[Oe List ...] Memories of Vance

Charles or Doris Hahn cdhahn at flash.net
Tue Nov 8 18:26:11 EST 2005

One of my early memories of Vance was in the 60's on
the west side of Chicago. I met Vance in the hallway
of the administration building, and he was wearing a
handsome new shirt. I complimented the shirt and asked
where he got it. He replied that he had bought it at a
mall up in Wisconsin. Since at that time, I never
thought I had time to go farther than Oak Park, I
said, "Wow, when do you go up there?" to which he
responded, "Anytime I want to." Somehow that remark
has always held one aspect of Vance for me, and I have
grinned when I remember.

Our last assignment together was at the Vail meeting
in 2000. A small group of us were creating the
memorial wall that held the names of our colleagues
who had died. Each name was boldly typed on a piece of
81/2" x 11" gold paper. The names were ready; the
two-sided removeable tape was there in abundance; the
plan for putting everything on the wall had been
consensed on; and Vance was chosen to do the sticking.
With his reputation for beautiful board work, etc. I
thought he would certainly have a yard stick or plumb
line or such to keep it all straight. But he just
started putting names in rows, and soon the whole
artform was headed uphill. When the others of us
pointed out that fact to Vance, he just stood back,
took a look, and began to change directions ever so
slightly until at the end, he had created a huge
wonderful wave.

Now that artform holds the name of Vance Engleman,
whose collegueship we are grateful to have on the

Peace, indeed, Vance
Doris Hahn

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