[Oe List ...] An old colleague of Joe's

Ruth Landmann tddynewf at cruzio.com
Sun Oct 1 22:29:51 EST 2006

Hi  again George,
	I phoned John Dodson after John Tresise's post. He remembers 
John and Judy very well and will contact them.

	John Dodson took RS-1, RS-2 and perhaps other courses from 
JWM and Joe Slicker. He said it was in Evanston that he took the 
first courses. He talked about the impact those courses have had on 
his life and how he still uses the methods like charting today.

	He's  also going to order Bishop Mathew's book on Brother Joe.

	It's been wonderful for me to find someone close at hand to 
has some common memory.
Ruth Landmann, Webmaster
http://www.riodelmar.santacruz.k12.ca.us (updated 9/27/06)
Rio del Mar School: where kind hearts and open minds rule.
A California Distinguished School 2004 and a Blue Ribbon School 2005

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