[Oe List ...] Respectful Dialogue

John Montgomery monkeyltd at comcast.net
Fri Oct 12 09:07:31 EDT 2007

Hey Herman,


Large groups do pose problems - we are less than 200 days away from the
United Methodist General conference. There are several wedge issues at stake
- one of the most heated, of course, is the inclusion of the GLBT persons in
our generally "big tent" denomination. Can we reconcile with those sons and
daughters of our church who we have treated so badly over the years? Can we
become a welcoming community inviting others to join us in mission, thus
making our slogan, Open Hearts, Minds and Doors a reality? I don't expect
much change this time around, but I surely would like to see the
reconsideration of the proposed wording that was defeated by a 3 to 2
majority last conference that simply said we are deeply divided about this
issue.  This was hardly a mandate, but those who won have interpreted it to
be and now seek to take the conversation off the table without any further
discussion. My greatest fear would be that when we do remove the unfortunate
language and restrictions in our Book of Discipline that dishonor God's
created diversity, then us 'liberals" will try to turn our narrow majority
into a mandate as well. These seem to be the rules of politics and public
discourse these days.


In small groups, who are committed to consensus, ironically the minority can
become the tyrant and the consensus process must include ways of allowing
someone to "stand outside the consensus" but not block it. And if and when,
the group decides to move ahead without a full consensus, it must publicly
include that fact in its announcement of the "sense of the group."



John C. Montgomery

monkeyltd at comcast.net

john.montgomery at acfb.org

678-468-4913 (personal)


Visit My Blog - Notes From the Balcony





From: oe-bounces at wedgeblade.net [mailto:oe-bounces at wedgeblade.net] On Behalf
Of Herman Greene
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2007 8:38 AM
To: 'Order Ecumenical Community'
Subject: Re: [Oe List ...] Respectful Dialogue


Most small groups effectively do work by consensus. Yet, consensus is
something I cannot back as a policy for virtually any group. It too easily
becomes a form of tyranny of the majority over the minority.





From: oe-bounces at wedgeblade.net [mailto:oe-bounces at wedgeblade.net] On Behalf
Of George Holcombe
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2007 9:28 AM
To: ICA LIST SERVE; Order Ecumenical Community
Subject: Re: [Oe List ...] Respectful Dialogue


A memory flashes back out of these last few days of emails.


We used to say:

1. Humor is better than seriousness.

2. Yes before no

3. Phariseeism more dangerous than libertinism


It's interesting that the World Council of Churches has now introduced
consensus making as its form of decision making and that the United
Methodist Church in its reorganization as a global church is looking at
adapting that too at the next General Conference.


Wouldn't it be a pity if we forgot what we pushed into history along with
others, and if what defined us is what we choose to remember about our past
and what offends us about others.


Could it be we are being challenged to learn how to use email as a
significant way to push us into the future?

George Holcombe

14900 Yellowleaf Tr.

Austin, TX 78728

Home: 512/252-2756

Mobile 512/294-5952

geowanda at earthlink.net



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