[Oe List ...] Recorded ICA songs and the poverty workshop

Janice Ulangca aulangca at stny.rr.com
Fri Sep 26 16:41:37 EDT 2008

Last Saturday, Sept. 20, ICA colleagues, local community activists, and staff from ICAI (Montreal) and ICA-USA (Chicago) gathered in Troy, NY at an event hosted by Dorcas and Ken Rose.  This is to let you know that a fuller report will be coming, in two parts.

Saturday morning 6 courageous and committed folks recorded 10 ICA songs plus some familiar "ritual songs"  ("We Celebrate Your Being Here"; "Ascription - In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost"; and "Grace and Peace be unto you").  This was all done in 2 hours, with one quick and dirty rehearsal then the only "take".  Alice Rose was sound engineer, at the mixing board of the Troy United Methodist Church.  I got to play the fine Steinway piano for the group.  The plan is to distribute this via MP3, when Alice and her husband Paul Marano get a chance to put it together.  Both Alice and Paul are very tech savvy - both work with his business, which involves web page consulting for businesses and government agencies.  These were songs recommended as favorites by colleagues.  Perhaps the overarching theme had to do with the profound inner experience of care for the world, with titles such as The Vision and All Life Is Open.   Our hope is that these will be a gift for colleagues who may sing along.  We want them to feel our affection and gratitude for their work through the years and in varied powerful ways today.

Saturday afternoon  a very fine workshop was facilitated by a team led by Sheila LeGeros from Minneapolis, volunteering her time.  On the team were also Sandra True and Lois Saboe, a friend from ICA in the East gatherings.  All ToP people.  We have been promised a report from the workshop, and I'll share headlines at least when it comes.  Theme for the workshop:  The Persistence of Poverty. The overarching question:  What are key factors for transforming the system of poverty?  It was a great mix of 20 people, including award-winning local activists and a homeless shelter resident, together with colleagues with international experience.  Plenty of passion and grounded stories of the realities of poverty and what's going on underneath.  Sensitive facilitation, colorful decor, excellent pacing and flow, a relaxed feel while getting a lot of work done in less than 4 hours.  The product was a list of questions, grist for ICA-USA input at the November 17-21 ICAI conference in Japan.  Poverty is one of 8 cultural challenges to be explored at the conference.

More when I know more,

Janice Ulangca
3413 Stratford Drive
Vestal, NY  13850
aulangca at stny.rr.com
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