[Oe List ...] OE Digest, Vol 65, Issue 22

David Dunn dmdunn1 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 2 21:12:16 CDT 2009

On Sep 2, 2009, at 6:54 PM, Lawrence Philbrook wrote:

> What would fixed look like?  What are the strengths of local  
> generated care and the strengths of a national or regional system of  
> care?  Is there a way we can have both while leaving out the bits  
> that are dehumanizing and individually, pluralistically or  
> systemically destructive? Is there a demonstration anywhere of a  
> system that work even on a small scale with all the factors  
> contributing: political, cultural, and economic?

Note NPR's segment on the system in Grand Junction, Colorado.


David Dunn
dmdunn1 at gmail.com

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