[Oe List ...] IP rights to Social Process Triangles
Evelyn Philbrook
joyful at icatw.com
Wed Feb 24 23:51:28 CST 2010
Dear Marilyn,
Thank you for stating what many of us have assumed is true.
Evelyn Kurihara Philbrook
marilyncrocker wrote:
> Hi Marshall, Charles, Randy, Terry, et al,
> I just wanted to weigh in on this provocative discussion. Yes, the
> /academic, publishing, intellectual properties/ contexts have indeed
> shifted in the 20 plus years since the 1988 "Diaspora."
> I was always of the understanding of Charles and Jeanette, that all
> our constructs were created and offered to all.
> However, when I began to work with folks in academe, specifically the
> National Association of State Directors of Special Education (NASDE),
> and suggested the "triangles" as the conceptual framework for
> Education Accountability -- and then we did the work of thinking
> through the dynamics of "creates, limits, sustains" for each
> relationship -- my clients wanted to publish their version of the
> triangles, and requested the origin of the conceptual model, which I
> offered as the Ecumenical Institute.
> This original work led to three Wingspread Conferences, all based on
> the "triangle" as our conceptual framework, but taken down to lower
> levels re: implementation of free and appropriate education for all
> students with disabilities and their families. Again, reference was
> given in published documents to the EI for the conceptual framework.
> As a consultant who brought with me, like skin, "all our screens" in
> doing my work, I would have been less concerned about documenting
> references, but the rest of the world works differently. I needed to
> learn that it was important to document "what I said worked, and how,
> and why. and according to whom!" Our OE mode of research was
> different, more organic, deeply experiential, less dependent upon
> measurable data, more informed by rich, qualitative input,
> triangulated multiple times, across a myriad of cultures.
> I am comfortable walking the razor's edge -- if there is actually
> one: bowing to those who require footnotes and bibliographical
> entries re: all our vast corporate OE/ICA/EI wisdom ; or, just
> sharing wisdom, life experience, lessons learned, shaped around
> concepts like the Bug, the Pentagon, the 144s, the SP triangles, etc.
> I'm guessing, that if someone decided to claim _our_ work as their
> own, and prevent _any of us or others_ from ever using it again, we
> might rise up as a mighty force and do as the common folks of 36
> counties in Massachusetts did in pre-revolutionary times when they
> stood over against the "Intolerable Acts" and say absolutely "NO!"
> And with good reason.
> Peace and love to you, my dear colleagues,
> Marilyn
> On Wed, 24 Feb 2010 13:47:43 -0800 (PST) "W. J." <synergi at yahoo.com
> <mailto:synergi at yahoo.com>> writes:
> In order to control or authorize use of intellectual property, you
> have first to be able to claim copyright. That's why we printed a
> (possibly defective) copyright notice on the Social Process
> Triangles in 1971. This gives notice of ICA's intent to actually
> submit copyright documents to the Library of Congress (which of
> course we never did--nor does almost anyone else except Hollywood)
> and to defend against copyright violations, including false
> authorship claims from others and unauthorized changes/usage, by
> threatening or engaging in a civil lawsuit--which we have never
> needed to do.
> Most copyright violation lawsuits seem to be over 'piracy' or
> unauthorized reproduction of goods worth multimillions of dollars,
> or the creation of a black market which deprives copyright owners
> of significant unrealized income.
> Strangely, the ICA-USA's previous board of directors (before the
> recent 'regime change' or mass departure of the recently dominant
> faction) seemed to be obsessed with defending their imagined
> 'intellectual property rights' from unauthorized use--by us!
> Smelled to me like a corporatist mindset had taken over the board.
> Thankfully they're gone. Maybe the new board would like to clarify
> their new stance.
> Marshall
> Charles, indeed we 'ripped off' a lot of theologians and other
> authors in the old days, but one could make the point that in
> popularizing their work we gave those guys a lot of free publicity
> and thus increased their book sales. Tillich, Boulding, cummings,
> Hesse et al should be grateful.
> Sometimes we played by the rules. I got a letter signed by Aaron
> Copeland giving us his permission to use 'Fanfare for the Common
> Man' without paying a licensing fee.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* R Williams <rcwmbw at yahoo.com>
> *To:* Order Ecumenical Community <oe at wedgeblade.net>
> *Sent:* Wed, February 24, 2010 5:07:54 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [Oe List ...] IP rights to Social Process Triangles
> Charles,
> I agree with everything you say. However, it may be that the
> ICA needs to assure that someone other than the ICA does not claim
> proprietary rights to the material and then try to restrict the
> right of all of us to use it. ICA's intent then would be to
> protect if _for_ our use rather than to prohibit if _from_ being
> used by others.
> Randy
> --- On *Tue, 2/23/10, Charles or Doris Hahn /<cdhahn at flash.net>/*
> wrote:
> From: Charles or Doris Hahn <cdhahn at flash.net>
> Subject: Re: [Oe List ...] IP rights to Social Process Triangles
> To: "Order Ecumenical Community" <oe at wedgeblade.net>
> Date: Tuesday, February 23, 2010, 9:08 PM
> I find this chatter really interesting. When we were working
> on all those projects, we just assumed that the products,
> i.e. the Social Process Triangles, the New Religious Mode,
> etc. belonged to the world. How many papers or chapters of
> books did we use in our courses without secureing permission,
> and giving only the authors name. It seems to me that we
> should be generous enough to ask only that the The Institute
> of Cultural Affairs be mentioned or credited. I cannot
> believe that we would stick to the letter of the law on
> getting permission and giving total copyright documentation.
> The stuff is yours and mine, and it belongs to humankind.
> Charles Hahn
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Wilson Priscilla <Pris at TeamTechPress.com>
> *To:* Order Ecumenical Community <oe at wedgeblade.net>
> *Sent:* Tue, February 23, 2010 5:06:26 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [Oe List ...] IP rights to Social Process Triangles
> I used the triangles in /The Facilitative Way./..giving credit
> to the international research of the Institute of Cultural
> Affairs. Jenkins have a whole book on the triangles titled
> /The Social Process Triangles/. We checked with Lyn Edwards
> before printing /The Facilitative Way/ and she gave her
> "permission."
> So many people worked on creating those...they have to be
> "corporate" property.
> When we worked on /The Facilitative Way/ we changed some
> titles, but kept the dynamics the same. We've been told that
> our chapter on the triangles is very helpful. We listened to
> clients when working on titles.
> Priscilla Wilson
> On Feb 23, 2010, at 3:51 PM, Herman Greene wrote:
>> Is their any problem in using the social process triangles?
>> Is anyone claiming a copyright to the triangles?
>> Thanks,
>> Herman
>> _______________________________________________
>> Herman F. Greene, Esq.
>> Greene Law, PLLC
>> 2516 Winningham Drive
>> Chapel Hill, NC 27516
>> 919-624-0579 (ph)
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>> Skype: hgreene-nc
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>> www.greenelawnc.com
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> Priscilla Wilson
> Mission Hills, KS
> 913-522-3004
> Pris at TeamTechPress.com
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> Marilyn R. Crocker, Ed.D
> Crocker & Associates, Inc.
> 123 Sanborn Road
> West Newfield, ME 04095
> (207) 793-3711
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