[Oe List ...] Does anyone have an electronic copy of the Daily Office and one canonical hour you could send to me?

Thomas Morrison 2tjmorrison at gmail.com
Mon Apr 5 20:31:40 CDT 2010

Hi everyone,

I've looked at the replies that already have come in response to Evelyn's 
question, and a memory or two flitted through my mind as I read them . . .
1)  In the Local Church Experiment, I think there were two or three 
golden-covered, black-Congolese-cross-on-cover booklets of canonical hours. 
Each came w/ a two-sided card that contained the liturgy for the hours, and 
each booklet had just the elements needed to fit into the liturgy.  I 
saw/used the first of the sets in 1971 while living in Watsonville, CA; 
however, I have not doubt that I got one of the booklets at Summer 1971.
2)  The NRM's meditation-contemplation-prayer (MCP) materials also contain 
an additional set of hours that came out in 1970 (or at least before the 
above sets).  I think I described these in some earlier email.  This set is 
more traditional, from a Lutheran perspective, but--in my opinion--not as 
useful as the golden-covered sets that came in 1971.  I still use the MCP 
materials for my devotionals, but rarely the 1970 hours but rarely.

Sound familiar to anyone else?  I hope.

Tom Morrison

PS About the "H 'opinion", this is not familiar to me, but then there are 
many things that still are new to me.  Thank goodness.
On the other hand, "I am sorry......Please forgive me....Thank you .....I 
love you...." is worked into 12-step materials we use in community mental 
health, and teaching warring couples how to talk to each other in this 
fashion is "meat and potatoes" for their sessions w/ me.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Evelyn Philbrook" <joyful at icatw.com>
To: "OE Wedgeblade" <oe at wedgeblade.net>
Sent: Monday, April 05, 2010 6:06 PM
Subject: [Oe List ...] Does anyone have an electronic copy of the Daily 
Office and one canonical hour you could send to me?

> Dear Colleagues,
> I am sitting here in Taipei and I can't find a Daily office or a canonical 
> hours on the Golden Pathways. It could be here and I just don't know where 
> to look! However, what I wanted to look at  were the dynamics of the 
> ritual listed on the side because I am using another process and wanted to 
> compare them.
> I have found that a process called H 'oponopono for cleaning and clearing 
> a wonderful meditation.
> When I am struggling with an issue, or a challenge or a person I say this 
> prayer which is for my process and not the other person...
>            I am sorry......
>            Please forgive me....
>            Thank you .....
>            I love you....
> and can be used in any order...
> I was reading a book called Zero  Limits which described using only
>          I am sorry....
>          I love you ...
> for files that a psychologist, or psychiatrist who was using this process 
> for the criminally insane in Hawaii, and eventually all these people got 
> well, recovered from their ailments without seeing the doctor directly.
> Anyone else hear of this before and pull this through the daily ritual?
> Evelyn Kurihara Philbrook
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