[Oe List ...] "Profound Humanness Pentagon" model — revised query
Ann Jaecks
asjaecks8 at hotmail.com
Sat Sep 19 00:39:59 CDT 2009
From: dmdunn1 at gmail.com
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2009 17:35:16 -0600
To: oe at wedgeblade.net
Subject: [Oe List ...] "Profound Humanness Pentagon" model — revised query
Hello colleagues.
Slight revision, but I still need some help.
Ann Jaecks - asjaecks8 at hotmail.com interjecting some reflections.
Ann Jaecks interrupting here - - in reflection. You guys were building models in Chicago.,
While Camp New Jerusalem was doing the Knowing, Doing & Being
9/18/09 Application of Profound Humanness model. After spending an evening with my daughter,
Deb, after she came back from 2nd generation reunion. Last weekend. Many memories
stirred up. (Including youth seeing counselors to work out of "CULT type treatment.)
So I write in response................
1. Destinal Awareness: REPLY Would have been, "If we do not get our act together, 10 to 12 kids
could die ! ! !
1. Profound Awakenment. REPLY was: "MY GOD, I'm the nurse and mother to 300 kids ! ! We need
a solid model, or 10 to 12 kids will die! What do we tell their parents ! ! ! ! !
2 .Historical engagement: Pulls up the knowledge from the past.
2. Significant engagement: Means you dig your heels in and go to battle. Complete models built.
Calls were made for more help. Bob Jaecks quit his job and came down to do laundry
from the time the Laundromat closed until it opened the next morning- -for several weeks.
"Great commun-ity co-operation !" (However no help from Chicago)
3. Spirit Prowess; .... Continuation of daily worship ! and daily activites to engage healthy people.
Great teamwork from every person present. Everyone had an assignment.
Several visits a day to the sick rooms (where 20 or so were being sponged with tepid water
and alcohol to bring down high fevers) by John Mathews. John would show up in the doorway
and sing, "What do you say?" and all would reply (no matter what their situation was)
"It's OK ! then followed the rest of the ritual and several songs.....As John walked about the
room (s) giving support to the youth care-givers.supplying loving care to friends. At that same
time someone was driving to all the drug-stores in a 50 mile radiis to get Kaopectate and
working out a deal with Pfiezer Drug for antibiotics. And yet, the food crew kept the kitchen
running. Several youth crews wiped all the floors three times a day and every-toilet seat
every thirty minutes through day.
4. Functional Eptitude. Shown in the 3 inch CDC report that STATED on Day one they found 315
camp participants. The next day they Stated they came across an army dealing
with the situation.
5.Primal Community; If most everyone there had not had training in "Order Activities" and picked
up their assignments - there would have been a different out come. ( ^^^^Knowing the situa-
tion, Being in the Now - calling upon all Spirit Traing - and Doing the necessary deed )
My take on this is it is1. Profound Awakenment
2. Significant Engagement
Enjoy finding the written text. I hope the example of "Being here to talk about it" provides answers
Ann Jaecks -- -( I am still easily drawn into the situation when ever that conversation happens.)
SO, Back to you, David)
We've had this conversation before… and whenever that was, I got the following back.
from Rick Jones:
1. Destinal Awareness
2. Historical Engagement
3. Spirit Prowess
4. Functional Eptitude
5. Primal community
from Bill Bailey:
1. Profound Awakenment
2. Significant Engagement
3. Spirit Prowess
4. Functional Eptitude
5. Primal Community
So it's the first two expressions that we used that are uncertain in our memories:
1. Is it "destinal awareness" or "profound awakenment"?
2. Is it "historical engagement" or "significant engagement"?
Any insight about the insight?
Can anyone clarify, correct or add?
I think it's an important model and would like to use it in some teaching with church people I'm anticipating in October. Any commentary on what the insights were?
David Dunn
dmdunn1 at gmail.com
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