[Oe List ...] Leah Early

Alice Baumbach abaumbach at new.rr.com
Wed Jul 12 20:34:42 EST 2006

Hi Lee and Leah,
We trust you are on the mend.  Good luck on your move to Seattle--looks 
as if Lee will be doing double duty for awhile!  Take good care of 
yourselves!  Jim and Alice Baumbach

>>Leah had hip replacement surgery this morning.  The doctor forgot he  
>>had surgery scheduled so we got off a bit late.  Then, he put in a  
>>hip that was too long and had to replace that one with a shorter  
>>one.  He says Leah is doing fine.  She was groggy this afternoon and  
>>in a lot of pain.  Her pain killer meds are limited because of her  
>>low blood pressure (85/50).  I'm sure she will be fine.  She is at  
>>Washoe Medical Center, Room 3942 but is in no shape to accept calls  
>>until tomorrow early evening if you feel so inclined.
>>The move to Seattle is still scheduled for July 29th and 30th.  Our  
>>new address is:  1752 NW Market Street, #134, Seattle, WA 98107   
>>Anyone who wants to come help unpack is welcome!
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