[Oe List ...] Fw: Singing the Songs...

Isobel & Jim Bishop isobeljimbish at optusnet.com.au
Sat Aug 16 18:16:31 EDT 2008

Hi Judi and all,
Down Under is wintry and our " newish " Government is doing OK. The way we 
hold Elections every 3 years really means that it is hard to get new and 
different policies up and running --  still, this Governement is a vast 
improvement on the last one..
Greetings to you all-- enjoying the Summer weather.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Isobel & Jim Bishop" <isobeljimbish at optusnet.com.au>
To: <OE at wedgeblade.net>
Sent: Friday, August 15, 2008 6:24 PM
Subject: [Oe List ...] Singing the Songs...

> Dear Colleagues,
> Thank you for all the memories which  have come flooding back- One unique
> thing the Order taught me is that singing is a spirit thing. ..something
> from the deeps of a person .    "  Universe Illumination "  is one which 
> Jim
> still likes to sing. One of my favourites is " When I'm on my Journey 
> there
> is no one else but me."  etc.,
> Thank you too, to  Jim Wiegel for the Joseph Campbell quote on the virgin
> birth-  how helpful that is..
> Here is Sydney it is windy and winter.
> Grace and peace,
> Isobel.
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