[Oe List ...] Re: Article by Bishop Yap Kim Hao

W. J. synergi at yahoo.com
Fri May 18 02:31:05 EDT 2007

What's interesting to me is that former Methodist Bishop Yap (whose election was not lifelong) is now the pastoral advisor to a gay-affirmating Christian church in Singapore. Last week he spoke at a major conference on 'homosexuality and pastoral care' sponsored by the church's Safehaven LGBT ministry. 
Under Singapore law, gay sex is deemed “an act of gross indecency,” punishable by a maximum of two years in jail. Authorities have banned gay festivals and censored gay films, saying homosexuality should not be advocated as a lifestyle choice.
Given the repressive social climate of Singapore, Rev. Yap seems to be sticking his neck out much further than most of us in the O:E ever did. Certainly much further than most Methodist bishops are now, even (or should I say especially) the closeted lesbian and gay bishops.

In fact, Rev. Yap's involvement with this church is framed as a 'scandal' in a sermon by Clarence Singham, one of its leaders (who quotes Tillich, BTW!):

Do you know how I got to know Reverend and Mrs. Yap? Many years ago when I was still a raving fundamentalist, who somehow got interested in contexualisation of theology, I came across a book by a man called Yap Kim Hao who turned out to be the first bishop of the Methodist church here. The book was called Doing Theology in a Pluralistic World. I read parts of the book and have to admit was somewhat shocked at some parts of it. I was scandalized. 
Though I never read the book again, unlike some other books I never threw this one away. And every once in a while I would remember the book. But I thought that the author was no longer in Singapore. And neither did I have any intention or inclination to contact him. 
Then suddenly out of the blue after PM Goh's statement [that gays were allowed to work in government], I see a letter by a man of this name saying that the church should accept gay people. I knew there and then that I had to locate him. Locating him was not an easy task I had to go through a few people but we finally made contact. And today he and his wife have become a part of our lives. 
Just think for a minute. What is the Lord saying? Here is a man who has had a distinguished career in ministry. He has done things some of us only dream of ever doing. Right now in his life, he should be enjoying his retirement, playing golf, spending time with his family and friends. Instead what does he do? He chooses to run around with a bunch of faggots and other misfits. You want scandal. Well right here before your very eyes is a scandalous thing going on. You spend years wanting to be accepted. To know God loves you. To know God accepts you fully. And how can he demonstrate it to you? Just the way he always does – through a scandal. 
He chooses a bishop. He chooses a man who is looked up to by many. He chooses a man whose generation of Christians – we thought – would never be able to accept us misfits. He mixes all that together and today we stand in the presence of a love unfolding itself in the midst of a scandal. Many of you see Kimhao and just accept him like any other human being. Some of you don't even give allowance for his age. But the fact is we have one in our midst who is in many ways a giant in the history of South East Asian Christianity. A man who should at this stage in his life be working towards preserving his legacy so that future generations of Christians will remember him kindly. But instead he throws himself into a scandal. 
Just pause for a moment. Do you see how God is using Kimhao and his wife as a "sacrament" to demonstrate his love for you? Do you see how God is trying to tell you that the radical love his showed in the gospel of Luke, he is now unfolding to you for you in your very presence? Do you see? 

Moving right along from the Methodists to the Episcopalians, I quote Bishop Spong:
In the Church's present struggle over homosexuality honesty has been a major casualty. So long as homosexual people are dishonest about who they are, they are welcomed in the service of the Church and many of them serve with great distinction and in prominent places in the ecclesiastical hierarchies. I can name some great homosexual bishops that I have known personally in both my church and in the Church of England. They have made outstanding contributions both to their churches and to their nations. Gay bishops have served the Church of England in the most prestigious of Anglican Sees. In America gay bishops have been elected by their peers to high and privileged offices. I have also known, and indeed still know, homosexual bishops in my church who have spent their entire careers hiding behind their own killing homophobia and leading the church's condemnation of gay and lesbian people. This duplicity is so overt that I have little patience with the present and basically
 dishonest dispute going on in the churches. I know well Gene V. Robinson, the openly gay Episcopal Bishop of New Hampshire, but he is not, I assure you, even at this moment the only active bishop in my church who is gay. He is the only active honest gay bishop. Our bishops know that. The truth is not served when they deny it. Some of our gay bishops continue to hide inside the institution of marriage.
Bishop Spong happens to be a closeted married gay man who still hides behind his wife when it suits him. How honest is that?
Sorry, Wiegel, but it's too late to ask Jerry Falwell your question. It would have been interesting to hear his answer. Rev. Mel White, Falwell's gay ghost writer, predicted Jerry would eventually flip flop on the gay issue. Well, maybe he will when he meets St. Peter!
My answer to your question is that, even as western cultural norms have moved toward embracing a diversity of sexual styles, the organized religious establishment has become increasingly reactionary and intolerant, based on their historical equating of sex and sin. 
Celibacy (total sexual abstinence) and the mortification of the flesh (asceticism) is still valued as a form of holiness greater than even the most 'sacralized' form of sexual expression, which is solely within a single heterosexual marriage of lifelong fidelity to a spouse with whom you intend to procreate children.
Bottom line: sexual behavior is automatically condemned unless you're intentionally procreating in the missionary position with your married spouse who is the only human being you will ever have (or desire to have) as your sexual partner.
So by definition 'gay behavior' equals depraved and perverted. And if lifelong fidelity within heterosexual marriage is crumbling all around us, it must be the gay people who are at fault for setting a bad example.
Underlying all that, what keeps homophobia and heteronormativity going is a deep fear of what will be unleashed the moment society stops enforcing rigid limits to contain sexual behavior.
Take the O:E, for example. Given the effect of social proximity and great pressures on the 'missional family' in the O:E, look at what was really going on sexually behind the rigid facade of guarding the integrity of our family units. We had profound difficulty in socially structuring the sexual dimension of our life together.

P.S. I agree with Rev. Yap when he preaches that "sexual orientation is a blessing and not a curse." The man, although handicapped in body, is a giant among churchmen, and I feel very honored that he chose to work with us. You can read his excellent sermons at


----- Original Message ----
From: James Wiegel <jfwiegel at yahoo.com>
To: Order Ecumenical Community <oe at wedgeblade.net>; Order Ecumenical Community <OE at wedgeblade.net>
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2007 9:18:07 AM
Subject: Re: [Oe List ...] Article by Bishop Yap Kim Hao

So. what is the underlying issue?  What is going on behind this that keeps homosexuality going as such a divisive issue?  Is it fear for the family?  deep male insecurity?  what?
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