasonable way.  There are some options to add html to the 
archives page. Does this sound OK? I'm suggesting that Abe can go 
ahead and turn off ica-dialogue without waiting for us to save the 


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