[Oe List ...] An Invitation to the Order

KroegerD at aol.com KroegerD at aol.com
Tue May 1 11:03:57 EDT 2007

Any clue as to the sign in and password?
Dick Kroeger
In a message dated 5/1/2007 6:54:15 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
icabombay at igc.org writes:

Dear  Friends and Colleagues,

As many of you know, one month ago we held a  representational  
gathering of the Order in Denver to look at the  future and what role  
the Order needs to play in bringing forth the  new Earth.   We had 20  
full time participants there as  well  as several colleagues from  
Denver who were there part of  the time.  On the Springboard Gathering  
web site is posted the  results of that event as well as an invitation  
to those who see  themselves as a part of the Order (symbolic and  
movemental)  to  participate in the tasks that were begun as a result  
of this  gathering  <http://oecommunity.grouphub.com>.   If  you  
haven't read the summaries of the Springboard Gathering please  do  
so.  It was a wonderful event.  I would suggest that  when you pick  
the team you would like to be a part of you notify the  person who I  
have listed but also post your decision as a 'comment"  to the  
invitation so that all may follow who is on what team.   We're laying  
this track as we go so please join and help us move  this forward.  We  
are especially anxious to expand the  participation to beyond North  
America as well as add many of the new  persons we have met who have  
no personnel history with the Order or  Spirit Movement, including  
those from the next  generations.

If you want to comment on this email may I suggest you do  so on the  
Springboard web site so that we don't clutter the mail  boxes of those  
who have no interest in what this  represents.

Grace & Peace,

Jack  Gilles

OE mailing  list
OE at wedgeblade.net

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