[Oe List ...] FW: [earthrise] Reflection & News of Elise Boulding's death

McCabe, Diann A dm14 at txstate.edu
Mon Jul 5 09:50:37 CDT 2010

Thank you, Lynda

On 7/4/10 6:53 PM, "Lynda Cock" <llc860 at triad.rr.com> wrote:

Shortly after sending this reflection to the Earthrise list, I received the message from Claire Whitney.  There is also a great write-up in the NY Times, but I couldn't get it to forward.   With gratitude for the many whose lives have marked ours.  Lynda

From: Clare Whitney [mailto:cla9ken8 at ecentral.com]
Sent: Sunday, July 04, 2010 5:32 PM
To: Lynda Cock
Subject: Re: [earthrise] Reflection

Dear Lynda,  A wonderful witness, thank you.  Elise Boulding died this week at a great age.  She was quite an amazing woman in her own right.  Her obituary is at Denverpost.com if you would like to read it.  Clare

----- Original Message -----

From:  Lynda Cock <mailto:LLC860 at triad.rr.com>

To: earthrise at yahoogroups.com

Sent: Sunday, July 04, 2010 2:54 PM

Subject: [earthrise] Reflection

A Memorable  Year: 2010: 70th birthday, July 2, and our 50th  anniversary, August 21

Kenneth Boulding has  played an important part in our intellectual life in the Order.   For me, he was mostly known for his defining role in the Imaginal  Education course that was designed and taught by our Teachers'  Guild.

For my  70th birthday, my dear husband gave me a little book of poetry by  Boulding:  Sonnets from Later Life 1981-1993, with  these two special poems marked among many others.  Noting  the similarity of both the birth date and the anniversary date, I felt a  special kinship with Elise Boulding who, like me, was the recipient of her  husband's poetic gifts.

In his declining  health, Boulding found the confines of the sonnet matched his energies,  forcing him to articulate his brooding succinctly, and allowing his Muse to  continue to speak.  (I highly recommend the entire book as  he continues to reflect upon "aging and disability, time's thievery ... turning  all these negativities into opportunities" for continued growth.)

"Sonnet for My Wife  Elise on the Occasion of her Seventieth Birthday" (6 July, 1990)

Seventy is a  kind of magic number,

When life, for  some, is thought to reach its peak;

For others,  like yourself, it's a mystique

That merely  lifts the shackles that encumber

Our earlier  years, that tie to us useless lumber,

Obscuring what  we really need to seek.

It is a  vision, and a call to speak

Of new  awakenings, and not of slumber.

To this I  testify!  My seventies

Have been the  richest decade of my life,

And I am sure  that you, beloved wife,

Will find the  same sweet freedom in the breeze

    That has upheld  our wings these precious years

    And brought  amazing joy beyond tears.

(p. 139)

As I reflected with  John, our sons and their wives and celebrated with our nine delightful  energetic grandchildren, I take heart in Boulding's declaration of his 70's as  the richest decade of his life and look forward to the continued journey of  "new awakenings".

"Sonnet for the Golden  Wedding of Kenneth and Elise Boulding" (31 August, 1991)

My mind swings  back to that first day we met,

When Love's  clear holy light flared up between us.

After that  meeting, nothing could demean us,

And after  fifty years it's shining yet.

Then Love  committed, bravely did beget

A wondrous  tribe-something poor shell-bound Venus

Could not  achieve, til You-I came to mean Us,

Beyond the  reach of life's turmoil and fret.

So have we  lived upon a rich plateau;

True, life  together is not without its cliffs-

Misunderstandings, separations,  tiffs

Can slope  toward a precipice below,

    But love, true  love, always turned us around,

    And here we  stand, still on love's holy ground.

(p. 140)

I share the first  sonnet with those among you who are in or approaching your 70th  year. The second one I share with special thoughts of Nancy and Fred Lanphear,  who are celebrating their 51st this day, July 4.   We consider Fred and Nancy part of our family for the meaning-filled  task they assumed in helping raise our son John (and many others) in his years  in the Phase I program of the Order:Ecumenical.  Their  journey, especially these past few years, together and as a family through  sickness and health into the Awe-filled future serves as a powerful witness  and guide to the rest of us.  I am forever filled with  gratitude for the gifts of the colleagues we share and whose lives bless ours  through this community.

~Lynda Cock,  Greensboro, NC, with deep thanks to my  husband John for this very special reflective gift.


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