[Oe List ...] 2nd generation reunion

LAURELCG at aol.com LAURELCG at aol.com
Mon Jan 29 15:13:20 EST 2007

In a message dated 1/28/07 9:47:26 AM, shahn at iquest.net writes:

<< oops.  Sorry for sending that reply to everyone. >>

I thought I had only sent my e-mail only to you, but it went to everyone.  
Sorry.  Maybe it will put our sons back in touch with others on the list.

Today would have been Suzanne's 48th birthday-- a day of profound gratitude 
and sorrow.  I have started several times to write about her life, and will 
continue to try to write something to share with the reunion gathering.  Being 
her mother was a deep teaching for my soul, and I feel inadequate to describe 
the greatness she embodied.  But will keep at it.  Having a deadline is always 

Scott and Rachel, his wife, really appreciated the Colorado gathering.  On 
their drive home in their rented motor home, we all met in Idaho for Barry's 
wedding, the last time we were all together before Suzanne died one month later.  
We were so blessed to have that event.  

Love and blessings, grace and peace,

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