[Oe List ...] Assistance Request

aiseayew aiseayew at iowatelecom.net
Mon Sep 27 16:38:37 CDT 2004

Dear Ellie, et. al.,
I am so sorry.  I know that I read messages that don't stick in my head and
I have been training myself to always put my last name on messages, so I was
appalled when I got your note and realized I had simply said Mary Lou and
not Mary Lou Peterson.  My apologies.  I know we are far too large a
community for such oversight to not generate confusion.

Mary Lou Peterson is journeying with the last stages of ALS (Lou Gehrig's,
Tuesdays with Morrie).  Her breathing capacity is under 50%, she is on tube
feeding and only incredible creativity lets her still use her tongue to
talk.  With hospice they have put her on a continuous catheter so she is
getting more sleep/real sleep and Naomi (my daughter in Chicago) reported
that she had an actual sparkle in her eye for the first time since my last

I will be going back to Chicago on the 20th of October.  Since my last long
note, Mary Lou has kept messages from you all in a special stack (apart from
the mountains of things we have thrown away) and has her day nurse read and
re-read them to her from time to time.  It is a source of great joy and
comfort.  As you reach out with care and energy for this journey, I would
ask that you remember Naomi.  With her two jobs and three children (that she
still is taking to visit Mary Lou regularly) and her husband who still
struggles with the intimacy created by our life in community, she is deeply

Thanks again and blessings on you,
Margaret Aiseayew

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <Elliestock at aol.com>
To: "Order Ecumenical Community" <OE at wedgeblade.net>
Sent: Saturday, September 25, 2004 5:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Oe List ...] Assistance Request

> Jan Ulangca might be able to write down the music.
> Mary Lou who?
> Ellie Stock
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