[Oe List ...] For Anne Slicker

Jack Gilles icabombay at igc.org
Thu Jan 22 15:57:13 EST 2009

Dear Joe and all the Slicker Family,

Judy and I celebrate, along with our entire Order, the completed life  
of Anne.  I guess if we all considered Lyn as our Grand-Mother then  
Anne was surely our Grand-Aunt!  We rejoice that she and you decided  
to form our Order, to launch out into the unknown and respond to the  
call.  God always has his self-conscious people, and Anne made that  
decision so many years ago that she would stand in that awareness and  
say "yes".   Our lives have been blessed, but more than that, the  
world has been blessed by the two of you.  We can only say thank you  
and know that we are a community because she, and you, willed it to be.

We will say a prayer Saturday, a prayer of gratitude for Anne, and a  
prayer of peace and joy for you and the rest of the family.

Grace is yours, and Peace,

Jack & Judy Gilles

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