[Oe List ...] Sir James: Thank you

Paula Philbrook paula.philbrook at gmail.com
Tue May 1 08:40:50 EDT 2007

Paul and Christine,
Thank you.

Sir James completed his life with grace, dignity and power;  the way in
which he lived.

In gratitude,


On 4/30/07, PSchrijnen at aol.com <PSchrijnen at aol.com> wrote:
>  Colleagues, thanks so much for your fine stories, from which I have taken
> a few for the words of gratitude I speak later today.  All of your stories
> have gone into a handmade book by Christine with images, artforms, which she
> will gave to Peggy today. You will find them in the second attached
> document. It looks like it will be John Stringham, Christine and I who
> represent all of you at the funeral today.
> Paul
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