[Oe List ...] jon jenkins death

Carol Crow carol at songaia.com
Wed Apr 7 19:23:55 CDT 2010

Dear Maureen, Jean-Paul and Michael,

I have not known you and Jon well over the years.  Our commonness now  
comes from having lost our partners and fathers very suddenly and the  
sense that I may know something of what you are/will be going  
through.  It all seems so unreal because they seemed pretty normal as  
their end came.  What a transition!

I have appreciated the many words both on Jon's Facebook and from our  
colleagues as they spoke of the many gifts he brought to the world.  I  
am grateful for his work and Being in history.

In Community,
Carol Crow

> Maureen,
> May the joy and happiness you shared with Jon soon transcend any  
> sense of
> lost, emptiness, and sadness as you begin a new life without his  
> presence.
> We all will miss his gentleness and discipline in making this planet a
> better place.
> Jean Watts
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