[Oe List ...] 8/05/10, Spong: The Origins of the New Testament, Part XXXI...

KarenBueno at aol.com KarenBueno at aol.com
Thu Aug 5 21:37:25 CDT 2010

I'm glad to hear others still struggling with the theist/ground of  
being/supernaturalism of our God descriptions.  I've been reading  Bonhoeffer, Life 
Together and Cost of Discipleship.  Any particular works  of the 
theologians you mention, John?
Karen (Wright) Bueno
In a message dated 8/5/2010 2:23:29 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time,  
monkeyltd at comcast.net writes:

Now  there are theological models out there where God may be  understood in 
both fashions without falling into the trap of  supernaturalism on the one 
hand and pantheism on the other. For me,  theologians like John Cobb, 
Marjorie Suchocki and others are able to give  me permission to affirm a creative 
partnership between myself and not  simply creation, but a creator, one who 
is still  creating. 

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