[Oe List ...] Salmon: WARNING: Summary of my political Views

William Salmon wsalmon at cox.net
Mon Sep 22 15:58:56 EDT 2008


WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS VIEW (of the attached tape)?

Colleagues on the Journey!  

            An email asked this question of me. You may want to review the short video of Obama's remarks about the Bible, and then read my reflections. 

            If you care to dialogue with me, I'd appreciate it. If not, that's a choice to be made.  



Friend (Name Removed!)
            Listen again to the taped speech. Obama is not ridiculing the Bible; he is ridiculing our nation and the Defense Department for being unable to live up to it!
            While I believe that the candidates of both parties are earthen vessels with clay feet, it is the political philosophy they follow that is important to me.
            The Republicans favor little involvement of the political in the life of the citizens, while the Democrats believe government is necessary where citizens can't take care of themselves; i.e., health care, universal and  public schooling, and leading the fight against the CIVIL issues of race, sexism (women's rights), and against gender (homosexuality), etc. Note: these are civil rights and do not reflect religious preferences. 
            The Republicans favor trickle-down economics by cutting taxes for the wealthy corporations, while the Democrats favor taxing the wealthy -- everybody earning over $250,000. McCain is promoting a false story that Obama will raise taxes on the middle class--but defines anybody earning over $3 million as middle class. Obama has a 7-point economic plan that will cut taxes for everybody earning less that $250,000 while making universal education available to everyone THROUGH COLLEGE. Also, the Democrats favor Veteran's benefits and health care while the Republican neglect of our service women and men is infamous; witness the Valley Forge military hospital debacle.  
            The Republicans support the "Right to Life," while the Democrats favor "Choice." Since I've not seen a lot of the political representatives making really good choices about many of our social concerns, I don't want them to be making decision that are intimate between a woman and her doctor. Do doctors abuse this? No doubt. But, does Wall Street abuse their power? Do members of Congress abuse their power? Do members of the Congress have zipper problems? 

            What about a law to cut off the right hand of men who impregnant a female minor or rape a woman of any age? (Or, at least cut off something?) Naw! This would never pass-besides it smacks of other kinds of radical religious fundamentalism. 
            Another four years of Republican control will result in two Supreme Court Justices retiring and being replaced by conservative Neo-Con and Radical Right Wing fundamentalists-leaning justices who will overturn Roe vs. Wade.
            Is this really what you want?
            McCain had a Stage 2 Melanoma. This is the kind of cancer that has a %60 chance of returning in 15 years. He had his first operation 9 years ago! Do you really want Sarah Palin one heart-beat away from the Presidency?

            Not me!
            The only good thing that may come out of a Palin presidency is that Hillary Clinton can be our next president in 2012! Wouldn't that be something? Two women contending for the Presidency?
            McCain represents the old politics while Obama represents the new directions in politics.
            You'll remember the Social Process triangles that image the collapse of the CULTURAL (education, family and the symbolic) dimension, while the Social Processes itself is supported by the ECONOMIC (resources, production and distribution), and the POLITICAL (order, justice and welfare) dimension against the day the Social Process is rebalanced. Now, the Economic is collapsing further, and the Political is further turned-in upon itself.

            But what of the future? We are living on the cusp on the death of society that was reorganized 500 years ago beginning the Age of Enlightenment. This "new age" replaced the societal organization we know as the Middle Ages, a time that lasted 1,500 years after the birth of Jesus. 
            Today, we are living on the cusp of something new coming into being. Who 
do you trust to have the intuitions and Cultural sensibilities to move us into this new future? For me this is Obama and not McCain. Is Obama an earthen vessel? Yes, no doubt. Does he have clay feet? Yes, no doubt. But no more so than McCain.
            Look at their "worldview." McCain said Sunday that Palin and he share the same worldview. McCain is a Warrior defending the old ways. Obama is a Change Agent practiced in the Chicago ghettos; a practice sneered at by Palin. Does this resonate with you at all?
            My concern is that the American public will VOTE AGAINST THEIR OWN BEST INTERESTS -- as they have for the past two election cycles. They do this because they are afraid of the future. Consequently, they hang on to a past that no longer serves their best interests: the GLOBAL rebuilding of the Social Process, the Right to Choice, Universal Health Care, and Universal Education.
            Don't be put off by controversies regarding the 10 Commandments, and Prayer in the Classroom distractions. Nor by the controversy of, "Where is the statement 'In God we Trust' on our new coins?" the statement is printed on the edge of the coin.
            How will these changes be paid for, particularly because of the recent evidence of our economic collapse? Well, let's see, the Bush administration is giving away the US Treasury to those on Wall Street FREE OF CHARGE. (Alright, we MIGHT get back some interest -- Maybe!) 

            These crucial social changes--in addition to the changes necessary in our infra-structure--will be paid by ending this foolish Iraq war, securing "war reparations" from the Iraqi government, taxing the Golden Parachutes of the CEO's of International Corporations of failed economic and industrial collapsed organizations, taxing the windfall profits taken by the oil and gas industry, and taxing the International Corporations that take business out of the US. 

            How's this for starters? This must be a short list of many other places that have been robbing the hen house for a decade.
            Remember that during the Clinton Administration our country had 3 Trillion 
dollars in the bank, job creation was an all-time high, our retirement money 
was earning record interest. Now, the Bush Administration put us into 9 
Trillion--and building--debt. This is a total of 12 Trillion dollars. At the beginning of the Bush administration I lost ½ of my pension money. I've not checked today to see what's left. I'm going to start a "Free Willy" development effort-I'm Willy!

            Yet the Republicans claim that Democrats are tax and spend. Go figure.

            Ah, well. This was more than you asked for, but I've been looking for an occasion to summarize some of my thinking, and you provided that occasion. 
            This tape doesn't bother me, and it must be produced by Neo-Con and/or  Fundamentalist Christian fascists.

            You asked for my insights. Does this help you at all?
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