[Oe List ...] [Dialogue] Palin's Lies

Karl Hess khess at apk.net
Mon Sep 8 14:49:01 EDT 2008


Good point, but I think we have to learn how to talk about our common  
life in order to be a functional community.  I realize it may be too  
late for that.

I thought just asking calmly "What do you think will be the most  
important issues in the election?" would be unthreatening, but I  got  
the same response twice.


On Sep 8, 2008, at 1:01 PM, James Wiegel wrote:

> We had some in-law's staying with us for a while, during the  
> previous election here and I tried to get a conversation going with  
> my brother in law about politics (a focused conversation, mind you,  
> not just any conversation) and he did this little speech about not  
> talking politics in the family for uncertainty of what might  
> happen . . .
> Since then, I find myself thinking that there is a depth of  
> difference and a depth of emotion that gets stirred up (venom, if  
> you will) in the political / electoral process that is beyond what  
> is easily ORID able.  It may have to do with touching deeply enough  
> to actually mobilize enough people to pick someone, not sure . . .
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> One great, strong, unselfish soul in every community could actually  
> redeem the world.  Elbert Hubbard
> --- On Mon, 9/8/08, Tim Casswell  
> <timcasswell at creativeconnection.co.uk> wrote:
>> From: Tim Casswell <timcasswell at creativeconnection.co.uk>
>> Subject: Re: [Oe List ...] [Dialogue] Palin's Lies
>> To: "Order Ecumenical Community" <oe at wedgeblade.net>, "Colleague  
>> Dialogue" <dialogue at wedgeblade.net>
>> Date: Monday, September 8, 2008, 8:26 AM
>> However much I feel uncomfortable about Sarah Palin and her
>> views I am
>> disturbed by the venom in these emails. I realise that this
>> is your country
>> and your politician, I have no right to challenge your
>> thinking, but I think
>> you are better than that this sort of rhetoric reveals.
>> Tim
>> From: Adelbert Batica <abatica at hotmail.com>
>> Reply-To: Order Ecumenical Community
>> <oe at wedgeblade.net>
>> Date: Sat, 6 Sep 2008 00:50:08 -0500
>> To: Colleague Dialogue <dialogue at wedgeblade.net>,
>> <oe at wedgeblade.net>
>> Subject: Re: [Oe List ...] [Dialogue] Palin's Lies
>> Marshall -
>> Remember in the 90's...when Rush Limbaugh was ranting
>> and raving about
>> "FEMINAZIS"?!  Well....he was barking up the
>> wrong tree at the time.
>> But now...you have the One, the Only, the
>> Genuine...FEMINAZI.  Had she been
>> born in Germany in some other age, she could have
>> been...Sarah Hitler von
>> Palin.
>> Watch out, folks, the Nazis are coming!
>> Addi
>> Date: Thu, 4 Sep 2008 20:20:57 -0700
>> From: synergi at yahoo.com
>> To: oe at wedgeblade.net; dialogue at wedgeblade.net
>> Subject: [Dialogue] Palin's Lies
>> OK, I watched the speech intensvely, like many other
>> Americans. And it was a
>> great media event. She did a superb job of reading the
>> teleprompter after
>> practicing all week. She was poised, even sexy, and had the
>> right delivery
>> rhythms to wow the Republican audience. And she went after
>> Obama with some
>> great lines written for her by the best in the West!
>> She also used her family as a Great American Story. . .of
>> faith and freedom
>> and being generously rewarded as a very popular governor.
>> So what's not to
>> like?
>> Well, for starters, she simply glossed over the truth of
>> her own experience.
>> While she was immersed in being governess of our largest
>> state (with the
>> smallest population per square mile) and handing out
>> billions in bonuses to
>> Alaskan citizens, her oldest daughter Bristol was sneaking
>> around and
>> getting knocked up by some 18 year old named Levi Johnston
>> who likes to
>> snowboard and ride dirt bikes, and boasts on his MySpace
>> page:
>> "I'm a fuckin' redneck."
>> "But I live to play hockey. I like to go camping and
>> hang out with the boys,
>> do some fishing, shoot some shit and just fuckin'
>> chillin' I guess."
>> "Ya fuck with me I'll kick [your] ass," he
>> added.
>> He also claims to be "in a relationship," but
>> states, "I don't want kids."
>> So that's the kind of marriage material Bristol is
>> being forced to get
>> locked into, to protect the image of her Republican family.
>> What's worse, the whole experience exposes the
>> hypocrisy of Sarah's
>> ideological embrace of Abstinence Only Sex Education.
>> Well it didn't work for her own family because it
>> enforces the myth of
>> prolonged virginity, despite the truth that the Pledge
>> doesn't prolong
>> virginity for those who take it. So Bristol didn't have
>> the option of being
>> honest with her parents, and receiving appropriate guidance
>> and counseling
>> that could have protected her from an unwanted pregnancy,
>> because she had to
>> protect the myth and embrace the family lie.
>> She didn't have the option of learning how to apply,
>> use, and remove a
>> condom safely to avoid unwanted exposure to Levi's
>> sperm. Nor did she have
>> the option of even discussing abortion as an alternative.
>> She also does not
>> have the option--or the self-awareness--to avoid a bad
>> marriage and raise
>> her child as a single mother. Or to put the child up for
>> adoption.
>> And if she took huge risks either in ignorance, in the heat
>> of the moment,
>> or perhaps in defiance of her parents' stated values or
>> in reaction to the
>> dishonesty of her relationship with them, what does that
>> say about their
>> parenting skills?
>> And if she deliberately got pregnant to snare this no-good
>> in a shotgun
>> wedding and bail out of her parents' control, what does
>> that say about her
>> maturity?
>> Now she's totally out of options. The only option she
>> and Levi have is of
>> going through with the wedding for the sake of Republican
>> politics to become
>> the teenage poster children of responsible family creation
>> for all American
>> teens. As well as a cautionary tale for all of us.
>> So what's all this got to do with running the White
>> House?
>> Simply put, Sarah Palin embraces an extreme right wing
>> Republican ideology
>> which is an inappropriate context for making life and death
>> decisions about
>> the fate of this nation and the world. Pervasive lying in
>> your own family,
>> protecting some ideal of "purity," translates
>> into pervasive lying to the
>> American public to protect some right wing ideal, rather
>> than the straight
>> talk for which John McCain likes to be known.
>> Not a stretch. And that's really all she knows. It has
>> worked for her up to
>> this point, unless she gets taken to the cleaners on the
>> influence charge of
>> intervening to get her sister's 'Ex-' fired as
>> a state cop.
>> The real story of Sarah Palin is that you do anything you
>> think you can get
>> away with that's in your perceived short term interest
>> while applying the
>> lipstick that separates you from the pit bulls and smiling
>> into the camera
>> while you ply your right wing ideology to make the
>> Evangelical voters pull
>> the lever.  God help us while she figures out what to do
>> once she gets into
>> office.
>> Marshall
>> Stay up to date on your PC, the Web, and your mobile phone
>> with Windows
>> Live. See Now
>> <http://clk.atdmt.com/MRT/go/msnnkwxp1020093185mrt/direct/01/>
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