[Oe List ...] Common Dreams Conference # 2 held recently in Melbourne.

Isobel and Jim Bishop isobeljimbish at optusnet.com.au
Tue Apr 27 20:53:38 CDT 2010

Dear Ruth, Herman and Ellie, and colleagues all,
One of the things which really struck me about this Conference was  
that, right at this moment it is the Clergy  for whom we could well  
be especially mindful.  In the first Breakout group I was sitting  
with a bunch of mostly Clergy, who were agonising about how to  
introduce some new ways of theologising and discussing Scripture in  
their various congregations. They were saying things like " I will  
wait until I am retired to start talking about Progressive  
Christianity...  and If I did talk like this my congregation would   
be most unhappy.. "  etc.,etc.,  So I discovered that support  
networks are very important for those who are fostering " the new  
  In about 4 weeks time the lead speakers will send us the notes of  
their talks..  I will be happy to send them on to the general  
listserve...  there will be about  4 or 5 all told-   or I could send  
to the three folk listed above....

In peace,
Isobel Bishop.
On 25/04/2010, at 9:30 AM, Ruth Landmann wrote:

> Isobel,  thank you so much for your reflections and for sharing The  
> Centre for Progressive Christianity web site. I forwarded that link  
> to my fellow members of our church's Church and Society committee.  
> It turns out that our pastor heard the director of the TCPC speak a  
> few months ago in Berkeley and is very interested in our church  
> getting involved. A couple other members of the committee also  
> responded very positively.
> Thanks again!
>  G & P
> Ruth Landmann
> -- 
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