[Oe List ...] Why do I get bounced?

Tim Wegner twegner at swbell.net
Wed Oct 1 21:00:08 EDT 2008

Lucille asked:

> Why am I not on the approved list? Help!

I'm answering you here on the list because the information might be 
useful to others. However I would like to ask everyone to direct list 
administration issues to Harry Wainwright or myself just to spare the 
other list members from unwanted traffic.

The answer to your question is that the list is set to limit message 
sizes to 40K. Your message contained a much larger attachment. The 
reason for this limit is that some members are still on dialup. I had 
to use dialup myself during Hurricane Ike (just got power back 
yesterday) and can tell you it is frustrating to have folks emailing 
large attachments so my computer is tied up a long time downloading 

Having said that, Harry and I are here to serve. We can set the size 
limit to anything the community wants if there's a consensus to 
change. Also, Harry, who does most of the day-to-day list 
maintenance, can on a case-by-case basis allow large emails through, 
and sometimes does.

If you want to make something large available to the group, you can 
email me privately and I'll put in on wedgeblade.net for you. Then we 
can send a link to the list. For example, here is a picture of the 
Wegner family in Egypt about a zillion years ago:


This way interested folks can click on the link, and those with a 
slow connection can decide not to.

My opinion is the size limit is still useful because this is an 
international list, and some members still have very slow 
connections. However, if anyone feels it's time to change this, email 
me privately and we can discuss it.

I hope this helps!


PS - I've lost 36 pounds in the last year, and still don't look like 
the guy in the picture, but I'm getting closer, except for the grey 

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