[Oe List ...] Salmon: More on singing

David Dunn dmdunn1 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 19 22:17:51 EDT 2008

On Aug 19, 2008, at 7:12 PM, George Holcomb…via Bill Salmon wrote:

> Convert it to a CD or DVD.  There are generally audio stores or  
> sound studios around that do this.  David Dunn may be set up to do  
> it.  If you have an ITunes account there is a way you upload the  
> files to it, especially if you have a mobile me account.  You can  
> password protect it.  There are other services as well.  In that way  
> any of the order members could download it,

I can do any and all of the above, but not until the end of September.


David Dunn
740 S Alton Way 9B
Denver, CO 80247
dmdunn1 at gmail.com

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