[Oe List ...] Hans Kung letter

elliestock at aol.com elliestock at aol.com
Thu Apr 22 16:01:27 CDT 2010

Thanks, Frank for forwarding the Hans Kung letter.  

Related to this, the question was asked about other bishops who may be in tune with this.  Through our Peru Partnership we work with Mons. Pedro Baretto, Archbishop of Huancayo Province who has been boldly standing up and speaking out against the egregious lead and other heavy metal contamination in La Oroya, Peru which affects the whole province adn the bread basket of Peru.  He has received hate mail and death threats.  He was (don't know if he still is) the president or chairperson of the social responsibility group (don't know exact name of group) of bishops in Peru.  How he relates to the hierarchy re ecclesiastical affairs, I don't know.

A quote by Hans Kung I first saw about 30 years ago and rediscovered  a few weeks ago as I was cleaning out my files...

The common denominator of love of God and love of neighbor therefore is the abandonment of selfishness and the will to self-sacrifice.  Only when I no longer live for myself can I be quite open for God and unreservedly open for my fellow man whom God accepts just as he accepts me.  Loving my fellow man does not complete my task of loving God. I remain directly responsible to God and none of my fellow men can take this responsibility away from me.  God however encounters me, not exclusively, but--since I am myself human--primarily in my fellow man and expects my self-surrender at that point.  He does not call me out of the clouds, nor merely indirectly in my conscience, but above all through my neighbor; a call which is never silenced, but reaches me afresh each in the midst of my ordinary secular routine.

In honor of The Call which is never silenced; in honor of Hans Kung's Call which has not been silenced by G-O-D...and through which he continues to speak to us.

Ellie Stock

Attached: forwarded and forwarded: a letter by Hans Kung on the (Roman) Catholic Church.
Frank Bremner


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