[Oe List ...] Fat lady singing
Herman Greene
hfgreene at mindspring.com
Wed Sep 2 21:27:56 CDT 2009
This is an ideological battle. I don't see this going anywhere.
We sought help from the government in the '70s every chance we got.
From: oe-bounces at wedgeblade.net [mailto:oe-bounces at wedgeblade.net] On Behalf
Of Susan Fertig
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 9:29 PM
To: 'Order Ecumenical Community'
Subject: Re: [Oe List ...] Fat lady singing
Oh, I forgot to mention something: I can actually remember a time back in
the early 70s when we thought what we were about was helping both teach and
motivate and build confidence in communities to care for themselves instead
of waiting for a government handout or someone else to take care of them.
Sometimes it is a Journey to the East.
From: oe-bounces at wedgeblade.net [mailto:oe-bounces at wedgeblade.net] On Behalf
Of Lawrence Philbrook
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 8:55 PM
To: oe at wedgeblade.net
Subject: Re: [Oe List ...] OE Digest, Vol 65, Issue 22
What would fixed look like? What are the strengths of local generated care
and the strengths of a national or regional system of care? Is there a way
we can have both while leaving out the bits that are dehumanizing and
individually, pluralistically or systemically destructive? Is there a
demonstration anywhere of a system that work even on a small scale with all
the factors contributing: political, cultural, and economic?
With respect, Larry
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Today's Topics:
1. Re: What do we mean by a "right"? (Susan Fertig)
2. Re: Health Care -current state in Congress (Susan Fertig)
Re: [Oe List ...] What do we mean by a "right"?
"Susan Fertig" <mailto:susan at gmdtech.com> <susan at gmdtech.com>
Wed, 2 Sep 2009 20:23:57 -0400
"'Order Ecumenical Community'" <mailto:oe at wedgeblade.net>
<oe at wedgeblade.net>
"'Order Ecumenical Community'" <mailto:oe at wedgeblade.net>
<oe at wedgeblade.net>
Wow, I really don't have that expectation, Elena.
-----Original Message-----
From: oe-bounces at wedgeblade.net [mailto:oe-bounces at wedgeblade.net] On Behalf
Of elena at durango.net
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 3:10 PM
To: oe at wedgeblade.net
Subject: Re: [Oe List ...] What do we mean by a "right"?
Is the purpose of government to take care of the people?
If so, the government IS the people, not a separate entity.
We may not have a humanly-defined "right" to eat, but I believe we
*do* have a humanly-created expectation that our elected officials will
assume the repsonsibility for our basic needs (access to clean water, food,
environment, and lodging).
Quoting Susan Fertig <mailto:susan at gmdtech.com> <susan at gmdtech.com>:
Liberals who supported the Revolution became Conservatives the moment the
revolution was over and they became interested in protecting the
for which the Revolution was fought.
----- Original Message -----
From: Susan <mailto:susan at gmdtech.com> <mailto:susan at gmdtech.com> Fertig
To: 'Order <mailto:oe at wedgeblade.net> <mailto:oe at wedgeblade.net>
Ecumenical Community'
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 3:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Dialogue] [Oe List ...] Does the Big Sort give any clues?
Perhaps I should explain that I do want everyone to eat, absolutely. I've
spent much of my life working on that. Is it a right? No. I think we
to define what me mean by a "right" and whether it is government that
fulfills all needs.
From: oe-bounces at wedgeblade.net [mailto:oe-bounces at wedgeblade.net] On
Of A.M. Noel
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 2:26 PM
To: 'Order Ecumenical Community'
Subject: Re: [Oe List ...] Bill Alerding
From: oe-bounces at wedgeblade.net [mailto:oe-bounces at wedgeblade.net] On
Of Susan Fertig
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 11:16 AM
To: 'Order Ecumenical Community'
Subject: Re: [Oe List ...] Bill Alerding
Do we have a right to eat?
Susan Fertig-Dykes
OE mailing list
OE at wedgeblade.net
Re: [Oe List ...] Health Care -current state in Congress
"Susan Fertig" <mailto:susan at gmdtech.com> <susan at gmdtech.com>
Wed, 2 Sep 2009 20:43:16 -0400
"'Order Ecumenical Community'" <mailto:oe at wedgeblade.net>
<oe at wedgeblade.net>
"'Order Ecumenical Community'" <mailto:oe at wedgeblade.net>
<oe at wedgeblade.net>
Sure. Just dig that ol' cranium into the sand.
From: oe-bounces at wedgeblade.net [mailto:oe-bounces at wedgeblade.net] On Behalf
Of David Walters
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 5:16 PM
To: Order Ecumenical Community
Subject: Re: [Oe List ...] Health Care -current state in Congress
I believe that this Acorn story is just another false flag story put out by
the republican spin machine.
David Walters
Apparently the government is now using our tax dollars to pay Acorn to
attend these meetings all over the place to make a lot of noise in favor of
the President's plan.
From: oe-bounces at wedgeblade.net [mailto:oe-bounces at wedgeblade.net] On Behalf
Of Marsha Hahn
Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2009 10:27 AM
To: Order Ecumenical Community
Subject: Re: [Oe List ...] Health Care -current state in Congress
Pat and I attempted to attend a town meeting hosted by our very progressive
congresswoman last night. Hundreds and hundreds of people were there. We
waited in line, but had not arrived early enough to get in. Apparently, you
needed to get there about 2 hours early. We had an interesting and somewhat
creepy experience, though. We were sandwiched in line between two very
vocal anti-public option, anti-change pairs of people. The guy behind us
made a really rude remark which got dear Pat's "Irish" up. Pat turned
around and suggested the guy can it (in much more florid language). The
guy's response was to ask Pat if he wanted to continue the discussion in
front of the TV cameras. Interesting. Pat just turned around and ignored
him at that point. A couple of minutes later we learned that we would not
be able to get in, so we left the line and walked to another area. Within a
minute, the same guy who had been behind us in line approached us with a
somewhat conciliatory tone. Pat walked off, but I decided to talk to him.
He was very prepared with his arguments, and at one point he mentioned he
was from Buffalo NY. I asked him why he was at our town meeting in Chicago,
at which point he looked nervous, was silent for a moment, then stated that
"no one paid me to be here," I pressed him and he finally said he'd had
business in Chicago, and had decided to come to the town meeting. I do not
believe it. He was clearly there to stir things up. I don't know who he
was representing, but there's no doubt in my mind the role he was playing.
Good luck, Ann. It was a very emotionally charged atmosphere here, and I'm
sure it will be in Texas. Keep your cool and get there early.
From: Ann Shafer <mailto:asgoodasitgets at earthlink.net>
<asgoodasitgets at earthlink.net>
To: Order Ecumenical Community <mailto:oe at wedgeblade.net>
<oe at wedgeblade.net>
Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2009 7:24:24 AM
Subject: Re: [Oe List ...] Health Care -current state in Congress
Janice, Thank you so much for the helpful information from
HealthCareForAmericaNow.Org. We have a town meeting here on Thursday with
our very conservative congressman. I am planning to go with a letter written
that I can leave with his aids and a statement. I am also emailing others
who should be there. I am open to comments from anyone on what the best way
to attend this meeting and help bust the myths around this health care bill
are. Thanks. Ann Shafer in Fredericksburg Texas
From: oe-bounces at wedgeblade.net [mailto:oe-bounces at wedgeblade.net] On Behalf
Of Janice Ulangca
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 11:38 PM
To: Order Ecumenical Community
Subject: [Oe List ...] Health Care -current state in Congress
August 27 I attended a meeting where a representative of a national
coalition for healthcare reform gave a 2 hour power point presentation on
the bills currently in congress. HCAN - Healthcare for America Now is a
coalition of liberal groups - unions, community organizations, Latino and
African American organizations, etc. Their web site is
www.HealthCareForAmericaNow.org <http://www.healthcareforamericanow.org/>
What they stand for can be found by clicking the About Us tab at the top.
Seems like a very good list to me. Whether you agree with their positions
or not, you might find the page on the current step of the legislative
process useful. They say they update this page frequently - it was last
updated August 26. That version is copied below. Links to the full text of
bills are on this page.
As you may know, there is no single health care bill now. So there is no
definite bill to either support or oppose. Things are moving fast, though.
So phone calls are important - stating what is important to you. Lobbyists
are certainly active - we'd better be.
Janice Ulangca
>From the HCAN web site:
Completed Steps
Click on each completed step to see where we've been and what we've
accomplished towards our goal of winning quality, affordable health care for
Step 1: Initial Proposals
Step 2: Committees Hold Hearings/Draft Legislation
CURRENT STEP - Step 3: Committees Pass Legislation
Because health reform legislation is so complicated, five different
committees - three in the House and two in the Senate - are entitled to have
some say in the legislation. Each House and Senate committee in charge of
different parts of health care reform has been holding hearings and drafting
legislation. Committees consider their first draft, usually called the
Chairman's mark, in a process called "mark-up." During these committee
meetings, members propose changes to the Chairman's mark (amendments) and
then vote on final approval in their committee. The committees may consider
hundreds on amendments in the process.
Once each committee completes its process, the two Senate committees will
combine their bills and work out any differences to bring one bill to the
Senate floor. The same process will be happening among the committees
working in the House. The committees involved in health care reform have
pledged to work together to minimize differences and make this process
Where We Are Now
In the Senate, the HELP Committee has passed a health reform bill (full
text, pdf) that includes a strong public health insurance option. (Click
herefor Health Care for America Now's statement on the HELP bill.) The
Finance Committee is expected to begin the markup process when they have
agreed on a starting draft. After both committees pass bills, they will be
combined together to be moved to the Senate floor for amendments by the
whole Senate and a full vote.
In the House, the Chairmen of the three committees of juristiction - Ways
and Means, Energy and Commerce, and Education and Labor - have released a
combined "tri-committee" bill. The bill meets all of Health Care for America
Now's principles (fact sheets, changes from House draft [pdf], committee
summery of the bill [pdf]). All three committees held hearings on the bill
draft in June and each are marking up the package now. Like in the Senate,
the committees will combine their bills into one package and take it to the
House floor for a vote. The House Ways and Means Committee (roll call),
Education and Labor Committee (roll call), and Energy and Commerce Committee
(roll call) have passed the health reform bill, HR 3200, and referred it to
the full House.
When Congress gets back from recess on September 8th, the House will vote on
HR 3200. The Senate should also refer a bill to the floor for a vote around
the same time. Both committees in the Senate will have to vote out bills by
the October 15th reconciliation deadline to maintain the reconciliation
After both houses pass a bill, the House and Senate will resolve their
differences in "conference." When they agree to one bill, it goes back to
the Senate and House for final votes, then to president Obama for his
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