[Oe List ...] [Dialogue] EXPANSION OF THE 6-POINT PLAN

David Dunn dmdunn1 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 12 12:28:43 EDT 2008

On Sep 12, 2008, at 9:24 AM, David & Lin Zahrt wrote:

> I liked David Dunn's call for a collective brainstorm on talking  
> points. It looks as if some have already started to get that going.

This would be the perfect occasion to use the facilities of the  
"springboardventure" web site. There is a category in the FORUM  
section called "Social Transformation" and a new topic called "Ten- 
point Plan" that invites additions and reflections.

To use the site, browse to this link to sign in and "join" this site:


There's a short video walking you through the sign up and login steps  


Let me know if you need help.


David Dunn
740 S Alton Way 9B
Denver, CO 80247
dmdunn1 at gmail.com

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