[Oe List ...] The Elders

Janice Ulangca aulangca at stny.rr.com
Sat Jul 21 13:48:20 EDT 2007

Lovely is just the word for this.  Thank you so much, Jann.
Janice Ulangca
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: LAURELCG at aol.com 
  To: OE at wedgeblade.net 
  Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2007 12:16 PM
  Subject: [Oe List ...] The Elders

  I just received this lovely article & want to pass along the good  news.



  The  Elders



  From Thursday's Globe and  Mail 

  July 18, 2007 at 9:50 PM  EDT


  JOHANNESBURG — The official order of business Wednesday was the introduction 

  of  The Elders: convened at the request of Nelson Mandela, a collection of 

  former  leaders that has begun to work together to advance the causes of 

  and  global justice. 

  Five Nobel Laureates and a handful of other eminences  gathered on the stage 

  in Johannesburg as Mr.  Mandela announced that they would seek to fulfill the 

  traditional role of elders  in a village, providing wisdom and leadership and 

  attempting to resolve  conflicts, taking on everything from climate change to 

  the fighting in  Darfur. 

  A symbolic empty chair was left on stage for Aung San  Suu Kyi, the activist 

  who will join the group when she is free of  government-imposed house arrest 

  in Myanmar (formerly known as Burma).  But as the Elders sat in a row and 

  about their very serious work, a  current – of irreverence, of resilience, of 

  what looked very much like joy –  kept bubbling up through the formality. And 

  Archbishop Desmond Tutu, who chairs  this elders' council, voiced the true 

  theme of the gathering: “Goodness will  prevail.” ...........
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