[Oe List ...] An old colleague of Joe's

Ruth Landmann tddynewf at cruzio.com
Sun Oct 1 17:06:29 EST 2006

Hi everyone,
	This morning at church (UMC) a retired pastor came up to me 
and said he worked closely with the founders of the Ecumenical 
Institute. He said he was part of it before Joe Mathews came on 
board. He said he carried with him some of the principles and 
practices throughout his life. :-)
	He learned that I had been a member of the OE because of a 
write up in this month's church newsletter.

Ruth Landmann, Webmaster
http://www.riodelmar.santacruz.k12.ca.us (updated 9/27/06)
Rio del Mar School: where kind hearts and open minds rule.
A California Distinguished School 2004 and a Blue Ribbon School 2005

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