[Oe List ...] George Walters' 'diaspora' timeline image from the Springboard Gathering in Denver

David Dunn david at mirrorcommunication.com
Wed Jun 13 17:57:43 EDT 2007

Hello all.

I've just added 'Conversations about the future of the Order' as a topic to
the Repository site. I've put up a link to download George Walters' timeline
that he drew out at the Springboard Gathering and a link to a page on my web
site where you can download a 26MB .mp3 audio file of the spin in which
George laid out this timeline.

I'd like to move the Springboard Gathering topics from the
'oecommunity.grouphub.com' site to the Repository before the end of June.

Is anyone interested in helping me consolidate the documents from
Springboard onto the Repository? I'd like a short-term partner or two to
actually move the documents. I'll show you how it all works, so it might be
a nice learning activity for someone who wants to get a little more
comfortable using the Repository.

To get to 'Conversations about the future of the Order' and the link to
George's spin, point your browser to:


...and you'll come to the new PORTAL page. Click the Repository link at the
top of the web site list, then click 'Subject Index' in the links list on
the left side of the Repository page. The new 'Conversations' topic is in
the top 'The Order:Ecumenical' section.


David Dunn
david at mirrorcommunication.com
Skype: dmirror


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