[Oe List ...] McGuires' Holy Day Letter

LAURELCG@aol.com LAURELCG at aol.com
Thu Dec 22 01:23:09 EST 2005

Fred and Jann McGuire
Send you Loving Greetings
for the
Winter Holy Days, 2005
Prayers for a Blessed New Year!

“The fiftieth year shall be a jubilee for you.”
                            -- Leviticus 25:11

On our forty-ninth anniversary, February 17, 2005, we declared a Jubilee Year!

We have learned that a Jubilee Year has both mundane and glorious happenings:

Fred was diagnosed with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.  He coughs a 
lot, but is still considered a  “walking miracle” by his doctor.  He got two 
hearing aids and can now hear what’s going on at deacons meetings, among other 

Worship, study and fellowhood with our local Presbyterian church bless us.

Each full moon found us hosting our healing community to celebrate our soul 
contracts as revealed by our horoscopes and Connie Kaplan’s book, The Invisible 

Jann’s mother, Willie Mae Hale, overcame all the year’s challenges with 
grace and ease: melanoma surgery, extensive dental work, moving to a new 
apartment.  Now she’s visiting her sons in Texas and Arkansas.  Caring for her and 
receiving her care for us is a blessing!  She is 93. 

We both continue to do volunteer work for Hospice and the local cultural arts 

Jann still teaches part time, and had fun helping to develop a Gifted and 
Talented Education art history course.  She’s treasurer for the AAUW and on the 
community theater board.  Never a dull moment!  Six years in remission from 
lymphoma are complete!  

We went to see the King Tut exhibit in LA.  Fred says we had to stand in line 
so long, the king was dead by the time we got in to see him!  Yes, Fred still 
tells bad jokes!

 Our big celebration was at the end of July when our family (fifteen of us -- 
two grandchildren couldn’t come) gathered at Mineral King, our personal 
Garden of Eden.  We spent six summers (1959 -1965) there, and the place is a feast 
for our souls.  Our grandchildren came to know spots that their fathers loved 
as children, and we saw the magic of the place through new eyes.  Filled up on 
fresh trout.  Old friends Bob and Mary Crane and Lynn Woltjer and some of 
their kids joined us.  It was indeed a Golden Jubilee!

Fred and I plan to  mark the turning of the new year in Mexico, with a trip 
to Copper Canyon beginning December 29.  The adventure continues.

 Other feasts and gatherings through the year have made us aware of how truly 
blessed we are to have maintained our relationship, however imperfectly.  Our 
three sons and their wives and children fulfill our dreams.  You, too, have 
been a part of the journey, and we are so grateful for your love and 
friendship.  Thanks for hanging in with us!  May the Source of all of life’s gifts pour 
them out richly on you and yours!

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