[Oe List ...] Heresy

R Williams rcwmbw at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 15 05:53:53 CST 2009

One interesting thing to note about heresy is that most of the time heresy seems to precede orthodoxy.  In biblical times someone would come forward with some statement of belief and the power structure would say something like, "That's not what we believe, that's heresy!" in which case they would be forced to say what they did believe, hence orthodoxy.  Does that mean heresy has some contribution to make???

--- On Mon, 12/14/09, frank bremner <fjbremner at hotmail.com> wrote:

From: frank bremner <fjbremner at hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Oe List ...] Heresy
To: "Dialogue OE" <oe at wedgeblade.net>
Date: Monday, December 14, 2009, 10:51 PM

A book I discovered back about 1979.  By conservative sociologist of religion Peter Berger: The Heretical Imperative.  He emphasises the root of the word heresy, as you have done, Rod.  
I wonder how he deals with various orthodoxies that are about.  I came across one recently when reading various translations of the book of Ruth.  One Lutheran one, obviously out to teach "correct Lutheran doctrine", had Ruth joining Naomi's "church".  "Church?"  Mmm.
Frank Bremner

From: rodrippel at cox.net
To: oe at wedgeblade.net
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2009 07:35:18 -0800
Subject: [Oe List ...] Heresy

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Hold High the Torch of Heresy. (from heresis, Greek., choice, taking a choice).  

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