[Oe List ...] Order Polity document

Ruth Landmann tddynewf at cruzio.com
Mon Nov 13 16:39:05 EST 2006

>I could scan it in & email it out as a PDF file.
>Nancy Trask

Does it make a difference whether a document is scanned and then put 
into pdf or typed into Word and then copied as a pdf?  In the "old 
days" scanned documents took up a lot more space than others. Has 
that changed with the newer technology??

  112 pages is a lot to scan or retype, however, I'm another one who 
would love to have a copy of it.

Ruth Landmann, Webmaster
http://www.riodelmar.santacruz.k12.ca.us (updated 11/11/06)
Rio del Mar School: where kind hearts and open minds rule.
A California Distinguished School 2004 and a Blue Ribbon School 2005

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